[go: nahoru, domu]

nLab interval arithmetic







Arithmetic for closed intervals of an ordered field.


Let FF be an ordered field. The closed intervals of FF can be represented by a subset of the Cartesian product set F×FF \times F:

(F){(a,b)F×F|(ab)}\mathcal{I}(F) \coloneqq \{(a, b) \in F \times F \vert (a \leq b)\}

The elements [a,b](F)[a, b] \in \mathcal{I}(F) of the set are the endpoints of the closed intervals, which we shall call intervals for short.

There is an embedding i:F(F)i:F \to \mathcal{I}(F) defined by

i(a)[a,a]i(a) \coloneqq [a, a]

Equality of intervals is defined as

([a,b]=[c,d])(a=c)×(b=d)([a, b] = [c, d]) \coloneqq (a = c) \times (b = d)

If RR has decidable equality, then (R)\mathcal{I}(R) has decidable equality as well.

Relation to the zero interval

A positive interval is defined by

([0,0]<[a,b])(0<a)([0, 0] \lt [a, b]) \coloneqq (0 \lt a)

A negative interval is defined by

([0,0]>[a,b])(0>b)([0, 0] \gt [a, b]) \coloneqq (0 \gt b)

A indefinite interval is defined by

([0,0][a,b])¬(0<a)¬(0>b)([0, 0] \sim [a, b]) \coloneqq \neg(0 \lt a) \wedge \neg(0 \gt b)

Arithmetic of intervals

Zero is defined by

0[0,0]0 \coloneqq [0, 0]

Addition is defined by

[a,b]+[c,d][a+c,b+d][a, b] + [c, d] \coloneqq [a + c, b + d]

Negation is defined by

[a,b][b,a]-[a, b] \coloneqq [-b, -a]

Subtraction is defined by

[a,b][c,d][a,b]+([c,d])=[ad,bc][a, b] - [c, d] \coloneqq [a, b] + (-[c, d]) = [a - d, b - c]

Intervals do not form an abelian group because [a,b][a,b]=[ab,ba][a, b] - [a, b] = [a - b, b - a], and [ab,ba]=0[a - b, b - a] = 0 if and only if a=ba = b. However, they do form a commutative monoid under zero and addition.

One is defined by

1[1,1]1 \coloneqq [1, 1]

Multiplication is defined by

[a,b][c,d][min(ac,ad,bc,bd),max(ac,ad,bc,bd)][a, b] \cdot [c, d] \coloneqq [\min(ac, ad, bc, bd), \max(ac, ad, bc, bd)]

Intervals form a commutative monoid under one and multiplication. Zero and multiplication also form an absorption monoid. Multiplication does not distribute over addition:

[1,2]([1,3]+[1,3])=[1,2][0,6]=[min(0,6,0,12),max(0,6,0,12)]=[0,12][1, 2] \cdot ([1, 3] + [-1, 3]) = [1, 2] \cdot [0, 6] = [\min(0, 6, 0, 12), \max(0, 6, 0, 12)] = [0, 12]
[1,2][1,3]+[1,2][1,3]=[min(1,2,3,6),max(1,2,3,6)]+[min(1,2,3,6),max(1,2,3,6)]=[1,6]+[2,6]=[1,12][1, 2] \cdot [1, 3] + [1, 2] \cdot [-1, 3] = [\min(1, 2, 3, 6), \max(1, 2, 3, 6)] + [\min(-1, -2, 3, 6), \max(-1, -2, 3, 6)] = [1, 6] + [-2, 6] = [-1, 12]
[0,12][1,12][0, 12] \neq [-1, 12]

The reciprocal is only defined for intervals that are positive or negative: 0<[a,b]0 \lt [a, b] or 0>[a,b]0 \gt [a, b], and is defined by

1/[a,b][1/b,1/a]1/[a, b] \coloneqq [1/b, 1/a]

Division is only defined for intervals in the denominator that are positive or negative: 0<[c,d]0 \lt [c, d] or 0>[c,d]0 \gt [c, d], and is defined by

[a,b]/[c,d][a,b][1/d,1/c]=[min(a/c,a/d,b/c,b/d),max(a/c,a/d,b/c,b/d)][a, b]/[c, d] \coloneqq [a, b] \cdot [1/d, 1/c] = [\min(a/c, a/d, b/c, b/d), \max(a/c, a/d, b/c, b/d)]

However, division of an interval by itself does not return the constant one: if 0<[a,b]0 \lt [a, b] or 0>[a,b]0 \gt [a, b], then

[a,b]/[a,b]=[min(a/a,a/b,b/a,b/b),max(a/a,a/b,b/a,b/b)]=[a/b,b/a][a, b]/[a, b] = [\min(a/a, a/b, b/a, b/b), \max(a/a, a/b, b/a, b/b)] = [a/b, b/a]

and [a/b,b/a]=1[a/b, b/a] = 1 if and only if a=ba = b.

Ordering of the intervals

The linear order of the rational intervals is defined as

([a,b]<[c,d])(b<c)([a, b] \lt [c, d]) \coloneqq (b \lt c)

The opposite linear order of the rational intervals is defined as

([a,b]>[c,d])(a>d)([a, b] \gt [c, d]) \coloneqq (a \gt d)

The containment relation of the rational intervals is defined as

([a,b][c,d])(ac)(bd)([a, b] \subseteq [c, d]) \coloneqq (a \geq c) \wedge (b \leq d)

The opposite containment relation of the rational intervals is defined as

([a,b][c,d])(ac)(bd)([a, b] \supseteq [c, d]) \coloneqq (a \leq c) \wedge (b \geq d)

See also

Last revised on May 12, 2022 at 13:48:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.