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nLab anti de Sitter spacetime (Rev #10, changes)

Showing changes from revision #9 to #10: Added | Removed | Changed


Riemannian geometry




Up to isometry, the anti de Sitter spacetime of dimension d+1d + 1 is the pseudo-Riemannian manifold whose underlying manifold is the submanifold of the Cartesian space d+2\mathbb{R}^{d+2} that solves the equation

i=1 d+1(x i) 2(x d+2) 2=0 \sum_{i = 1}^{d+1} (x^i)^2 - (x^{d+2})^2 = 0

and equipped with the metric induced from the ambient metric

g= i=1 d+1dx idx idx i+1dx i+t, g = \sum_{i = 1}^{d+1} d x^i \otimes d x^i - d x^{i+1} \otimes d x^{i+t} \,,

where x i: d+2x^i\colon \mathbb{R}^{d+2} \to \mathbb{R} denote the canonical coordinates on a Cartesian space.


Conformal boundary



Asymptotically ant-de Sitter spaces play a central role in the realization of the holographic principle by AdS/CFT correspondence.


Revision on August 20, 2015 at 20:28:11 by Urs Schreiber See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.