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replication for s5 source wikis (dewiki/wikidata) stopped on labs1002 (dewiki.labsdb)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


$ mysql -hdewiki.labsdb -e "select rc_timestamp, now(), now()-rc_timestamp as lag from recentchanges order by rc_timestamp desc limit 1;" dewiki_p
| rc_timestamp   | now()               | lag   |
| 20141126160249 | 2014-11-26 19:35:53 | 33304 |

Event Timeline

Merl raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Merl updated the task description. (Show Details)
Merl added a project: Wikimedia-Labs-General.
Merl changed Security from none to None.
Merl subscribed.
Merl claimed this task.

database is up to date again:

$ mysql -hdewiki.labsdb -e "select rc_timestamp, now(), now()-rc_timestamp as lag from recentchanges order by rc_timestamp desc limit 1;" dewiki_p
| rc_timestamp   | now()               | lag |
| 20141127080645 | 2014-11-27 08:06:49 |   4 |

I don't know who or what solved this problem but it does not exists anymore, so i am closing this bug.