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Leaky Gated Cross-Attention for Weakly Supervised Multi-Modal Temporal Action Localization

Jun-Tae Lee, Sungrack Yun, Mihir Jain; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2022, pp. 3213-3222


As multiple modalities sometimes have a weak complementary relationship, multi-modal fusion is not always beneficial for weakly supervised action localization. Hence, to attain the adaptive multi-modal fusion, we propose a leaky gated cross-attention mechanism. In our work, we take the multi-stage cross-attention as the baseline fusion module to obtain multi-modal features. Then, for the stages of each modality, we design gates to decide the dependency on the other modality. For each input frame, if two modalities have a strong complementary relationship, the gate selects the cross-attended feature, otherwise the non-attended feature. Also, the proposed gate allows the non-selected feature to escape through it with a small intensity, we call it leaky gate. This leaky feature makes effective regularization of the selected major feature. Therefore, our leaky gating makes cross-attention more adaptable and robust even when the modalities have a weak complementary relationship. The proposed leaky gated cross-attention provides a modality fusion module that is generally compatible with various temporal action localization methods. To show its effectiveness, we do extensive experimental analysis and apply the proposed method to boost the performance of the state-of-the-art methods on two benchmark datasets (ActivityNet1.2 and THUMOS14).

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@InProceedings{Lee_2022_WACV, author = {Lee, Jun-Tae and Yun, Sungrack and Jain, Mihir}, title = {Leaky Gated Cross-Attention for Weakly Supervised Multi-Modal Temporal Action Localization}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)}, month = {January}, year = {2022}, pages = {3213-3222} }