[go: nahoru, domu]

Organisation of the INPN

Presentation of the management body of the INPN and its governing bodies, as well as the missions of the editorial committee of the INPN, a committee implemented within the framework of the 2022 national governance of the Natural heritage inventory information system (SINP).

The INPN editorial committee and its missions

The INPN editorial committee proposes and organises the principals of dissemination, valorisation and promotion of the information and data published on the INPN website. The editorial committee of the INPN is one of the governing bodies of the SINP. It is qualified to:

  • propose the annual road-map and work schedule of the dissemination portal of the INPN and the annual activity report to the steering committee (copil) of the SINP;
  • propose the main principals of content production and their validation modalities, especially with regard to target users, to the copil;
  • ensure that user feedback on the information published on the INPN is taken into account;
  • give opinions on the new key figures, summaries and valorisations;
  • validate project groups mandates in keeping with their scope and monitor their work; the editorial committee validates a priori the deliverables of these groups; it then reports the works of the SINP copil a posteriori;
  • ensure the application of proposed guidelines within the framework of the technical coordination group of the BIS portals in conjunction with the editorial committees of the SIB and the ONB.

The INPN editorial committee is a technical decision body managed by PatriNat. In order to allow balanced and varied representation, special care is taken to maintain a variety of represented partners: associations, public establishments, state services and research institutions, etc. The committee convenes at least once a year.

For more information

SINP steering committee (mandate, reports)

INPN editorial committee (mandate, reports):

The PatriNat unit, management body

Positioned at the interface between scientific research and the decision makers, the Natural heritage (PatriNat) unit works in partnership with the ensemble of biodiversity bodies to reply to the implementation of the natural heritage inventory and ensure the development of the INPN national platform. PatriNat is responsible for the pooling and optimisation of the collection, validation, valorisation and dissemination of information regarding French natural heritage (biodiversity and geodiversity). This dissemination respects the data producers by ensuring complete traceability as to the origin of the data.

As the natural heritage expertise and data centre, PatriNat is a support and research unit under the governance of the French biodiversity agency (OFB), and the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN), the the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD).

For more information

PatriNat unit website

The governing bodies

Three governing bodies provide oversight of the INPN

OFB French biodiversity agency
(Office français de la biodiversité (OFB))
MNHN National Museum of Natural History
(Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN))
Ministry of Ecological Transition<br(Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires)" title="Ministry of Ecological Transition
(Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires)"/>
Ministry of Ecological Transition
(Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires)

The partner bodies

Information published on the INPN comes from various national programmes and data provided by a combination of partners.

For more information

View the list of partners

Steering committee (2012-2019)

Between 2012 and 2019, the INPN steering committee was the place for discussion and dialogue regarding the INPN. Its primary missions were to solidify the transversal role of the INPN and to improve the operation of the scheme, putting in place a better governance by evolving the tools according to the requirements of different partners.

Reports and presentations of each steering committee:









Editorial committee (2016)

In 2016, at the request of the INPN steering committee, an editorial committee was organised with, as it?s primary objective, to specify and orientate the editorial and navigational concepts of the INPN. The committee convened for a single occasion.

Report of the editorial committee