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nLab valuation (measure theory) (Rev #3, changes)

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This page is about valuation in measure theory. For valuation in algebra (on rings/fields) see at valuation.



A valuation is a construction analogous to that of a measure, which is however more compatible with constructive mathematics, and readily generalizable to contexts such as point-free topology.


Valuations on lattices

Let LL be a lattice with a bottom element\bottombottom . A element\bottom. A valuation or evaluation on LL is a mapν:L 0\nu:L\to\mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}map ν:L 0\nu \colon L\to\mathbb{R}_{\ge 0} with the following properties:

  • Monotonicity: for all x,yx,y in LL, xyx\le y implies ν(x)ν(y)\nu(x)\le\nu(y);

  • Strictness (or unitality): ν()=0\nu(\bottom)=0;

  • Modularity: for all x,yx,y in LL,

ν(x)+ν(y)=ν(xy)+ν(xy). \nu(x) + \nu(y) = \nu(x \vee y) + \nu(x \wedge y) .

The real line can be replaced, depending on the context, by the space ofreal line can be replaced, depending on the context, by the space of lower reals (see for example Vickers).

Moreover, we call a valuation continuous if the following property holds, which is an instance of Scott continuity, as well as of $\tau$-smoothness:

  • Continuity : for every directed net{x λ} λΛ\{x_\lambda\}_{\lambda\in\Lambda}directed inLLnet {x λ} λΛ\{x_\lambda\}_{\lambda\in\Lambda} in LL admitting a supremum,
ν(sup λx λ)=sup λν(x λ). \nu \big( \sup_{\lambda} x_\lambda \big) = \sup_\lambda \nu(x_\lambda) .

Valuations on locales and topological spaces

Let LL be a locale. Then a valuation onLLlocale . is Then by definition a valuation on itsLL is by definition a valuation on its frame 𝒪(L)\mathcal{O}(L) . In particular, a valuation on a topological space is a valuation on the lattice of its open sets.topological space is a valuation on the lattice of its open sets.


Dirac valuation

Let XX be a topological space, and let xXx\in X be a point. The Dirac valuation at xx maps an open set UXU\subseteq X to 11 if xUx\in U, and to 00 otherwise.

Borel measures

Let XX be a topological space, and let μ\mu be a measure defined on the Borel $\sigma$-algebra of XX. Then the restriction of μ\mu to the open subsets of XX is a valuation. The valuation is continuous if and only if μ\mu is $\tau$-smooth.




See also

Revision on January 14, 2019 at 15:53:55 by Urs Schreiber See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.