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Non-breaking spaces break page layout when confirming thanks in diff view
Open, MediumPublic

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Sep 7 2015, 10:27 PM
Referenced Files
F23326577: Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 0.21.14.png
Jul 4 2018, 9:26 PM
F23324645: Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 23.28.26.png
Jul 4 2018, 8:57 PM
F23324177: Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 23.07.55.png
Jul 4 2018, 8:57 PM
F23325504: Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 23.46.29.png
Jul 4 2018, 8:57 PM
F23324194: Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 23.08.14.png
Jul 4 2018, 8:57 PM
F4021248: top3.png
May 16 2016, 10:59 PM
F4021236: top.png
May 16 2016, 10:59 PM
F3940024: pasted_file
May 16 2016, 10:41 PM


See the screenshot:

Abc.png (934×1 px, 162 KB)

Event Timeline

kaldari raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
kaldari updated the task description. (Show Details)
kaldari added a project: Thanks.
kaldari subscribed.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
kaldari set Security to None.

This seems to be due to jquery.confirmable in core rather than the Thanks extension.

kaldari renamed this task from Non-breaking spaces break page layout when using the Thanks feature on a diff to Non-breaking spaces break page layout when confirming thanks in diff view.Sep 7 2015, 10:35 PM
kaldari added a subscriber: matmarex.

@matmarex: Do you have any thoughts on how we could fix this without breaking it elsewhere? Maybe adding an extra parameter to $.confirmable() saying that the line should be breakable?

Catrope subscribed.

I don't think it's possible to animate this the way we do if we allow line-breaking (it relies on display: inline-block). Although it should be possible to allow line-breaking after the animation is done.

Well, I have managed to replicate the bug.
Here's the screenshot with display: inline-block: http://ctrlv.in/726549
And here's the screenshot without it: http://ctrlv.in/726550

The issue, indeed, seems to be with when display: inline-block is applied.

Now I am not too familiar with jquery, but know basic JS. Should I still go ahead with this task?

I'll take this up, and go ahead. :)

Replicated this on my manual wiki installation - here's a paste.
The issue doesn't seem to be in core, rather in Thanks itself.

A proper combination of css styles for jquery.confirmable's wrapper, interface, text and mw-thank-link will probably do it.
So far, it's a bit skewed for me: another paste of progress so far.

Could someone tell me if I'm on the right track, please? @kaldari @Legoktm
Thanks. :)

The issue doesn't seem to be in core, rather in Thanks itself.

I suspect that we wont know the answer to this question until you've found a solution which works with jquery.confirmable.
Have you looked for related bugs in jquery.confirmable ?

A proper combination of css styles for jquery.confirmable's wrapper, interface, text and mw-thank-link will probably do it.

Yes, this is an approach that should be explored. It would be great if you can find a tweak to the Thanks css and/or js which fixes this bug.

The issue doesn't seem to be in core, rather in Thanks itself.

I suspect that we wont know the answer to this question until you've found a solution which works with jquery.confirmable.
Have you looked for related bugs in jquery.confirmable ?

Yes, I have, in fact.
T89572: In Thanks confirmation, "No" choice title text should not say "Send a thank you notification to this user" seemed to be a good place to understand the jquery.confirmable code.

A proper combination of css styles for jquery.confirmable's wrapper, interface, text and mw-thank-link will probably do it.

Yes, this is an approach that should be explored. It would be great if you can find a tweak to the Thanks css and/or js which fixes this bug.

I'll go ahead with this, then! :)

I don't think it's possible to animate this the way we do if we allow line-breaking (it relies on display: inline-block). Although it should be possible to allow line-breaking after the animation is done.

After looking at it in more detail and talking to @jayvdb , I think this is probably how I should approach this problem. Hardcoding changes in my console worked in the browser, but there are many issues that come along with that apporach, and making changes to Thanks directly was probably the wrong way of looking at things.

Working on this now.

Change 283749 had a related patch set uploaded (by Darthbhyrava):
Non-breaking spaces break page layout when confirming thanks in diff view


Added a timeout function after the transitions which allows for line-breaking.

done.png (826×635 px, 103 KB)

Feedback, please?

In the wake of @matmarex's observation that error F3940024 crops up due to my patch, I looked into more details.

This is how the layout of the diff page works. The old edit is in the left column of a table inside a div, while the new edit is to the right.

<div id="mw-content-text">
    <table class=""diff diff-contentalign-left" data-mw="interface">
            <tr style="vertical-align: top;">
                <td class= "diff otitle"></td>
                <td class="diff ntitle">

Inside the right column "diff ntitle", there are further divs titled "mw-diff-ntitlei", where i ranges from 1 through 5.

The error arises because of the div "mw-diff-ntitle1", where the height seems to be garbled once the 'No' button is clicked.

top.png (1×1 px, 140 KB)

Also, changing the word-wrap property of the mw-diff-ntitle1 div decreases the height.

top3.png (1×1 px, 204 KB)

However, I can't seem to figure out why this div would be affected by the patch I submitted which changes only white-line and width properties of the interface div post transition.

Besides, it would be nice if brackets would be kept with first and last words, in order to respect typographic rules (at least French typographic rules).

Some things I've noticed that might help to fix this:

On .jquery-confirmable-interface, there is a

style="width: 0px;"

coming from somewhere. Before clicking cancel the value there is 346.312px, which looks like a calculation.
So I've searched MW for


but did not find anything that seemed relevant. So I think this values is inserted during build by an automatic process.

Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 23.07.55.png (540×1 px, 161 KB)

I don't know how these processes work, so for now I just tried hardcoding the value so it doesn't change:

.jquery-confirmable-interface {
    width: 346.312px !important;

This way, clicking Cancel doesn't make the component drop to the bottom of the page, but the outcome is still not okay. The Cancel and Thank buttons are not removed.

Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 0.21.14.png (144×457 px, 29 KB)

When I change the value to something greater than 0, the text starts to get pulled back up.

Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 23.08.14.png (474×1 px, 174 KB)

At 200px it begins to looks almost normal (remember, it should be 346.312px). But we now have that 'thank' link there.

Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 23.28.26.png (463×1 px, 146 KB)

This screencap is from before clicking Cancel (i.e., before the action that changes the width value from 346.312 to 0):

Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 23.46.29.png (479×1 px, 195 KB)

This is coming from the animation. Without your patch, there is an "opening" animation going on when the "Are you sure..." is appearing. In order to make it work, it has to start with width:0 and end with its natural width. When the string is not wrapping, the span "just" grows into the full line -- but when we make the string wrap, the changing width actually changes how much the text wraps -- which changes the height too.

I think there are two options here:

  • Cancel the wrapping ONLY for diff pages (leave history pages as-is)
  • Cancel the animation

Change 445426 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hagar Shilo; owner: Hagar Shilo):
[mediawiki/core@master] Disable animation on thanks confirmation to prevent page break


NOTE: that T159302 is a related ticket that will change the wording of the Thank message. So that may change how this ticket is handled. T159302 is on the Growth team's active list for this quarter.

Removing task assignee due to inactivity, as this open task has been assigned to the same person for more than two years (see the emails sent to the task assignee on Oct27 and Nov23). Please assign this task to yourself again if you still realistically [plan to] work on this task - it would be welcome.
(See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bug_management/Assignee_cleanup for tips how to best manage your individual work in Phabricator.)

Maybe the real problem here is just that the string in German is way too long.

@daniel - Would it make sense to change "Dankeschön für diese Bearbeitung senden (stets öffentlich)?" to just "Senden Danke?" or "Senden Sie Danke?" or "Senden Sie öffentlich Danke?"? The English string is "Publicly send thanks?". I don't know any German, so I'm just guessing based off Google Translate. Surely there must be a shorter equivalent though.

Maybe the real problem here is just that the string in German is way too long.

@daniel - Would it make sense to change "Dankeschön für diese Bearbeitung senden (stets öffentlich)?" to just "Senden Danke?" or "Senden Sie Danke?" or "Senden Sie öffentlich Danke?"? The English string is "Publicly send thanks?". I don't know any German, so I'm just guessing based off Google Translate. Surely there must be a shorter equivalent though.

Yea, that's not just long, it's also rather awkward :)

You really want "Dank senden", meaning "send thanks". There is several ways to fit "publicly" in there, but none of them very elegant. I'd probably go for "Dank senden (für andere sichtbar)?" meaning "send thanks (visible to others)". We can also go for "Öffentlich Dank senden?". "Danke öffentlich senden" makes it sound like there's a non-public option as well (as in "send thanks publically?").

EDIT: I just looked at the screenshot. In this context, it's also possible to use "to thanks" as the verb: "Öffentlich danken" meaning "Thank publicly". Though it's not sure that's better.

I changed it to "Dankeschön senden (für andere sichtbar)?" which is 19 characters shorter.

I changed it to "Dankeschön senden (für andere sichtbar)?" which is 19 characters shorter.

Works :)

Maybe the real problem here is just that the string in German is way too long.

I'd say the underlying problem are design decisions or implementations which either ignore or make strange assumptions about human languages and/or character widths. See also https://www.w3.org/International/articles/article-text-size.en

Maybe the real problem here is just that the string in German is way too long.

I'd say the underlying problem are design decisions or implementations which either ignore or make strange assumptions about human languages and/or character widths. See also https://www.w3.org/International/articles/article-text-size.en

Interesting! According to that page, this message should be expected to expand an average of 160–180% when translated into European languages. In this case, however, it expanded 281%. The new translation is a 190% expansion, so should be more in line with reasonable assumptions.

Change 283749 abandoned by Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE):
[mediawiki/core@master] Non-breaking spaces break page layout when confirming thanks in diff view

5 years old. It's probably not helpful to keep this in our review queues. It can still be found from the Phabricator ticket if needed.


Change 445426 abandoned by Bartosz Dziewoński:

[mediawiki/core@master] Disable animation on thanks confirmation to prevent page break

