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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2010

    I’m beginning to regret my foray into MO, but tried asking another question.

    If you have any feedback, feel free to keep it here if you prefer. Here’s the question:

    Given a category CC with two objects and one non-identity morphism

    aba\to b

    and another similar category DD

    xyx\to y

    we can define two functors F,G:CDF,G:C\to D with

    F:ax,byF:a\mapsto x, b\mapsto y


    G:ax,bxG:a\mapsto x, b\mapsto x

    with morphisms doing the only thing they possibly can.

    A natural transformation α:FG\alpha:F\Rightarrow G would require a component α b:F(b)G(b)\alpha_b:F(b)\to G(b), but there is no morphism yxy\to x, so if I understand this correctly, there is no natural transformation from FF to GG.

    Is that correct? Is there a clear set of criteria required for there to exist a natural transformation?

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorTodd_Trimble
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2010
    • (edited Aug 16th 2010)

    My understanding is that MO is a site essentially for professional mathematicians (including graduate students or undergraduates working at a graduate level) to ask research-level questions. I’m a little surprised that Bruce Westbury reacted in quite the way he did – wouldn’t he recognize your name from the Café? – but that sort of brusqueness is of itself not surprising to me.

    Anyway, of course you are correct that there is no natural transformation for your example. Continuing the brusqueness perhaps, this is obvious.

    Beyond the definition of natural transformation, there is no general set of criteria for existence – it “is what it is”. But there are more specific situations where you can work out what the notion really means. For example, you should try to understand what it means if the domain and codomain categories are discrete categories, or more generally categories coming from posets, or coming from groups.

    It’s perhaps worth noting that the definition of natural transformation between functors F,G:CDF, G: C \to D doesn’t involve the category structure of CC at all! It only involves the category structure of DD (where the commuting naturality squares live). So for all intents and purposes, you could take CC to be merely a directed graph, and F,GF, G morphisms of directed graphs to the underlying graph of a category – the notion of natural transformation still makes sense there.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2010

    Continuing the brusqueness perhaps, this is obvious.

    No worries about brusqueness there. It is obvious to me too. I just never thought about it. It is mildly interesting (enough to ask about it).

    For example, you should try to understand what it means if the domain and codomain categories are discrete categories, or more generally categories coming from posets, or coming from groups.

    Ok. I will try. Thanks :)

    PS: Welcome back. I hope you had a great vacation :)

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2010

    By the way, I jotted this toy example down trying to find a natural transformation that doesn’t have a boundary. There actually is an endofunctor α:DD\partial\alpha:D\to D such that

    αF=G\partial\alpha\circ F = G

    but the opposite direction does not have a boundary. But even this example does not admit an actual natural transformation.

    So… there are conditions for a boundary to exist and there are also conditions (maybe not obvious or systematic ones) for a natural transformation to exist. I’m trying to get a sense for when they overlap. Still haven’t had a chance to take your advice and focus on discrete categories and posets, but wanted to quickly note the motivation before heading to bed.

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2010
    • (edited Aug 16th 2010)

    Note: I must have forgotten to hit submit the first time I wrote this. Argh.

    For example, you should try to understand what it means if the domain and codomain categories are discrete categories…

    Since discrete categories, i.e. sets, have only identity 1-morphisms, the components of any natural transformation must necessarily be identity morphisms. Therefore, with sets XX and YY and functions f,g:XYf,g:X\to Y, we must have (from the definition of natural transformation) f(x)=g(x)f(x) = g(x) for every xXx\in X, i.e. the functions must be equal. The only natural transformations are the identity 2-morphisms 1 f:ff1_f:f\Rightarrow f.

    Note that in this case, whenever the natural transformation exists, so does its boundary since

    1 ff=f\partial 1_f\circ f = f


    1 f=1 Y.\partial 1_f = 1_Y.


    … or more generally categories coming from posets

    I’ll need to think about this one some more, but by now I’ve drawn enough doodles so that I can make a reasonable conjecture that whenever a natural transformation between functors between posets is defined, so is its boundary.

    Edit: By the way, why are you so certain that no criteria exists? Couldn’t it just be that no one has ever thought of it yet? Aleks Kissinger provides his answer on MO, but the strongest statement he makes is “there are probably no conditions”.

    • CommentRowNumber6.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2010

    I can make a reasonable conjecture that whenever a natural transformation between functors between posets is defined, so is its boundary

    I’m pretty sure that this is false, so I encourage you to work out what a natural transformation is in this case.

    • CommentRowNumber7.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010
    • (edited Aug 17th 2010)

    Note: Some corrections have been made after initially posting this comment based on feedback from Toby in his subsequent comment below.

    I’m pretty sure that this is false, so I encourage you to work out what a natural transformation is in this case.

    Note: I started writing this comment hoping to provide the (admittedly weak) evidence, i.e. Cases 1-3 below, I used for the conjecture, but when I got down to Case 4, it provided a counter example, so you are correct. I’ll leave the earlier cases here because: 1.) I already typed them and 2.) I think they are somewhat interesting :)

    As in the original comment, we can start with category CC given by aba\to b and DD given by xyx\to y. Based on my understanding, we have only 3 possible functors in this scenario:

    F:ax,by,(ab)(xy)F:a\mapsto x, b\mapsto y, (a\to b)\mapsto (x\to y) G:ax,bx,(ab)1 xG:a\mapsto x, b\mapsto x, (a\to b)\mapsto 1_x H:ay,by,(ab)1 y.H:a\mapsto y, b\mapsto y, (a\to b)\mapsto 1_y.

    Let me denote “would be” natural transformations

    α:FG,β:FH,γ:GH\alpha:F\Rightarrow G, \beta:F\Rightarrow H, \gamma:G\Rightarrow H

    with “would be” natural transformations in the opposite direction by primes α\alpha', β\beta', and γ\gamma'.

    Case 1:

    We’ve already seen that α\alpha is not a natural transformation. Nonetheless, we can still define α\partial\alpha by

    α:xx,yx,(xy)1 x\partial\alpha: x\mapsto x, y\mapsto x, (x\to y)\mapsto 1_x

    so that

    αF=G.\partial\alpha\circ F = G.

    Case 2:

    There is a natural transformation β:FH\beta:F\Rightarrow H and I believe it is unique with components

    β a=(xy)\beta_a = (x\to y) β b=1 y.\beta_b = 1_y.

    The boundary is given by

    β:xy,yy,(xy)1 y\partial\beta: x\mapsto y, y\mapsto y, (x\to y)\mapsto 1_y

    so that

    βF=H.\partial\beta\circ F = H.

    Case 3:

    There is a natural transformation γ:GH\gamma:G\Rightarrow H and I believe it is unique with components

    γ a=(xy)\gamma_a = (x\to y) γ b=(xy).\gamma_b = (x\to y).

    The boundary is given by

    γ:xy,yy,(xy)1 y\partial\gamma: x \mapsto y, y \mapsto y, (x \to y) \mapsto 1_y

    so that

    γG=H.\partial\gamma\circ G = H.

    Case 4:

    There is a natural transformation α:GF\alpha':G\Rightarrow F with components

    α a=1 x\alpha'_a = 1_x α b=(xy).\alpha'_b = (x\to y).

    The boundary is given by


    Oops! There is no boundary. This is actually the first example I drew up that does not have a boundary, but then I got distracted by the fact that α\alpha was not even a natural transformation (yet had a boundary, i.e. Case 1 above) and didn’t yet observe that α\alpha' IS a natural transformation.

    This provides an example of a natural transformation that does not have a boundary.

    Good. This marks some progress.

    Edit: Since there are only two cases remaining, I might as well complete them.

    Case 5:

    β\beta' is not a natural transformation and it does not have a boundary.

    Case 6:

    γ\gamma' is not a natural transformation, but it has a boundary given by

    γ:xx,yx,(xy)1 x.\partial\gamma': x \mapsto x, y \mapsto x, (x \to y) \mapsto 1_x.

    Thanks again Toby.

    • CommentRowNumber8.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010

    I agree with everything you say except for the typo in the first line of case 2 and the boundaries of γ\gamma and γ\gamma'.

    I think that γ\partial\gamma should be (xy,yy,(xy)1 y)(x \mapsto y, y \mapsto y, (x \to y) \mapsto 1_y).

    I also think that γ\partial\gamma' exists and should be (xx,yx,(xy)1 x)(x \mapsto x, y \mapsto x, (x \to y) \mapsto 1_x).

    • CommentRowNumber9.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010
    • (edited Aug 17th 2010)

    Thanks Toby! :)

    I’ll fix the typo in Case 2.

    I don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote γ\partial\gamma. I was probably looking at the natural transformation diagram. I’ll correct it.

    I wrote γ\partial\gamma' down quickly as an afterthought. I’ll include your correction.

    Edit: So to make some observations…

    There are cases:

    • Natural transformation exists and the boundary exists
    • Natural transformation does not exist, yet the boundary exists
    • Natural transformation exists, yet the boundary does not exist
    • Neither natural transformation nor boundary exists

    In terms of numbers, it seems boundaries exist more frequently than natural transformations. This makes sense I suppose because functors are more flexible than natural transformations, which require components.

    The fact that some natural transformations exist, but do not have boundaries seems like an interesting maths problem.

    It is also interesting that 2-morphisms in (strict?) 2-groupoids always have boundaries. Or so I think…

    • CommentRowNumber10.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010
    • (edited Aug 17th 2010)

    It is also interesting that 2-morphisms in (strict?) 2-groupoids always have boundaries.

    I think that, given any natural isomorphism α:F˜G:CD\alpha\colon F \tilde{\Rightarrow} G\colon C \to D, there exists an equivalence E:DDE\colon D \to D' such that the whiskering EαE \rhd \alpha has a boundary. However, I haven’t checked in detail.

    • CommentRowNumber11.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010
    • (edited Aug 17th 2010)

    It is also interesting that 2-morphisms in (strict?) 2-groupoids always have boundaries. Or so I think…

    Although not conclusive, I just convinced myself that if we take the 2-object 1-non-identity morphism categories CC and DD above and turn them into 2-object 2-non-identity morphism groupoids by added inverse morphisms, then

    • All natural transformations α\alpha, β\beta, γ\gamma, α\alpha', β\beta', and γ\gamma' exist
    • All corresponding boundaries exist
    • CommentRowNumber12.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010

    I agree that all natural transformations exist, but I still think that α\partial\alpha' and β\partial\beta' still don’t exist (at least, not on the nose).

    Perhaps you should write down what you think α\partial\alpha' is in this case?

    • CommentRowNumber13.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010

    Convincing myself is easy. I drew one natural transformation diagram, it became obvious that all natural transformations exist, and then I grossly/erroneously extrapolated :)

    Yeah. You’re right of course. Invertibility of morphisms does not fix the boundary. α\partial\alpha' still does not exist.

    However, this pushes things forward a little I think. I’m now tempted to think that a sufficient condition for the boundary of a natural transformation to exist is that the source functor has a right inverse. This is what my gut instinct has been saying from the beginning. Sound reasonable? But then GG and HH do not have right inverses, yet γ\gamma and γ\gamma' have boundaries. It would be nice to come up with a necessary and sufficient condition. Maybe your natural isomorphism is the answer.

    • CommentRowNumber14.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010

    a sufficient condition for the boundary of a natural transformation to exist is that the source functor has a right inverse

    Do you mean a left inverse? (for the Leibniz order of composition). If FF has a left inverse FF', then GFG \circ F' is a boundary from FF to GG, since

    (GF)F=G(FF)=Gid C=G. (G \circ F') \circ F = G \circ (F' \circ F) = G \circ id_C = G .

    My talk of natural isomorphisms (and replacing DD with an equivalent category) is only another sufficient condition.

    The bottom line, as far as I can see, is that the boundaries from FF to GG (whether any exist, and how many there are) are pretty much independent of the natural transformations from FF to GG (whether any exist, and how many there are), and it doesn’t make sense to say that a boundary is a the boundary of a natural transformation.

    Anyway, I must go to bed now.

    • CommentRowNumber15.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010
    • (edited Aug 17th 2010)

    and it doesn’t make sense to say that a boundary is a the boundary of a natural transformation.

    This might be true, but I’m not so sure we should dismiss the connection too easily. After all, when the boundary of a 2-morphism α:fg\alpha:f\Rightarrow g exists and the source 1-morphism is invertible, the boundary of the 2-morphism is

    α=gf 1.\partial\alpha = g\circ f^{-1}.

    This has every right to be called “the boundary of α\alpha” because it IS the boundary of α\alpha :)

    When not dealing with groupoids, the meaning becomes less clear, but I think that in many circumstances more general than groupoids there could be a nice intuitive way to think of boundaries. After all, they provide a nice calculus from which the interchange law falls out naturally.

    • CommentRowNumber16.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010

    This has every right to be called “the boundary of α\alpha” because it IS the boundary of α\alpha :)

    What I mean is that it is not of α\alpha particularly; it is determined completely by ff and gg, even though there may be many different 22-morphisms, or none at all, from ff to gg. Furthermore, you have to bring up ff and gg before you can bring up α\alpha at all, so there is no point in even mentioning α\alpha if all that you want to talk about is gf 1g \circ f^{-1}. Yes, if you have α\alpha in hand, then ff is the source of α\alpha, gg is the target of α\alpha, and gf 1g \circ f^{-1} (assuming that ff is invertible) is the boundary of α\alpha, but these things are all more basic than α\alpha.

    Another problem is that the boundary of α\alpha is not always the boundary of α\alpha. When ff is invertible, the boundary from ff to gg is unique, but if ff has several left inverses, then gfg \circ f' will be a boundary from ff to gg whenever ff' is any left inverse of ff, and this will generally give several boundaries (and there may be yet others, and there may be several boundaries even when ff has no left inverse). And picking a natural transformation from ff to gg does nothing to help choose among the boundaries from ff to gg. That is why I say that natural transformations and boundaries are independent concepts.

    • CommentRowNumber17.
    • CommentAuthorTobyBartels
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2010

    After all, they provide a nice calculus from which the interchange law falls out naturally.

    I’ve written about that on your page now.