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Feature request: When long pressing a link to an article that is already open, take them to the tab where the article is open
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Original Suggestion: "I was wondering if the same can be done for open tabs and opening new tabs. Sometimes I click on a link and "open in new tab" and it's already among a lot I want to and will read. Could there be an icon on the info pop-ups (when clicking a link) so you can keep track of tabs? "

New Suggestion: Detect if the article is open in tab and go directly into that tab if it is open.

APK: https://github.com/wikimedia/apps-android-wikipedia/pull/3552

Event Timeline

On Firefox Desktop, if you typed in a URL that is open in another tab, one of the autocomplete options is "Switch to Tab". We could do a similar treatment - if an article is open in another tab, we could offer "open", "open in new tab", and "jump to existing tab" (that should be worded better).

One thing to decide: Once you jump to a different tab stack, what does the back button do? Go back to the prior stack? Or back in the current article stack?

JTannerWMF renamed this task from Feature request: Warn when opening an article that is already open in a different tab to Feature request: When long pressing a link to an article that is already open, take them to the tab where the article is open.Aug 29 2022, 4:18 PM
JTannerWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

@cooltey – I tried video feedback:

1) Open in a new tab should open a new tab, not an existing one:


2) Back button should go back to search results not previous article in a tab:



Hi @scblr

Thanks for testing the function. I thought this ticket was about fixing the "open in new tab" option from a link "in the article" instead. If we are going to update the all "open in new tab" logic for all over the app, we may need to update the ticket description.

cc @JTannerWMF

Ok, sounds good to me @cooltey – I created a new task for my earlier comments: T317282

ABorbaWMF subscribed.

Looks good to me on 2.7.50420-alpha-2022-09-21

Note - It is still possible to open duplicate tabs when long-pressing items on the explore feed.