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The future is personal
Boost engagement, conversion, and retention with fully personalized media
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What is personalized media?

Our work
King Price
Orange Bowl

We are a hands-on, end-to-end, media automation partner, consisting of

The brain machine

Our cloud-based automation platform takes data from any source - like CRM, CDP, API, forms, CSV upload portals -  runs it through media templates, generates the individual pieces of media, packages it, and sends those back to client to distribute, in email, whatsapp, web, or in-app.
We’ve got you covered

As an automation partner, we build unique solutions around your needs and tech stack. We meet you where you are, developing the necessary parts to connect the dots and get you running - from data integration, to automation and delivery, to front-end applications.
+ development
Where the rubber meets the road

Impressive tech and personalization strategy mean nothing if you’re not crafting a beautiful and meaningful moment with the end user. Our design and animation studio have a deep understanding of personalization and moments that stand out to make the most of your personalized campaigns.
Full design
+ animation

We work well with

  • Companies or brands using CRMs or CDPs for personalization
  • Growth marketers and consultants specialising in data-driven or performance marketing
  • Agencies building personalized or intelligent campaigns at scale
How it works
Sprint zero
Media building
Dev + integration
Why it matters
Personalization is a force multiplier—and business necessity— one that more than 70 percent of consumers now consider a basic expectation.

Organizations able to build and activate the capability at scale can put customer lifetime value on a new trajectory—driving double-digit revenue growth, superior retention, and richer, more nurturing long-term relationships.

/ McKinsey&Co - Personalization Report 2021
Link to report↗
of consumers expect
of consumers get frustrated when they don't find it
These are some results from different personalized campaigns
Interaction on personalized vs generic media
Lift in click-through rate with personalized media in email
Plays-to-visits on personalized video in website
What they say
The results were phenomenal. Service stats improved by nearly 30% and the service providers started to engage regularly with our procurement team.

Multiplied created a super-efficient, effective, and cost-effective way for us to communicate with multiple Service Providers simultaneously whilst still individualising each message for the intended recipient.
/ Bernard Swart - Guardrisk General Insurance