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Viewing abuse filter 48: Adding non-latin script language description in latin script

Editing filter 48
Filter parameters
Filter ID:48


(publicly viewable)
Filter group:
Statistics:Of the last 698,528 actions, this filter has matched 3 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.16 ms, and it consumes 2.1 conditions of the condition limit.
( page_namespace == 0 | page_namespace == 120 ) & summary rlike "\bwbsetdescription-(add|set):1\|+?([a-z]+-(arab|cyrl|hans|hant)|ab|alt|am|anp|ar|arc|arq|ary|arz|as|ba|be|be-tarask|bg|bh|bn|bo|bpy|bxr|chr|ckb|cr|cv|dv|dz|el|fa|gan|glk|got|gu|hak|he|hi|hy|ii|iu|ja|ka|kbd|kk|km|kn|ko|koi|krc|ks|kv|ky|lbe|lez|lo|mai|mdf|mhr|mk|ml|mn|mo|mr|mrj|my|myv|mzn|ne|new|nod|nog|or|os|ota|pa|pnb|pnt|ps|ru|rue|sa|sah|sd|si|sr-ec|ta|te|tg|th|ti|tt|tyv|udm|ug|uk|ur|wuu|xmf|yi|zh|zh-classical|zh-cn|zh-hk|zh-sg|zh-tw)\b" &! '-latn ' in summary & lcase(added_lines) rlike "^[a-z ,]+$" &! equals_to_any(page_title, "Q4115189", "Q13406268", "Q15397819")
Filter last modified:10:36, 3 September 2023 by Matěj Suchánek (talk | contribs)
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