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Viewing abuse filter 47: Hello! filter

Editing filter 47
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Filter ID:47


(publicly viewable)
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Statistics:Of the last 687,286 actions, this filter has matched 1 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.1 ms, and it consumes 0 conditions of the condition limit.
! contains_any(user_groups, 'bot', 'confirmed') & summary rlike '\bwb(set(label|description|aliases)-(add|set)|setlabeldescriptionaliases|editentity-update-languages-short)\b' & (hello := '(^|\s)(ahoj|h[ae]lo|hej|hi|hola|привет)\W*?(\s|$)'; rmdoubles(lcase(added_lines)) rlike hello &! rmdoubles(lcase(old_wikitext)) rlike hello ) &! equals_to_any(page_prefixedtitle, 'Q4115189', 'Q13406268', 'Q15397819')
Filter last modified:11:54, 29 March 2024 by Matěj Suchánek (talk | contribs)
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