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RecycleView Data Model

New in version 1.10.0.

The data model part of the RecycleView model-view-controller pattern.

It defines the models (classes) that store the data associated with a RecycleViewBehavior. Each model (class) determines how the data is stored and emits requests to the controller (RecycleViewBehavior) when the data is modified.

class kivy.uix.recycleview.datamodel.RecycleDataModel(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: kivy.uix.recycleview.datamodel.RecycleDataModelBehavior, kivy.event.EventDispatcher

An implementation of RecycleDataModelBehavior that keeps the data in a indexable list. See data.

When data changes this class currently dispatches on_data_changed with one of the following additional keyword arguments.

none: no keyword argument

With no additional argument it means a generic data change.

removed: a slice or integer

The value is a slice or integer indicating the indices removed.

appended: a slice

The slice in data indicating the first and last new items (i.e. the slice pointing to the new items added at the end).

inserted: a integer

The index in data where a new data item was inserted.

modified: a slice

The slice with the indices where the data has been modified. This currently does not allow changing of size etc.


Associates a RecycleViewBehavior with this data model.


Stores the model’s data using a list.

The data for a item at index i can also be accessed with RecycleDataModel [i].


Removes the RecycleViewBehavior associated with this data model.

property observable_dict

A dictionary instance, which when modified will trigger a data and consequently an on_data_changed dispatch.

class kivy.uix.recycleview.datamodel.RecycleDataModelBehavior[source]

Bases: builtins.object

RecycleDataModelBehavior is the base class for the models that describes and provides the data for the RecycleViewBehavior.


Fired when the data changes. The event may dispatch keyword arguments specific to each implementation of the data model. When dispatched, the event and keyword arguments are forwarded to refresh_from_data().


Associates a RecycleViewBehavior with this data model.


Removes the RecycleViewBehavior associated with this data model.


The RecycleViewBehavior instance associated with this data model.