[go: nahoru, domu]

Have it your way

Every company, project and data center is different. Thats why you can deploy the OBS as packages, appliance images or source code to real hardware and different virtualization solutions. Everything is possible.

VMware Disk Image

For VMware we provide a configuration file (.vmx) and a disk image (.vmdk).

VirtualBox Disk Image

For VirtualBox we provide a disk image (.vdi).

KVM/Qemu QCow2 Image

For KVM/Qemu we provide a QCow2 Image (.qcow2)

Appliance Configuration

On the first boot the system adapts to the hardware and defaults to automatic IP and DNS configuration via DHCP. The OBS scans for a LVM volume group called "OBS" and will use that to set up logical volumes for the worker file systems. Additionally if this volume group contains a logical volume named "server" it will be used as the data partition for the server. Please note that all data on the harddisk you deploy the image to will get overwritten.

All appliances come pre-configured with the right set of repositories and can be updated via the system tools YaST or zypper at any time. Another way is to replace the entire image. If you update the image, keep in mind that you need to have your data directory on a separate storage, otherwise it will get deleted.


If you already have a Linux server running you can use our binary packages to install OBS and follow our README to set everything up yourself. Currently we maintain packages for the openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise distributions.

SUSE Linux Enterprise

zypper ar -f https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/OBS:/Server:/2.10/15.5/OBS:Server:2.10.repo

zypper in -t pattern OBS_Server


zypper ar -f https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/OBS:/Server:/2.10/15.5/OBS:Server:2.10.repo

zypper in -t pattern OBS_Server

Source Code

You can also grab the source code from github and follow our README to set everything up yourself.

git clone git@github.com:openSUSE/open-build-service.git

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