[go: nahoru, domu]

William Blake (London, 28 de novembre 1757 - London, 12 de augusto 1827) esseva un poeta, pictor e mystico anglese.

William Blake
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1757-11-28, 1757 (London)
Decesso 1827-08-12, 1827 (London)
Loco de reposo Bunhill Fields Burial Ground[*]
Ethnicitate gente anglese[*]
Citatania United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland[*], Kingdom of Great Britain[*]
Educate in Royal Academy Schools[*], Henry Pars Drawing School[*]
Occupation pictor[*], poeta[*], theologo[*], collector[*], printmaker[*], illustrator[*], philosopho[*], lithographer[*], artista graphic[*], printer[*], designator[*], scriptor, sculptor[*], librettista[*]
Obras notabile The Marriage of Heaven and Hell[*], Jerusalem[*], Songs of Innocence and of Experience[*], Vala, or The Four Zoas[*], Jerusalem The Emanation of the Giant Albion[*], Milton[*], The Ancient of Days[*]
Conjuge Catherine Blake[*]
Parentes matre Catherine Hermitage[*] patre James Blake[*]
Fratres/sorores Robert Blake[*], James Blake[*], John Blake[*], Jimmy Solís Delgado[*], Catherine Elizabeth Blake[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 000000012096135X
VIAF 54144439
IMDB nm0086759
Commons William Blake

William Blake, nascite le 28 novembre 1757 in London ubi ille etiam moriva le 12 augusto 1827, es un artista pictor, gravator e poeta pre-romantic britannic.

Quanquam considerate qua pictor — ille pingeva alicun tableaux per oleo, preferente le aquarella e le designo, usque mesmo le gravure e le lithographia —, ille super toto consecrava se al poesia. Ille es le autor de un obra inspirate per visiones biblic con character prophetic. Su hallucinate stilo es moderne e le distingue ab su pares, mesmo si su themas son classic.