Source code for kiwi.cli

# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH.  All rights reserved.
# This file is part of kiwi.
# kiwi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# kiwi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kiwi.  If not, see <>
usage: kiwi-ng -h | --help
       kiwi-ng [--profile=<name>...]
           image <command> [<args>...]
       kiwi-ng [--logfile=<filename>]
           result <command> [<args>...]
       kiwi-ng [--profile=<name>...]
           system <command> [<args>...]
       kiwi-ng -v | --version
       kiwi-ng help

global options:
        use colors for warning and error messages
        use specified runtime configuration file. If
        not specified the runtime configuration is looked
        up at ~/.config/kiwi/config.yml or /etc/kiwi.yml
        create a log file containing all log information including
        debug information even if this is was not requested by the
        debug switch. The special call: '--logfile stdout' sends all
        information to standard out instead of writing to a file
        send log data to the given Unix Domain socket in the same
        format as with --logfile
        specify logging level as number. Details about the
        available log levels can be found at:
        Setting a log level causes all message >= level to be
        print debug information, same as: '--loglevel 10'
        run scripts called by kiwi in a screen session
    -v --version
        show program version
        show manual page

global options for services: image, system
        profile name, multiple profiles can be selected by passing
        this option multiple times
        specify an alternative shared cache directory. The directory
        is shared via bind mount between the build host and image
        root system and contains information about package repositories
        and their cache and meta data.
        specify an alternative base temporary directory. The
        provided path is used as base directory to store temporary
        files and directories. By default /var/tmp is used.
        image build type. If not set the default XML specified
        build type will be used
        Basename of kiwi file which contains the main image
        configuration elements. If not specified kiwi searches for
        a file named config.xml or a file matching *.kiwi

global options for services: image, system
        set the image architecture. By default the host architecture is
        used as the image architecture. If the specified architecture name
        does not match the host architecture and is therefore requesting
        a cross architecture image build, it's important to understand that
        for this process to work a preparatory step to support the image
        architecture and binary format on the building host is required
        and not a responsibility of kiwi.
import logging
import sys
import os
from importlib.metadata import entry_points
from docopt import docopt

# project
from kiwi.exceptions import (
from kiwi.version import __version__
from import Help
from kiwi.defaults import Defaults

log = logging.getLogger('kiwi')

[docs] class Cli: """ **Implements the main command line interface** An instance of the Cli class builds the entry point for the application and implements methods to load further command plugins which itself provides their own command line interface """ def __init__(self): self.all_args = docopt( __doc__, version='KIWI (next generation) version ' + __version__, options_first=True ) self.command_args = self.all_args['<args>'] self.command_loaded = None
[docs] def show_and_exit_on_help_request(self): """ Execute man to show the selected manual page """ if self.all_args['help']: manual = Help()'kiwi') sys.exit(0)
[docs] def get_servicename(self): """ Extract service name from argument parse result :return: service name :rtype: str """ if self.all_args.get('image') is True: return 'image' elif self.all_args.get('system') is True: return 'system' elif self.all_args.get('result') is True: return 'result' else: raise KiwiUnknownServiceName( 'Unknown/Invalid Servicename' )
[docs] def get_command(self): """ Extract selected command name :return: command name :rtype: str """ return self.all_args['<command>']
[docs] def get_command_args(self): """ Extract argument dict for selected command :return: Contains dictionary of command arguments .. code:: python { '--command-option': 'value' } :rtype: dict """ return self._load_command_args()
[docs] def get_global_args(self): """ Extract argument dict for global arguments :return: Contains dictionary of global arguments .. code:: python { '--global-option': 'value' } :rtype: dict """ result = {} for arg, value in list(self.all_args.items()): if not arg == '<command>' and not arg == '<args>': if arg == '--type' and value == 'vmx': log.warning( 'vmx type is now a subset of oem, --type set to oem' ) value = 'oem' if arg == '--shared-cache-dir' and not value: value = os.sep + Defaults.get_shared_cache_location() if arg == '--shared-cache-dir' and value: Defaults.set_shared_cache_location(value) if arg == '--temp-dir' and not value: value = Defaults.get_temp_location() if arg == '--temp-dir' and value: Defaults.set_temp_location(value) if arg == '--target-arch' and value: Defaults.set_platform_name(value) if arg == '--config' and value: # pragma: no cover Defaults.set_custom_runtime_config_file(value) result[arg] = value return result
[docs] def load_command(self): """ Loads task class plugin according to service and command name :return: loaded task module :rtype: object """ discovered_tasks = {} if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): for entry in list(entry_points()): # pragma: no cover if == 'kiwi.tasks': discovered_tasks[] = entry.load() else: # pragma: no cover module_entries = dict.get(entry_points(), 'kiwi.tasks') for entry in module_entries: discovered_tasks[] = entry.load() service = self.get_servicename() command = self.get_command() if not command: raise KiwiLoadCommandUndefined( 'No command specified for {0} service'.format(service) ) self.command_loaded = discovered_tasks.get( service + '_' + command ) if not self.command_loaded: prefix = 'usage:' discovered_tasks_for_service = '' for task in discovered_tasks: if task.startswith(service): discovered_tasks_for_service += '{0} kiwi-ng {1}\n'.format( prefix, task.replace('_', ' ') ) prefix = ' ' raise KiwiCommandNotLoaded( 'Command "{0}" not found\n\n{1}'.format( command, discovered_tasks_for_service ) ) return self.command_loaded
def _load_command_args(self): try: argv = [ self.get_servicename(), self.get_command() ] + self.command_args return docopt(self.command_loaded.__doc__, argv=argv) except Exception: raise KiwiCommandNotLoaded( '%s command not loaded' % self.get_command() )