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Improve wiki creation/configuration process for end users
Open, Needs TriagePublic


The process of moving a WM test wiki from the Incubator (or Multilingual Wikisource, or Wikiversity Beta) to its own dedicated subdomain can be confusing and frustrating to the "end users" (i.e., the folks waiting to use their "new" wiki), because the wiki typically shows up in a very incomplete state. This is presumably only going to get worse with our recent move to create new wikis even "earlier in the process", with very minimal configuration that is fleshed out after the wiki is actually created.

For context, see the discussion starting at T335969#8953791 and then this langcom mailing list thread. The new workflow is being tested with tlywiki: T345166, T345316, T345170. For a lot of nitty gritty details, see T158730: Automate WMF wiki creation.

As it becomes clear which steps in the process are being pushed to a later stage, after the wiki has been created, we need to consider which post-creation configuration steps should be done before the wiki is publicly visible (if this is desired) and (more importantly) before the wiki is publicly editable.

In other words, I think we should view wiki creation in terms of the following four stages:

  1. before the wiki exists (T158730 seems to be mainly concerned with this stage)
  2. after it exists but before it is publicly visible (is this a thing?)
  3. after it is visible but before it can be edited by the general public (i.e., importing of content, and what else?)
  4. after people are editing it but before all configuration has been "finalized"

(I'm not sure if stage 2 should be a separate stage or whether it is, practically speaking, indistinguishable from stage 1.)

Thus, I envision changing from the more generic

  • Create X
  • Initial configurations for X
  • Post-creation work for X

system of tasks that we have been using, to the more "results-based":

  • Create X
  • Make X publicly viewable
  • Make X publicly editable
  • Finish configuring X

Or some such. Using more informative names like this, and segregating the configuration steps into their appropriate tasks (i.e., not mixing urgent things with "can do at any time" things), clarifies which step of the process the wiki is in, and might encourage resolving of the tasks in a more timely manner. [grin]

I need people to weigh in here about what steps belong to what stages.

Event Timeline

EDIT: Removed stuff that is now addressed in the task description.

So, what changes belong in what stage? And is it technically feasible/desirable to distinguish between these stages in the first place (beyond Stage 1 vs. the rest, as we are currently doing)?

@Ladsgroup? @Meno25? @RhinosF1? @Zabe? @Anoop? @jhsoby? (Sorry for the spamming, but I noticed y'all have been involved in setting up the last few content wikis.)

Clearly importing of content and cleaning up of interwiki links belong to Stage 3 (meaning they should be done before the wiki is editable).

I would say setting of the text directionality, project name(s), project namespace(s), timezone, and logo (if we have one) belong to Stage 2 (or, if the wiki needs to be publicly visible to make other configuration more convenient, then Stage 3).

I'm wondering whether waiting for the initial counting of the on-wiki stats should be in Stage 3. Since this is done 4 times a day now, it shouldn't be too much of an inconvenience.

I don't know enough to have an opinion on the rest.

EDIT: Oh, wait… I think recounting is still only done once per day. Sorry, I was getting it confused with the reporting of the stats to Commons by a bot 4 times a day. [grin]

EDITED AGAIN: Or is recounting only done twice a month? I can't remember. Sigh…

This comment was removed by Dcljr.

Hmm. I guess so. @Ladsgroup would have a more definitive opinion about that.

The other task also has the benefit of describing the wiki creation process (in early 2017, anyway) and linking prominently to documentation about that in the description.

EDIT: Changed my mind.

Dcljr renamed this task from Improve wiki creation process to Improve wiki creation/configuration process.Sep 5 2023, 9:31 PM
Dcljr updated the task description. (Show Details)

On second thought, I think this is different enough to keep it a separate task (at the risk of letting it languish in obscurity).

The other task is a very technical one, mainly for the benefit of the sysops "behind the scenes" making wiki creation happen. This task (as I have been using it so far, anyway) is more about the "cultural" side of wiki creation, trying to improve the experience from the end-user's perspective (and hopefully also from the perspective of folks doing the post-creation configuration).

I have updated the task description to clarify this a bit.

Dcljr renamed this task from Improve wiki creation/configuration process to Improve wiki creation/configuration process for end-users.Jun 4 2024, 1:04 AM
Dcljr renamed this task from Improve wiki creation/configuration process for end-users to Improve wiki creation/configuration process for end users.Jun 4 2024, 1:10 AM