Currently, to add a spelling variant for lemmas and representations, we use a list of language codes. This list is stored separately from items, and is based on the list used by Wikimedia for the projects (Wikipedias, etc.). It is a different list from the one we use for monolingual text.
With the Lexeme, we already have people wanting to add more codes for languages or scripts ([[ | fro ]], [[ | cu-cyrl ]], etc.) and we expect this demand to increase in the near future.
**Current problems:**
* People have to request for a language code individually
* We have to maintain the list by hand
* Let people enter the language code that they think is appropriate for lemmas and representations
* Avoid mistakes and wrong choices
* Have a list that is easier to maintain
* The process to add new languages in the list should be quick and transparent
**Possible solutions:**
* instead of a separated list, take the list of item that have instance of/subclass of language
* merge the existing list with the monolingual text list
* ... //your suggestion here//