A NICU Nurse Becomes a New Mom

Ivette Najm has worked as a nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford for nearly one year, so she’s well aware of the high-quality medical care that the unit provides to babies in distress.

Storytime at NICU

Stanford researchers seek to demonstrate how parents talking can influence healthy development in preterm babies.

News about Newborns, Delivered Each Morning

For parents dealing with a sick newborn, access to their baby’s condition needs to be clear and immediate. While conversations with the physician or nurse are a key source of information, Packard Children’s found another way to keep parents updated and in the loop.

A Rocky Start

Katie Jo Shuman pitches for her school’s softball team, and loves basketball and soccer. She also has an artistic, entrepreneurial streak: One of her hobbies is designing and selling jewelry for good causes.