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Viewing abuse filter 13: wrong statement for gender property

Editing filter 13
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Filter ID:13


(publicly viewable)
Filter group:
Statistics:Of the last 692,535 actions, this filter has matched 10 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.19 ms, and it consumes 2.1 conditions of the condition limit.
page_namespace == 0 & summary rlike '\bwbsetclaim-(cre|upd)ate\b' & '[[Property:P21]]:' in summary & ( values := '43445|44148|48270|179294|189125|207959|301702|350374|505371|660882|746411|1052281|1097630|1289754|1399232|2449503|3177577|3277905|65810(72|97)|7130936|12964198|1514577[89]|16674976|18116794|27679(684|766)|28873047|52261234|64017034'; summary_values := '\[\[Q(' + values + ')\]\]|somevalue|novalue'; wikitext_values := '\n(item\n' + values + '|somevalue|novalue)\n'; ! summary rlike summary_values & (old_wikitext rlike wikitext_values | ! old_wikitext rlike '\nP21\n' ) ) &! equals_to_any(page_title, "Q4115189", "Q13406268", "Q15397819")
Filter last modified:21:19, 18 June 2020 by Nikki (talk | contribs)
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