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Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

Get ready for Google I/O: Program lineup revealed

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Developers, get ready! Google I/O is just around the corner, kicking off live from Mountain View with the Google keynote on Tuesday, May 14 at 10 am PT, followed by the Developer keynote at 1:30 pm PT.

But the learning doesn’t stop there. Mark your calendars for May 16 at 8 am PT when we’ll be releasing over 150 technical deep dives, demos, codelabs, and more on-demand. If you register online, you can start building your 'My I/O' agenda today.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the exciting highlights from the I/O program preview:

Unlocking the power of AI: The Gemini era unlocks a new frontier for developers. We'll showcase the newest features in the Gemini API, Google AI Studio, and Gemma. Discover cutting-edge pre-trained models from Kaggle, and delve into Google's open-source libraries like Keras and JAX.

Android: A developer's playground: Get the latest updates on everything Android! We'll cover groundbreaking advancements in generative AI, the highly anticipated Android 15, innovative form factors, and the latest tools and libraries in the Jetpack and Compose ecosystem. Plus, discover how to optimize performance and streamline your development workflow.

Building beautiful and functional web experiences: We’ll cover Baseline updates, a revolutionary tool that empowers developers with a clear understanding of web features and API interoperability. With Baseline, you'll have access to real-time information on popular developer resource sites like MDN, Can I Use, and web.dev.

The future of ChromeOS: Get a glimpse into the exciting future of ChromeOS. We'll discuss the developer-centric investments we're making in distribution, app capabilities, and operating system integrations. Discover how our partners are shaping the future of Chromebooks and delivering world-class user experiences.

This is just a taste of what's in store at Google I/O. Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to be a part of the future.

Don't forget to mark your calendars and register for Google I/O today!

Posted by Timothy Jordan – Director, Developer Relations and Open Source

Android and RISC-V: What you need to know to be ready

Monday, October 30, 2023

Android is an open source operating system that is freely available to port to many devices and architectures. As such it supports many different device types and CPU architectures. We’re excited to be adding a new one to that list - RISC-V.

RISC-V is a free and open instruction set architecture (ISA), bringing the same spirit of industry-wide collaboration and innovation that we see in software around open source to the hardware ecosystem. Invented 10 years ago at the University of California, Berkeley, RISC-V has seen rapid adoption in embedded and microcontroller spaces, and in recent years has expanded into accelerators, servers, and mobile computing.

In November of 2022, we announced at the RISC-V Summit that we were accepting patches for RISC-V:

The latest update that we have is that now not only are we accepting patches, but we have begun to mature support for RISC-V in Android. RISC-V is a modular ISA, meaning that there are a large number of optional extensions. We have also determined an initial set that we feel is critical to ensure that any CPU running RISC-V will have all of the features we expect to achieve high performance. This set includes the rva22 profile as well as the vector and vector crypto extensions. This update was provided at the RISC-V summit in Europe:

You can build, test, and run the Android support for RISC-V on your own machine as well now! Just like other platform targets in AOSP, you can use the Cuttlefish Virtual Device support:

$ lunch aosp_cf_riscv64_phone-userdebug $ m -j $ launch_cvd -cpus=8 -memory_mb=8192

Then, you can use vncviewer to connect to the running device and interact.

Moving image of vncviewer running on an Android device

At this time, these patches will support building and running a basic Android Open Source Project experience, but are not yet fully optimized. For example, work on a fully optimized backend for the Android Runtime (ART) is still a work in progress. Additionally, AOSP, our external projects, and compilers haven’t generated fully optimized, reduced code that also takes advantage of the latest ratified extensions, such as the one for vectors. However, we believe that it is ready to allow experimentation and collaboration.

Later this year, we expect to have the NDK ABI finalized and canary builds available on Android’s public CI soon and RISC-V on x86-64 & ARM64 available for easier testing of riscv64 Android applications on a host machine. By 2024, the plan is to have emulators available publicly, with a full feature set to test applications for various device form factors! As recently announced in our collaboration with Qualcomm, we expect wearables to be the first form factor available.

However, just porting the Android operating system itself is not enough! We are working with the community and RISE (RISC-V Software Ecosystem). The RISE Project has been established to provide a way to accelerate the availability of software for high-performance and power-efficient RISC-V processor cores running high-level operating systems. That includes not only Android, but also Linux and other operating systems across a variety of application domains, including high-performance computing. The RISE Project includes members from Andes, Google, Intel, Imagination Technologies, MediaTek, Nvidia, Qualcomm Technologies, Red Hat, Rivos, Samsung, SiFive, T-Head, and Ventana.

Google is also continuing and expanding our strong investments at RISC-V International, even beyond our long-standing Premium membership and board participation. We also have many other contributors in key roles on horizontal committees, working groups, and technical committees to ensure that specifications are rapidly being designed and ratified to benefit not only Android but also many other use cases.

Android's support for RISC-V is dependent on a wide range of contributions from toolchain to basic support libraries. We are very appreciative of the ongoing efforts which requires countless projects to support RISC-V build configurations and quality implementations. If you are interested in contributing please visit the following resources:

  • https://github.com/google/android-riscv64 for detailed information on how to build and test the RISC-V support in Android, list of known issues and opportunities to contribute to AOSP at source.android.com and toolchain projects and support libraries.
  • Subscribe to RISC-V Android SIG mailing list or join directly, if your organization is a member of RISC-V International to stay tuned in to progress and offer your suggestions and feedback.

Make sure to stay tuned as we look into ways to make it as easy for Android developers writing native to target new platforms as it is for our Java and Kotlin developers!

Planning to head to the RISC-V International Summit in November? Find us there– we’ll be hosting a Community Collaboration Breakfast on Wednesday morning! Not attending the conference but interested? Learn more and register here.

By Lars Bergstrom – Android Platform Programming Languages & Greg Simon - Google Low-level Operating System

Rust fact vs. fiction: 5 Insights from Google's Rust journey in 2022

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Reaching version 1.0 in just 2015, Rust is a relatively new language with a lot to offer. Developers eyeing the performance and safety guarantees that Rust provides, have to wonder if it's possible to just use Rust in place of what they've been using previously. What would happen if large companies tried to use it in their existing environment? How long would it take for developers to learn the language? Once they do, would they be productive?

In this post, we will analyze some data covering years of early adoption of Rust here at Google. At Google, we have been seeing increased Rust adoption, especially in our consumer applications and platforms. Pulling from the over 1,000 Google developers who have authored and committed Rust code as some part of their work in 2022, we’ll address some rumors head-on, both confirming some issues that could be improved and sharing some enlightening discoveries we have made along the way.

We’d like to particularly thank one of our key training vendors, Ferrous Systems, as we started our Rust adoption here at Google. We also want to highlight some new freely available self-service training materials called Comprehensive Rust 🦀 that we and the community have worked on over the last few quarters.

Rumor 1: Rust takes more than 6 months to learn – Debunked !

All survey participants are professional software developers (or a related field), employed at Google. While some of them had prior Rust experience (about 13%), most of them are coming from C/C++, Python, Java, Go, or Dart.

Based on our studies, more than 2/3 of respondents are confident in contributing to a Rust codebase within two months or less when learning Rust. Further, a third of respondents become as productive using Rust as other languages in two months or less. Within four months, that number increased to over 50%. Anecdotally, these ramp-up numbers are in line with the time we’ve seen for developers to adopt other languages, both inside and outside of Google.

Overall, we’ve seen no data to indicate that there is any productivity penalty for Rust relative to any other language these developers previously used at Google. This is supported by the students who take the Comprehensive Rust 🦀 class: the questions asked on the second and third day show that experienced software developers can become comfortable with Rust in a very short time.

Pie graph depicting time until confident writing Rust. Still ramping up = 8.6% (orange), 2-3 weeks = 27% (blue), 1-2 months = 39.8% (red), 3-4 months = 15.6% (yellow), More than 4 months = 9% (green)

Rumor 2: The Rust compiler is not as fast as people would like – Confirmed !

Slow build speeds were by far the #1 reported challenge that developers have when using Rust, with only a little more than 40% of respondents finding the speed acceptable.

There is already a fantastic community-wide effort improving and tracking rustc performance. This is supported by both volunteers and several companies (including Google), and we’re delighted to see key developers working in this space but clearly continuing and potentially growing additional support here would be beneficial.

Rumor 3: Unsafe code and interop are always the biggest challenges – Debunked !

The top three challenging areas of Rust for current Google developers were:

Writing unsafe code and handling C/C++ interop were cited as something Google developers had encountered but were not top challenges. These three other areas are places where the Rust Language Design Team has been investing in flattening the learning curve overall as well as continued evolution, and our internal survey results strongly agree with these as areas of investment.

Rumor 4: Rust has amazing compiler error messages – Confirmed !

Rust is commonly regarded as having some of the most helpful error messages in the compiler space, and that held up in this survey as well. Only 9% of respondents are not satisfied with the quality of diagnostic and debugging information in Rust. Feedback from Comprehensive Rust 🦀 participants shows the same: people are amazed by the compiler messages. At first this is a surprise – people are used to ignoring large compiler errors, but after getting used to it, people love it.

The following are excerpts from an exercise some internal Googlers have been doing to practice Rust – solving Advent of Code 2021 in Rust.

On Day 5 of the exercises, we need to perform a search for entries within a table. The error below not only detects that our pattern matching on the result was missing a case, but also makes a suggestion for a fix.

Image of code snippet showing error detection message for pattern matching in Rust

On Day 11, we need to check for whether an element is within the bounds of a grid. The Rust warning below detects that we have a redundant comparison due to the fact that the types are unsigned, and suggests code that could be removed.

Image of code snippet showing error detection message for redundant comparison in Rust

Rumor 5: Rust code is high quality – Confirmed!

The respondents said that the quality of the Rust code is high — 77% of developers were satisfied with the quality of Rust code. In fact, when asked to compare whether they felt that Rust code was more correct than the code that they write in other languages, an overwhelming 85% of respondents are confident that their Rust code is correct.

And, it’s not just correct—it’s also easy to review. More than half of respondents say that Rust code is incredibly easy to review. As an engineering manager, that result is in many ways at least as interesting to me as the code authoring results, since code reviewing is at least as large a part of the role of a professional software engineer as authoring.

As both we at Google and others have noted, developer satisfaction and productivity are correlated with both code quality and how long it takes to get a code review. If Rust is not only better for writing quality code, but also better for getting that code landed, that’s a pretty compelling set of reasons beyond even performance and memory safety for companies to be evaluating and considering adopting it.

Looking forward

While over a thousand developers is a good sample of engineers, we look forward to further adoption and a future survey that includes many more use cases. In addition, while many of the developers surveyed joined teams without Rust experience, this population does have more excited early adopters than we would like from a broader survey. Stay tuned over the next year for another update!

By Lars Bergstrom, PhD – Android Platform Programming Languages and Kathy Brennan, PhD - Low-level Operating Systems Sr. User Experience Researcher

Welcome Android Open Source Project (AOSP) to the Bazel ecosystem

Monday, November 16, 2020

After significant investment in understanding how best to build the Android Platform correctly and quickly, we are pleased to announce that the Android Platform is migrating from its current build systems (Soong and Make) to Bazel. While components of Bazel have been already checked into the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) source tree, this will be a phased migration over the next few Android releases which includes many concrete and digestible milestones to make the transformation as seamless and easy as possible. There will be no immediate impact to the Android Platform build workflow or the existing supported Android Platform Build tools in 2020 or 2021. Some of the changesto support Android Platform builds are already in Bazel, such as Bazel’s ability to parse and execute Ninja files to support a gradual migration.

Migrating to Bazel will enable AOSP to:
  • Provide more flexibility for configuring the AOSP build (better support for conditionals)
  • Allow for greater introspection into the AOSP build progress and dependencies
  • Enable correct and reproducible (hermetic) AOSP builds
  • Introduce a configuration mechanism that will reduce complexity of AOSP builds
  • Allow for greater integration of build and test activities
  • Combine all of these to drive significant improvements in build time and experience
The benefits of this migration to the Bazel community are:
  • Significant ongoing investment in Bazel to support Android Platform builds
  • Expansion of the Bazel ecosystem and community to include, initially, tens of thousands of Android Platform developers and Android handset OEMs and chipset vendors.
  • Google’s Bazel rules for building Android apps will be open sourced, used in AOSP, and maintained by Google in partnership with the Android / Bazel community
  • Better Bazel support for building Android Apps
  • Better rules support for other languages used to build Android Platform (Rust, Java, Python, Go, etc)
  • Strong support for Bazel Long Term Support (LTS) releases, which benefits the expanded Bazel community
  • Improved documentation (tutorials and reference)
The recent check-in of Bazel to AOSP begins an initial pilot phase, enabling Bazel to be used in place of Ninja as the execution engine to build AOSP. Bazel can also explore the AOSP build graph. We're pleased to be developing this functionality directly in the Bazel and AOSP codebases. As with most initial development efforts, this work is experimental in nature. Remember to use the currently supported Android Platform Build System for all production work.

We believe that these updates to the Android Platform Build System enable greater developer velocity, productivity, and happiness across the entire Android Platform ecosystem.

By Joe Hicks on behalf of the Bazel and AOSP infrastructure teams

Bringing Live Transcribe's Speech Engine to Everyone

Friday, August 16, 2019

Earlier this year, Google launched Live Transcribe, an Android application that provides real-time automated captions for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Through many months of user testing, we've learned that robustly delivering good captions for long-form conversations isn't so easy, and we want to make it easier for developers to build upon what we've learned. Live Transcribe's speech recognition is provided by Google's state-of-the-art Cloud Speech API, which under most conditions delivers pretty impressive transcript accuracy. However, relying on the cloud introduces several complications—most notably robustness to ever-changing network connections, data costs, and latency. Today, we are sharing our transcription engine with the world so that developers everywhere can build applications with robust transcription.

Those who have worked with our Cloud Speech API know that sending infinitely long streams of audio is currently unsupported. To help solve this challenge, we take measures to close and restart streaming requests prior to hitting the timeout, including restarting the session during long periods of silence and closing whenever there is a detected pause in the speech. Otherwise, this would result in a truncated sentence or word. In between sessions, we buffer audio locally and send it upon reconnection. This reduces the amount of text lost mid-conversation—either due to restarting speech requests or switching between wireless networks.

Endlessly streaming audio comes with its own challenges. In many countries, network data is quite expensive and in spots with poor internet, bandwidth may be limited. After much experimentation with audio codecs (in particular, we evaluated the FLAC, AMR-WB, and Opus codecs), we were able to achieve a 10x reduction in data usage without compromising accuracy. FLAC, a lossless codec, preserves accuracy completely, but doesn't save much data. It also has noticeable codec latency. AMR-WB, on the other hand, saves a lot of data, but delivers much worse accuracy in noisy environments. Opus was a clear winner, allowing data rates many times lower than most music streaming services while still preserving the important details of the audio signal—even in noisy environments. Beyond relying on codecs to keep data usage to a minimum, we also support using speech detection to close the network connection during extended periods of silence. That means if you accidentally leave your phone on and running Live Transcribe when nobody is around, it stops using your data.

Finally, we know that if you are relying on captions, you want them immediately, so we've worked hard to keep latency to a minimum. Though most of the credit for speed goes to the Cloud Speech API, Live Transcribe's final trick lies in our custom Opus encoder. At the cost of only a minor increase in bitrate, we see latency that is visually indistinguishable to sending uncompressed audio.

Today, we are excited to make all of this available to developers everywhere. We hope you'll join us in trying to build a world that is more accessible for everyone.

By Chet Gnegy, Alex Huang, and Ausmus Chang from the Live Transcribe Team

Truth 1.0: Fluent Assertions for Java and Android Tests

Monday, July 8, 2019

Software testing is important—and sometimes frustrating. The frustration can come from working on innately hard domains, like concurrency, but too often it comes from a thousand small cuts:
assertEquals("Message has been sent", getString(notification, EXTRA_BIG_TEXT));
    getString(notification, EXTRA_TEXT)
        .contains("Kurt Kluever <kak@google.com>"));
The two assertions above test almost the same thing, but they are structured differently. The difference in structure makes it hard to identify the difference in what's being tested.
A better way to structure these assertions is to use a fluent API:
assertThat(getString(notification, EXTRA_BIG_TEXT))
    .isEqualTo("Message has been sent");
assertThat(getString(notification, EXTRA_TEXT))
    .contains("Kurt Kluever <kak@google.com>");
A fluent API naturally leads to other advantages:
  • IDE autocompletion can suggest assertions that fit the value under test, including rich operations like containsExactly(permission.SEND_SMS, permission.READ_SMS).
  • Failure messages can include the value under test and the expected result. Contrast this with the assertTrue call above, which lacks a failure message entirely.
Google's fluent assertion library for Java and Android is Truth. We're happy to announce that we've released Truth 1.0, which stabilizes our API after years of fine-tuning.

Truth started in 2011 as a Googler's personal open source project. Later, it was donated back to Google and cultivated by the Java Core Libraries team, the people who bring you Guava.
You might already be familiar with assertion libraries like Hamcrest and AssertJ, which provide similar features. We've designed Truth to have a simpler API and more readable failure messages. For example, here's a failure message from AssertJ:
  <[year: 2019
month: 7
day: 15
to contain exactly in any order:
  <[year: 2019
month: 6
day: 30
elements not found:
  <[year: 2019
month: 6
day: 30
and elements not expected:
  <[year: 2019
month: 7
day: 15
And here's the equivalent message from Truth:
value of:
    year: 2019
    month: 6
    day: 30

but was:
    year: 2019
    month: 7
    day: 15
For more details, read our comparison of the libraries, and try Truth for yourself.

Also, if you're developing for Android, try AndroidX Test. It includes Truth extensions that make assertions even easier to write and failure messages even clearer:
    .isEqualTo("Message has been sent");
    .contains("Kurt Kluever <kak@google.com>");
Coming soon: Kotlin users of Truth can look forward to Kotlin-specific enhancements.
By Chris Povirk, Java Core Libraries

Introducing the new lead for Android Open Source Project

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

This week began with the announcement of Android 9 Pie and, as usual, the subsequent upstreaming of code to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). But the release of Android 9 isn’t the only important Android news!

Tucked away in the announcement to the Android Building mailing list was this note:

“I also wanted to take a moment to introduce myself as the new Tech Lead / Manager for AOSP. My name is Jeff Bailey, and I’ve been involved in the Open Source community for more than two decades. Since I joined the Android team a few months ago, I’ve been learning how we do things and getting an understanding of how we could work better with the community. I’d love to hear from you: @JeffBaileyAOSP on Twitter or jeffbailey+aosp@google.com. Be well!”

As Jeff notes in his introduction, he has a history in free and open source software (FOSS). He’s been an avid user, contributor, and maintainer since before the Open Source Definition was inked!

Jeff co-founded Savannah, where GNU software is developed and distributed, spent 15 years working on Debian, and has been an Ubuntu core developer. Further, he spent some time on the Google Open Source team and was involved in open sourcing Android back in 2008.

Open source projects, even those which originate inside of companies, are powered by the community of users and contributors that surround them. And those communities thrive when they have stewards who are steeped in the traditions of free and open source software. We’re excited for AOSP as Jeff takes the reins. He brings both technical and cultural skills to the table, and he’s been involved with the project since the beginning!

Suffice it to say, AOSP is in good hands. We welcome Jeff to his new role and, as he said in his introduction, he’d love to hear from the community: you can reach Jeff on Twitter and via email.

By Josh Simmons, Google Open Source

We throw pie with a little help from our friends

Thursday, April 9, 2015

(Cross-posted with the Google Developers Blog)

Fun Propulsion Labs at Google* is back today with some new releases for game developers. We’ve updated Pie Noon (our open source Android TV game) with networked multi-screen action, and we’ve also added some delicious new libraries we’ve been baking since the original release: the Pindrop audio library and the Motive animation system.

Pie Noon multi-screen action

Got an Android TV and up to 4 friends with Android phones or tablets? You’re ready for some strategic multi-player mayhem in this updated game mode. Plan your next move in secret on your Android phone: will you throw at an opponent, block an incoming attack, or take the risky approach and wait for a larger pie? Choose your target and action, then watch the Android TV to see what happens!

We used the NearbyConnections API from the most recent version of Google Play Games services to easily connect smartphones to your Android TV and turn our original Pie Noon party game into a game of turn-based strategy. You can grab the latest version of Pie Noon from Google Play to try it out, or crack open the source code and take a look at how we used FlatBuffers to encode data across the network in a fast, portable, bandwidth-efficient way.

Pindrop: an open source game audio library

Pindrop is a cross-platform C++ library for managing your in-game audio. It supports cross compilation to Android, Linux, iOS and OSX. An early version of this code was part of the first Pie Noon release, but it’s now available as a separate library that you can use in your own games. Pindrop handles loading and unloading sound banks, tracking sound locations and listeners, prioritization of your audio channels, and more.

Pindrop is built on top of several other pieces of open source technology:

  • SDL Mixer is used as a backend for actually playing the audio.
  • The loading of data and configuration files is handled by our serialization library, FlatBuffers.
  • Our own math library, MathFu, is used for a number of under-the-hood calculations.

You can download the latest open source release from our GitHub page. Documentation is available here and a sample project is included in the source tree. Please feel free to post any questions in our discussion list.

Motive: an open source animation system

The Motive animation system can breathe life into your static scenes. It does this by applying motion to simple variables. For example, if you’d like a flashlight to shine on a constantly-moving target, Motive can animate the flashlight so that it moves smoothly yet responsively.

Motive animates both spline-based motion and procedural motion. These types of motion are not technically difficult, but they are artistically subtle. It's easy to get the math wrong. It's easy to end up with something that moves as required but doesn't quite feel right. Motive does the math and lets you focus on the feeling.

Motive is scalable. It's designed to be extremely fast. It also has a tight memory footprint -- smaller than traditional animation compression -- that's based on Dual Cubic Splines. Our hope is that you might consider using Motive as a high-performance back-end to your existing full-featured animation systems.

This initial release of Motive is feature-light since we focused our early efforts on doing something simple very quickly. We support procedural and spline-based animation, but we don't yet support data export from animation packages like Blender or Maya. Motive 1.0 is suitable for props -- trees, cameras, extremities -- but not fully rigged character models.  Like all FPL technologies, Motive is open source and cross-platform. Please check out the discussion list, too.

What’s Fun Propulsion Labs at Google?

You might remember us from such Android games as Pie Noon, LiquidFun Paint, and VoltAir, and such cross-platform libraries as MathFu, LiquidFun, and FlatBuffers.

Want to learn more about our team? Check out this recent episode of Game On! with Todd Kerpelman for the scoop!

by Jon Simantov, Fun Propulsion Labs at Google

* Fun Propulsion Labs is a team within Google that's dedicated to advancing gaming on Android and other platforms.

FlatBuffers 1.1: a memory-efficient serialization library

Thursday, April 2, 2015

After months in development, the FlatBuffers 1.1 update is here. Originally released in June 2014, it’s a highly efficient open source cross-platform serialization library that allows you to read data without parsing/unpacking or allocating additional memory. It supports schema evolution (forwards/backwards compatibility) and optional JSON conversion. We primarily created it for games written in C++ where performance is critical, but it’s also useful more broadly. This update brings:

  • an extensive overhaul to the Java API
  • out-of-the-box support for C# and Go
  • an optional verifier to make FlatBuffers practical in untrusted scenarios
  • .proto parsing for easier migration from Protocol Buffers
  • optional manual assignment of field IDs
  • dictionary functionality through binary search on a key field
  • bug fixes and other improvements thanks to 200+ commits from 28 contributors -- thank you!

Download the latest release from our github page and join our discussion list for more details.

By Wouter van Oortmerssen, Fun Propulsion Labs at Google*

*Fun Propulsion Labs is a team within Google that's dedicated to advancing gaming on Android and other platforms.

Coding Android TV games is easy as pie

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

(cross-posted with the Android Developers Blog)

We’re pleased to announce Pie Noon, a simple game created to demonstrate multi-player support on the Nexus Player, an Android TV device. Pie Noon is an open source, cross-platform game written in C++ which supports

  • up to 4 players using Bluetooth controllers.
  • touch controls.
  • Google Play Games Services sign-in and leaderboards.
  • other Android devices (you can play on your phone or tablet in single-player mode, or against human adversaries using Bluetooth controllers).

Pie Noon serves as a demonstration of how to use the SDL library in Android games as well as Google technologies like Flatbuffers, Mathfu, fplutil, and WebP.

You can download the game in the Play Store and the latest open source release from our GitHub page. We invite you to learn from the code to see how you can implement these libraries and utilities in your own Android games. Take advantage of our discussion list if you have any questions, and don’t forget to throw a few pies while you’re at it!

By Alex Ames, Fun Propulsion Labs at Google*

* Fun Propulsion Labs is a team within Google that's dedicated to advancing gaming on Android and other platforms.
