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Mad Max: Fury Road

2015年 • 120分
1.21万 件のレビュー
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From director George Miller,originator of the post-apocalyptic genre and mastermind behind the legendary “Mad Max” franchise,comes “Mad Max: Fury Road,” a return to the world of the Road Warrior,Max Rockatansky. Haunted by his turbulent past,Mad Max (Tom Hardy) believes the best way to survive is to wander alone. Nevertheless,he becomes swept up with a group fleeing across the Wasteland in a War Rig driven by an elite Imperator,Furiosa (Charlize Theron). They are escaping a Citadel tyrannized by the Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne),from whom something irreplaceable has been taken. Enraged,the Warlord marshals all his gangs and pursues the rebels ruthlessly in the high-octane Road War that follows.


1.21万 件のレビュー
herberth aibeb
very well character of Tom as well it boos the industry although 3th party South Africans where benefits in terms of jobs and position. Namibian location is suitable for very Furry feature movie, meaning you are most Welcome not through RSA but direct as we are well organise in terms of Equipment, Accomation, Transport, logistic/personal experience one ext.We all locals of Namibia are very optimistic about Ferry Roads investments within Country particular within the town of Shakopmund, Walvisbay
Mauricio Ayala
Si bien esta película recibió 6 Oscar, es una lastima que el director no haya sido premiado con uno por que todo en la película estuvo fenomenalmente bien hecho, la fotografía ,las luces naranjas y azules que lograron se te quedan grabadas en la retina, efectos, si estrenaban la cinta sin efectos por computadora seguiría siendo igual de espectacular, la banda sonora que cuadra perfectamente con la locura y acción frenética del mundo de Mad Max hacen esta cinta fenomenal.
380 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Дмитро Бондаренко
Та вакханалия, которая творится на протяжении всего фильма просто поражает. Экшн не то, чтобы льётся из экрана - он просто вырывается мощным потоком громадного водопада. Ну а для любителей постапокалиптики это настоящий бальзам на сердце.
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