
HammingWindow - 17


  • name: HammingWindow (GitHub)

  • domain: main

  • since_version: 17

  • function: True

  • support_level: SupportType.COMMON

  • shape inference: True

This version of the operator has been available since version 17.


Generates a Hamming window as described in the paper https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1455106.

Function Body

The function definition for this operator.

  domain: "",
  opset_import: ["" : 17]
HammingWindow <output_datatype,periodic>(size) => (output)
   A0 = Constant <value: tensor = float {0.543478}> ()
   A1 = Constant <value: tensor = float {0.456522}> ()
   A2 = Constant <value: tensor = float {0}> ()
   Zero = Constant <value: tensor = float {0}> ()
   One = Constant <value: tensor = float {1}> ()
   Two = Constant <value: tensor = float {2}> ()
   Tau = Constant <value: tensor = float {6.28319}> ()
   Periodic_Size_FP = Cast <to: int = 1> (size)
   Symmetric_Size_FP = Sub (Periodic_Size_FP, One)
   IsPeriodic = Constant <value_int: int = @periodic> ()
   IsPeriodic_FP = Cast <to: int = 1> (IsPeriodic)
   IsSymmetric_FP = Sub (One, IsPeriodic_FP)
   Periodic_Component = Mul (Periodic_Size_FP, IsPeriodic_FP)
   Symmetric_Component = Mul (Symmetric_Size_FP, IsSymmetric_FP)
   Size_FP = Add (Periodic_Component, Symmetric_Component)
   AngularIncrement = Div (Tau, Size_FP)
   Range = Range (Zero, Periodic_Size_FP, One)
   RangeAngular = Mul (Range, AngularIncrement)
   TwoRangeAngular = Mul (RangeAngular, Two)
   CosTwoRangeAngular = Cos (TwoRangeAngular)
   A2_Component = Mul (A2, CosTwoRangeAngular)
   CosRangeAngular = Cos (RangeAngular)
   A1_Component = Mul (A1, CosRangeAngular)
   Temp0 = Sub (A0, A1_Component)
   Temp1 = Add (Temp0, A2_Component)
   output = Cast <to: int = @output_datatype> (Temp1)


  • output_datatype - INT (default is '1'):

    The data type of the output tensor. Strictly must be one of the values from DataType enum in TensorProto whose values correspond to T2. The default value is 1 = FLOAT.

  • periodic - INT (default is '1'):

    If 1, returns a window to be used as periodic function. If 0, return a symmetric window. When ‘periodic’ is specified, hann computes a window of length size + 1 and returns the first size points. The default value is 1.


  • size (heterogeneous) - T1:

    A scalar value indicating the length of the window.


  • output (heterogeneous) - T2:

    A Hamming window with length: size. The output has the shape: [size].

Type Constraints

  • T1 in ( tensor(int32), tensor(int64) ):

    Constrain the input size to int64_t.

  • T2 in ( tensor(bfloat16), tensor(double), tensor(float), tensor(float16), tensor(int16), tensor(int32), tensor(int64), tensor(int8), tensor(uint16), tensor(uint32), tensor(uint64), tensor(uint8) ):

    Constrain output types to numeric tensors.