# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a104113 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A104113 #60 Jul 12 2023 11:12:44 %S A104113 0,1,81,100,1296,2025,3025,6724,8281,9801,10000,55225,88209,136161, %T A104113 136900,143641,171396,431649,455625,494209,571536,627264,826281, %U A104113 842724,893025,929296,980100,982081,998001,1000000,1679616,2896804,3175524,4941729,7441984 %N A104113 Numbers which when chopped into one, two or more parts, added and squared result in the same number. %C A104113 Every term is congruent to 0 or 1 modulo 9. - _Andrea Tarantini_, Sep 27 2021 %H A104113 John Drake, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..408 (terms 1..80 from Mehrad Mahmoudian, terms 81..225 from Giovanni Resta) %H A104113 Mehrad Mahmoudian, R code to produce the sequence %H A104113 Mehrad Mahmoudian, Decompositions for a(1)-a(80) %H A104113 Project Euler, Problem 719: Number Splitting (2020) %F A104113 a(n) = A038206(n)^2. - _Andrea Tarantini_, Sep 27 2021 %e A104113 1296 is a term since (1+29+6)^2 = 36^2 = 1296. %t A104113 Join[{0},Select[Select[Range@3000^2,Mod[#,9]<2&],(n=#;MemberQ[(Total/@(FromDigits/@#&/@Union[DeleteCases[SplitBy[#,#==-1&],{-1}]&/@(Insert[IntegerDigits@n,-1,#]&/@(List/@#&/@Rest@Subsets[Range@IntegerLength@n]))]))^2,#])&]] (* _Giorgos Kalogeropoulos_, Oct 28 2021 *) %o A104113 (Python) %o A104113 def expr(t, d): # can you express target t with digits d, only adding +'s %o A104113 if t < 0: return False %o A104113 if t == int(d): return True %o A104113 return any(expr(t-int(d[:i]), d[i:]) for i in range(1, len(d))) %o A104113 def aupto(limit): %o A104113 alst, k, k2 = [], 0, 0 %o A104113 while k2 <= limit: %o A104113 if expr(k, str(k2)): %o A104113 alst.append(k2) %o A104113 k, k2 = k+1, k2 + 2*k + 1 %o A104113 return alst %o A104113 print(aupto(7500000)) # _Michael S. Branicky_, Sep 27 2021 %Y A104113 Cf. A038206, A102766. %K A104113 nonn,base %O A104113 1,3 %A A104113 _Bodo Zinser_, Mar 05 2005 %E A104113 a(30) and beyond from _Mehrad Mahmoudian_, Dec 16 2019 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE