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nLab automorphism (changes)

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An automorphism of an object xx in a category CC is an isomorphism f:xxf : x \to x. In other words, an automorphism is an endomorphism that is an isomorphism.

Automorphism group

Given an object xx, the automorphisms of xx form a group under composition, the automorphism group of xx, which is a submonoid of the endomorphism monoid of xx:

Aut C(x)=End C(x)Iso(C)=Iso C(x,x), Aut_C(x) = End_C(x) \cap Iso(C) = Iso_C(x,x) ,

which may be written Aut(x)Aut(x) if the category CC is understood. Up to equivalence, every group is an automorphism group; see delooping.




  • Marshall Hall, §6 in: The Theory of Groups, Macmillan (1959), AMS Chelsea (1976), Dover (2018) [[ISBN:978-0-8218-1967-8](https://bookstore.ams.org/view?ProductCode=CHEL/288), ISBN:9780486816906]

Discussion of automorphism groups internal to sheaf toposes (“automorphism sheaves”):

  • Simon Robert Henry Friedman, MO:a/262687 John W. Morgan, §2.1 in: Automorphism sheaves, spectral covers, and the Kostant and Steinberg sections, Contemporary Mathematics 322 (2003) 217-244 [[arXiv:math/0209053](https://arxiv.org/abs/math/0209053)]

  • Robert Friedman, John W. Morgan, §2.1 in: Simon HenryAutomorphism sheaves, spectral covers, and the Kostant and Steinberg sections (2017) [[MO:a/262687](https://mathoverflow.net/a/262687/381)] [[arXiv:math/0209053](https://arxiv.org/abs/math/0209053)]

Last revised on June 26, 2024 at 07:13:38. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.