Little Dean,Forest of Dean,Gloucestershire Alice Isaac and her dog Gigi in their home which if being invaded with bamboo from the next door property owned by Brian Griffin.Pictures show Alice with patch she has cleared and the bamboo growing over the fence next door.
Alice Isaac and her dog Gigi at their home in Gloucestershire, where a neighbour’s bamboo has apparently worked its way into Alice’s property (Picture: Marc Gildings)

The stress of battling invasive and rapidly growing bamboo has pushed a homeowner almost to the brink of illness. 

Financial analyst Alice Isaac, 42, bought her property in rural Gloucestershire last year for roughly £173,000. 

At the time she claims not even to have noticed the bamboo growing in her neighbour’s garden. 

Now, she says that the pest plant has spread so quickly it’s started actually growing into the interior of her new home, MailOnline reports.  

Alice said: ‘The bamboo tendrils are growing at a rate of five inches a day. 

‘Bamboo really is the new Japanese knotweed. The stress of my situation is making me ill.’

The homeowner is concerned that if the bamboo continues growing at its present rate, it may begin to affect the foundations of her house. 

A homeowner has told how she has been driven to despair by invasive bamboo which is so fast-growing and hard to remove that it has now started sprouting inside her house. Alice Isaac, 42, only bought her ?forever home? a year ago but her long-cherished property dream has now been turned into a nightmare because of the invasive plant coming from next door. Financial analyst Alice paid ?173,000 for the end-of-terraced property in rural Gloucestershire where she lives with her two-year-old whippet cross Gigi. She hadn?t even noticed the bamboo in nextdoor?s garden until the spring of this year when it started bursting through the garden fence onto her plot. And she started worrying when she saw the shoots spreading across her garden towards her house, which was built in 1909. Since she first noticed it the problem has accelerated dramatically and this month she has even found shoots appearing inside her house - in her downstairs toilet Now she fears the plant is affecting the foundations of her home and could render it uninhabitable. She is now locked in a war of words with the owner of the property next door where the invasion stemmed from - and is contemplating legal action. Bamboo invasion from useless ignorant neighbour not doing anything help needed I have almost 200 photos saved under an album bamboo but here are just some more of what it was before I spent hours of my life and injuring my arms cutting it back I have also included the photos of my scratched arms It?s been awful absolutely awful and now it?s penetrated the concrete right next to my house
Alice says she’s been driven to despair by how far the bamboo has spread into her home and the impact the pest plant is having on her daily life (Picture: Marc Gildings)

She says she has no quarrel with the couple renting the house next door, in the village of Littledean in the Forest of Dean. 

Her problem is with their landlord, who she accuses of not taking the issue seriously.

Alice said: ‘I’ve tried to engage with the man whose bamboo has crept onto my property but he’s not treating it seriously. 

‘I’m five foot nothing, if I was married to a burly wrestler he wouldn’t be behaving like this. He’s taking advantage of a single woman living on her own.’

A homeowner has told how she has been driven to despair by invasive bamboo which is so fast-growing and hard to remove that it has now started sprouting inside her house. Alice Isaac, 42, only bought her ???forever home??? a year ago but her long-cherished property dream has now been turned into a nightmare because of the invasive plant coming from next door. Financial analyst Alice paid ??173,000 for the end-of-terraced property in rural Gloucestershire where she lives with her two-year-old whippet cross Gigi. She hadn???t even noticed the bamboo in nextdoor???s garden until the spring of this year when it started bursting through the garden fence onto her plot. And she started worrying when she saw the shoots spreading across her garden towards her house, which was built in 1909. Since she first noticed it the problem has accelerated dramatically and this month she has even found shoots appearing inside her house - in her downstairs toilet Now she fears the plant is affecting the foundations of her home and could render it uninhabitable. She is now locked in a war of words with the owner of the property next door where the invasion stemmed from - and is contemplating legal action. Bamboo invasion from useless ignorant neighbour not doing anything help needed I have almost 200 photos saved under an album bamboo but here are just some more of what it was before I spent hours of my life and injuring my arms cutting it back I have also included the photos of my scratched arms It???s been awful absolutely awful and now it???s penetrated the concrete right next to my house
Alice says she barely noticed the bamboo plant when she purchased the property last year (Picture: Alice Isaac)

She added: ‘I’ve sent him photographs of the bamboo growing and damaging my home. My garden wall is crumbling – I’ve sent him the screenshots.

‘I’ve done so much research and the law is on my side if plants come onto your land and do damage.

‘I hope to sort this out amicably, I didn’t want to go down the legal route but I have no choice.’

Brian Griffin, 68, who owns the house next door, told MailOnline: ‘We have had a discussion with her and set out what we can do. It’s not got into her downstairs toilet as far as I’m aware. 

‘But I don’t really have any comment to make.’

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