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In category display, optionally also include subcategories in alphabetic listing
Open, LowPublicFeature


Author: brian.bj.parker99

When displaying a category an alphabetical list of topics at the top-level of that category is shown, as well as a list of subcategories above. Typically, however, I want a complete alphabetical list of the articles in that category *and all subcategories*. Currently, to get that information requires manually descending into every subcategory! I suggest an optional link on each category page for "alphabetical display of articles in category and all subcategories". Technically I imagine this would be straightforward and I think would substantially improve the use of the category system for browsing.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 1:07 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz43424.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Technically I imagine this would be straightforward

You would be surprised ;) This is actually kind of hard to do (efficiently) given the way categories are currently stored.

The additional problem with this is to what extent does one recurse into subcategories. Do you want all the articles in the subcategories of the subcategory as well? and so on.

brian.bj.parker99 wrote:

(In reply to comment #1)

The additional problem with this is to what extent does one recurse into
subcategories. Do you want all the articles in the subcategories of the
subcategory as well? and so on.

Yes, it should list all the articles in all the subcategories, recursively. The use-case is when I, for example, want to look at *all* computing articles in alphabetical order, so I go to category "computing" and select this suggested option.
(I should have made that clear in my original suggestion.)

Technically I imagine this would be straightforward

You would be surprised ;) This is actually kind of hard to do (efficiently)
given the way categories are currently stored.

Given the above answer, could the recursively collapsed one-level view not be precomputed (say nightly) and then quickly displayed?
(it wouldn't matter if it could be slightly out of date, although the kess the better of course).

I think it would be worth investigating, as the use case I give above is actually the most common usage of categories for me, and I do think if this option was available then the category system would be more useful, and be used more.

Thanks for you comments.

brian.bj.parker99 wrote:

(In reply to comment #1)

Technically I imagine this would be straightforward

You would be surprised ;) This is actually kind of hard to do (efficiently)
given the way categories are currently stored.

The additional problem with this is to what extent does one recurse into
subcategories. Do you want all the articles in the subcategories of the
subcategory as well? and so on.

One further point to extend my suggestion above- it would also be good if there was some form of url that could go to a specified category with this suggested recursive option enabled. If this was so then hand-constructed indexes, such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Contents/Indexes could be largely replaced by such links to the appropriate category. Also, portals could include such a link to give an (automatically generated) exhaustive index to their respective articles. So even for readers who do not use the category system, this enhancement could allow enhanced browsing for them.

The requiered feature would be very useful for images at Wikimedia Commons.

An example: we have a category of a town which contains 150 photographs (and none subcategories). It is very pleasant and easy to see all images from the town - but difficult to find a photo of any certain place. As soon as somebody creates a structure of subcategories by street, by building, by subject, by event etc., it become very easy to find any place but very difficult and protracted to see and compare all photos. We need a feature which will keep (enable) advantages of the simple category even when the content is still precisely structured.

See also the discussion https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Categories_for_discussion/2013/03/Category:Trams_in_Prague . What is better: to sort images of vehicles by fleet number (some categories can include only 1 or 2 images, some include tens of images) - or to sort images of trams only by type (by model) - so some categories will contain hundreds images, a certain vehicle would be unfoundable and a non-expert uploader would be not able to categorize by type (while the fleet number can read whatever)? The required feature would enable to view all images of certain model without destroying the categorization substructure unreversibly.

If the new feature will be considered,

  • view switch (simple view/deep view) should be at the category page
  • a depth should be choosable (number of levels of subcategories)
  • the feature can be arranged similarly as filter functions (display all content/display featured articles-images only/displays stubs only etc.).

See also Bug 59108 - Display filters and settings on category pages.

The tool FastCCI - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:FastCCI - use a function displaying images from the category and its subcategories together. For now, this function displays only images filtered by 3 predefined filters (images tagged as the best).

This is _the_ one main failure of MediaWiki that prevents Wikimedia Commons from being useful for users that are not hardcore Wikipedians. It should be top priority, since it is way more important to finally tackle this than all the crap that Wikimedia Foundation has been founding over the last couple of years.

Expressing disagreement is fine, but please watch your language.

There is currently an ongoing discussion about this feature at the village pump, for the discussion as of writing this please see this link:


This feature could be really beneficial for users who have no idea how to navigate Wikimedia Commons categories and it's important that it should not be restricted only to registered users like many other features are, as this feature will mostly benefit re-users.

I'm also looking for a way to display all images in all subcategories

This feature could be really beneficial for users who have no idea how to navigate Wikimedia Commons categories

Not only! I know quite well how to navigate them, but manually going through https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Speed_bumps_by_country is quite irritating.

I know that "Good pictures" in top right have dropdown next to them allowing to select "all images". Sadly it is broken and not working.

My current workaround approach is PetScan - but it is quite annoying to configure. See say https://petscan.wmflabs.org/?common_wiki_other=&edits%5Banons%5D=both&interface_language=en&edits%5Bflagged%5D=both&cb_labels_any_l=1&since_rev0=&language=commons&edits%5Bbots%5D=both&categories=Speed%20bumps%20by%20country%0A&project=wikimedia&search_max_results=500&combination=union&cb_labels_yes_l=1&ns%5B6%5D=1&cb_labels_no_l=1&depth=100&templates_no=

Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Feb 4 2022, 11:13 AM
Aklapper removed a subscriber: wikibugs-l-list.

I would also appreciate this feature, and humbly request that this feature be bumped higher in priority. Thank you!

EDIT 1: To clarify my use case, I want to browse historical markers in my state (Virginia). There are 196 images in that top state-level category, but many more images - over a hundred - are categorized only by city or county. Those images are several levels down from the state level because, for example, there is a generic "Historical markers in Virginia by city" > "Historical markers in [city]". Same for historical markers in specific counties.

Not only viewing, but contributing; however, I'd like to check for duplicates before I decide to upload a new image. Without the ability to quickly & easily view all images in the current category and all of its children, this is a hassle.

Some way to view all the images at a specific category and its children would save us from a lot of hunting and clicking. Thank you.

EDIT 2: Following @Mateusz_Konieczny's example, I've figured out a workaround for my specific use case with PetScan (example query); however, this tool comes with a non-trivial learning curve, thus it's really for advanced users only. IMHO the ability to easily surface content in the current category and all of its subcategories should be added as a standard feature on the Wikimedia site for the benefit of everyday Wiki(p/m)edia users. Thank you.