# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a264728 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A264728 #3 Nov 22 2015 11:02:22 %S A264728 1,1,1,1,2,1,1,4,3,1,2,22,48,12,1,4,154,663,474,69,1,8,931,23096, %T A264728 66528,11552,278,2,16,14160,1602048,18761472,12288000,460672,2524,4, %U A264728 48,195952,165778944 %N A264728 T(n,k)=Number of nXk arrays of permutations of 0..n*k-1 with rows nondecreasing modulo 4 and columns nondecreasing modulo 6. %C A264728 Table starts %C A264728 .1....1......1........1........2.......4.........8.....16.48 %C A264728 .1....2......4.......22......154.....931.....14160.195952 %C A264728 .1....3.....48......663....23096.1602048.165778944 %C A264728 .1...12....474....66528.18761472 %C A264728 .1...69..11552.12288000 %C A264728 .1..278.460672 %C A264728 .2.2524 %C A264728 .4 %e A264728 Some solutions for n=4 k=4 %e A264728 .12..2..6..7...12.13..1..9...12..1.14..2...12..0..1..9....0.13..2..7 %e A264728 ..0..8..1.13....0..2..7..3....6..7.15..3...13..6..7..3...12..4..8.14 %e A264728 ..9.14.10..3.... %e A264728 ..4..5.11.15....4..8..5.11....8..4.10.11....4..8..5.11....1..5..9.11 %Y A264728 Column 1 is A264701. %Y A264728 Row 1 is A264635. %K A264728 nonn,tabl %O A264728 1,5 %A A264728 _R. H. Hardin_, Nov 22 2015 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE