[go: nahoru, domu]


Q&A on Technical Conformity Mark
 Q&A on Technical Conformity Mark

UL Japan, Inc. was registered as “Registered Certification Body” under the Japan Radio Law on March 28, 2005 by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications. With this registration, we started services for certification of conformity with technical regulations (test certification) and certification for construction design of specified radio equipment (type certification) for specific radio equipment from April 1, 2005.

With expansion of accredited scope, from December 1, 2007, we also started services for certification of conformity with test certification and type certification for specified radio equipment to a blanket license and other specified radio equipment.

We had been providing testing service for certification of radio equipment as an “Attested Private Inspector”, and with this registration, we can provide one stop service from testing to certification.

For specified radio equipment certification services, please refer to following links.

Scope of our Certification Services


You can find types of specified radio equipment to a blanket license and other specified radio equipment form the following URL of MIC.


For test certification and type certification services for above equipment, please contact us.

More information on the technical regulations conformity certification system for the radio equipment in Japan can be obtained from the following URL of MIC.


Please contact us at the following address if you have any questions concerning certification test and type certification service.
UL Japan, Inc.
Consumer, Medical & Information Technologies Division, Radio Certification Section
e-mail: emc.jp@ul.com
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken, 516-0021 Japan