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Reviewing Abstracts

This short video explains the Abstract Review process and the Judge's role in Indico:

Read about this process in detail below.

As an abstract Reviewer

From the event display view, as an event manager with a Reviewer role, click on the Reviewer area. See the tracks you are a Reviewer of, hover over the area, see how many tracks contain Abstracts pending for Review, click on the track.

Click on the Abstract’s name.

On the Reviewing page, as a Reviewer, you may leave feedback on the Abstract in the Review option. The Judge option means to effectively Accept or Reject an Abstract, based on the various reviews.

To leave a comment, as a Reviewer, scroll down the page and click on Review on the right.

Give a Rating in number for each question, defined in advance by the event manager. If you select to Accept an Abstract, you may choose its Type, for example as a Poster and leave review comments, if you want, Click on Submit review.

Remember that the Conveners defined by the event manager(s) have privileged access to all reviews in their tracks.

As an Abstract Judge

Judges can decide to Accept or Reject Abstracts based on the reviews available.

As a Judge, at the bottom of the reviewing area page, you can select: - The option corresponding to your decision, for example Accept, - The track the Abstract will be accepted in, - The type, for example Oral.

Finally, you can write some additional comments in the comment box, and decide if you want to notify the Abstract Submitter of your decision. As a Judge you may Reject an Abstract even if all Reviewers have given positive comments and grades.

Click on Judge to confirm.

Abstract management

From the event management page, click on Call for Abstracts on the left banner, under Workflows. Click on Manage on the right of the List of abstracts.

As an event manager, you will see the list of all Abstracts and their status. The options at the top offer customisation possibilities, where you can decide the display criteria of this list. As the Conference event manager you may, with your privileges, undo all Judges’ decisions about Abstract acceptance.

If you click on the boxes of several Abstracts and you have the privileges, you may judge several of them in one go.

More options are offered on the same line, for example to export the selected abstracts in various document formats (pdf, excel, etc.).