[go: nahoru, domu]


AnyClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Any contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message.

ApiClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Api is a light-weight descriptor for an API Interface.

AnyBaseClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Base class for Google\Protobuf\Any, this contains hand-written convenience methods like pack() and unpack().

Descriptor::addOneofDecl() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::addField() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::addNestedType() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::addEnumType() — Method in class Descriptor
DescriptorPool::addMessage() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorPool::addEnum() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorPool::addDescriptor() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorPool::addEnumDescriptor() — Method in class DescriptorPool
EnumDescriptor::addValue() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
$ EnumOptions#allow_aliasProperty in class EnumOptions

Set this option to true to allow mapping different tag names to the same value.

FileDescriptor::addMessageType() — Method in class FileDescriptor
FileDescriptor::addEnumType() — Method in class FileDescriptor
AnnotationClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\GeneratedCodeInfo

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation

OneofDescriptor::addField() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
$ UninterpretedOption#aggregate_valueProperty in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional string aggregate_value = 8;


BoolValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Wrapper message for bool.

BytesValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Wrapper message for bytes.

CodedInputStream::bufferSize() — Method in class CodedInputStream
CodedInputStream::bytesUntilLimit() — Method in class CodedInputStream
Descriptor::buildFromProto() — Method in class Descriptor
EnumDescriptor::buildFromProto() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::buildFromProto() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FileDescriptor::buildFromProto() — Method in class FileDescriptor
$ Annotation#beginProperty in class Annotation

Identifies the starting offset in bytes in the generated code that relates to the identified object.

Message::byteSize() — Method in class Message
OneofDescriptor::buildFromProto() — Method in class OneofDescriptor


Api::clearSourceContext() — Method in class Api
Enum::clearSourceContext() — Method in class Enum
$ Field#cardinalityProperty in class Field

The field cardinality.

CardinalityClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Field

Whether a field is optional, required, or repeated.

CodedInputStreamClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
CodedInputStream::current() — Method in class CodedInputStream
CodedOutputStreamClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
DescriptorProto::clearName() — Method in class DescriptorProto
DescriptorProto::clearOptions() — Method in class DescriptorProto
ExtensionRange::clearStart() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ExtensionRange::clearEnd() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ExtensionRange::clearOptions() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ReservedRange::clearStart() — Method in class ReservedRange
ReservedRange::clearEnd() — Method in class ReservedRange
EnumDescriptorProto::clearName() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto
EnumDescriptorProto::clearOptions() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto
EnumReservedRange::clearStart() — Method in class EnumReservedRange
EnumReservedRange::clearEnd() — Method in class EnumReservedRange
EnumOptions::clearAllowAlias() — Method in class EnumOptions
EnumOptions::clearDeprecated() — Method in class EnumOptions
EnumValueDescriptorProto::clearName() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto
EnumValueDescriptorProto::clearNumber() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto
EnumValueDescriptorProto::clearOptions() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto
EnumValueOptions::clearDeprecated() — Method in class EnumValueOptions
FieldDescriptorProto::clearName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearNumber() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearLabel() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearType() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearTypeName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearExtendee() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearDefaultValue() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearOneofIndex() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearJsonName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearOptions() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::clearProto3Optional() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
$ FieldOptions#ctypeProperty in class FieldOptions

The ctype option instructs the C++ code generator to use a different representation of the field than it normally would. See the specific options below. This option is not yet implemented in the open source release -- sorry, we'll try to include it in a future version!

FieldOptions::clearCtype() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::clearPacked() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::clearJstype() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::clearLazy() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::clearUnverifiedLazy() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::clearDeprecated() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::clearWeak() — Method in class FieldOptions
CTypeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\FieldOptions

Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldOptions.CType

FileDescriptorProto::clearName() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileDescriptorProto::clearPackage() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileDescriptorProto::clearOptions() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileDescriptorProto::clearSourceCodeInfo() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileDescriptorProto::clearSyntax() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
$ FileOptions#cc_generic_servicesProperty in class FileOptions

Should generic services be generated in each language? "Generic" services are not specific to any particular RPC system. They are generated by the main code generators in each language (without additional plugins).

$ FileOptions#cc_enable_arenasProperty in class FileOptions

Enables the use of arenas for the proto messages in this file. This applies only to generated classes for C++.

$ FileOptions#csharp_namespaceProperty in class FileOptions

Namespace for generated classes; defaults to the package.

FileOptions::clearJavaPackage() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearJavaOuterClassname() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearJavaMultipleFiles() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearJavaGenerateEqualsAndHash() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearJavaStringCheckUtf8() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearOptimizeFor() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearGoPackage() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearCcGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearJavaGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearPyGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearPhpGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearDeprecated() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearCcEnableArenas() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearObjcClassPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearCsharpNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearSwiftPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearPhpClassPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearPhpNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearPhpMetadataNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::clearRubyPackage() — Method in class FileOptions
GPBUtil::checkString() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkEnum() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkInt32() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkUint32() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkInt64() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkUint64() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkFloat() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkDouble() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkBool() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkMessage() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkRepeatedField() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::checkMapField() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::combineInt32ToInt64() — Method in class GPBUtil
Annotation::clearSourceFile() — Method in class Annotation
Annotation::clearBegin() — Method in class Annotation
Annotation::clearEnd() — Method in class Annotation
MapField::count() — Method in class MapField

Return the number of stored elements.

MapFieldIter::current() — Method in class MapFieldIter

Return the element at the current position.

Message::clear() — Method in class Message

Clear all containing fields.

MessageOptions::clearMessageSetWireFormat() — Method in class MessageOptions
MessageOptions::clearNoStandardDescriptorAccessor() — Method in class MessageOptions
MessageOptions::clearDeprecated() — Method in class MessageOptions
MessageOptions::clearMapEntry() — Method in class MessageOptions
$ MethodDescriptorProto#client_streamingProperty in class MethodDescriptorProto

Identifies if client streams multiple client messages

MethodDescriptorProto::clearName() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::clearInputType() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::clearOutputType() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::clearOptions() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::clearClientStreaming() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::clearServerStreaming() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodOptions::clearDeprecated() — Method in class MethodOptions
MethodOptions::clearIdempotencyLevel() — Method in class MethodOptions
OneofDescriptorProto::clearName() — Method in class OneofDescriptorProto
OneofDescriptorProto::clearOptions() — Method in class OneofDescriptorProto
RepeatedField::count() — Method in class RepeatedField

Return the number of stored elements.

RepeatedFieldIter::current() — Method in class RepeatedFieldIter

Return the element at the current position.

ServiceDescriptorProto::clearName() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto
ServiceDescriptorProto::clearOptions() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto
ServiceOptions::clearDeprecated() — Method in class ServiceOptions
Location::clearLeadingComments() — Method in class Location
Location::clearTrailingComments() — Method in class Location
UninterpretedOption::clearIdentifierValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::clearPositiveIntValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::clearNegativeIntValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::clearDoubleValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::clearStringValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::clearAggregateValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
NamePart::clearNamePart() — Method in class NamePart
NamePart::clearIsExtension() — Method in class NamePart
Option::clearValue() — Method in class Option
Type::clearSourceContext() — Method in class Type


DescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf
DescriptorPoolClass in namespace Google\Protobuf
DoubleValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Wrapper message for double.

DurationClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.

$ Field#default_valueProperty in class Field

The string value of the default value of this field. Proto2 syntax only.

CodedInputStream::decrementRecursionDepthAndPopLimit() — Method in class CodedInputStream
DescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
DescriptorPoolClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
DescriptorProtoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Describes a message type.

DescriptorProto_ExtensionRangeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\DescriptorProto\ExtensionRange instead.

DescriptorProto_ReservedRangeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\DescriptorProto\ReservedRange instead.

$ EnumOptions#deprecatedProperty in class EnumOptions

Is this enum deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the enum, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating enums.

$ EnumValueOptions#deprecatedProperty in class EnumValueOptions

Is this enum value deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the enum value, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating enum values.

$ FieldDescriptorProto#default_valueProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

For numeric types, contains the original text representation of the value.

$ FieldOptions#deprecatedProperty in class FieldOptions

Is this field deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for accessors, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating fields.

$ FileOptions#deprecatedProperty in class FileOptions

Is this file deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for everything in the file, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating files.

GPBUtil::divideInt64ToInt32() — Method in class GPBUtil
Message::discardUnknownFields() — Method in class Message

Clear all unknown fields previously parsed.

$ MessageOptions#deprecatedProperty in class MessageOptions

Is this message deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the message, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating messages.

$ MethodOptions#deprecatedProperty in class MethodOptions

Is this method deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the method, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating methods.

$ ServiceOptions#deprecatedProperty in class ServiceOptions

Is this service deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the service, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating services.

$ UninterpretedOption#double_valueProperty in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional double double_value = 6;


EnumClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Enum type definition.

EnumDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf
EnumValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Enum value definition.

EnumValueDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf
ExtensionRangeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange

$ ExtensionRange#endProperty in class ExtensionRange
$ ReservedRange#endProperty in class ReservedRange
EnumBuilderContextClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
EnumDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
EnumDescriptorProtoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Describes an enum type.

EnumReservedRangeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\EnumDescriptorProto

Range of reserved numeric values. Reserved values may not be used by entries in the same enum. Reserved ranges may not overlap.

$ EnumReservedRange#endProperty in class EnumReservedRange
EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRangeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\EnumDescriptorProto\EnumReservedRange instead.

EnumOptionsClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.EnumOptions

EnumValueDescriptorProtoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Describes a value within an enum.

EnumValueOptionsClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions

ExtensionRangeOptionsClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions

$ FieldDescriptorProto#extendeeProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

For extensions, this is the name of the type being extended. It is resolved in the same manner as type_name.

GPBJsonWire::escapedJson() — Method in class GPBJsonWire
$ Annotation#endProperty in class Annotation

Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that relates to the identified offset. The end offset should be one past the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin).


FieldClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

A single field of a message type.

FieldDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf
FieldMaskClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

FieldMask represents a set of symbolic field paths, for example: paths: "f.a" paths: "f.b.d" Here f represents a field in some root message, a and b fields in the message found in f, and d a field found in the message in f.b.

Field_CardinalityClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Field\Cardinality instead.

Field_KindClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Field\Kind instead.

FloatValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Wrapper message for float.

DescriptorPool::finish() — Method in class DescriptorPool
EnumBuilderContext::finalizeToPool() — Method in class EnumBuilderContext
FieldDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
FieldDescriptorProtoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Describes a field within a message.

FieldDescriptorProto_LabelClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\FieldDescriptorProto\Label instead.

FieldDescriptorProto_TypeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\FieldDescriptorProto\Type instead.

FieldOptionsClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.FieldOptions

FieldOptions_CTypeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\FieldOptions\CType instead.

FieldOptions_JSTypeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\FieldOptions\JSType instead.

FileDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
FileDescriptorProtoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Describes a complete .proto file.

FileDescriptorSetClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

The protocol compiler can output a FileDescriptorSet containing the .proto files it parses.

FileOptionsClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.FileOptions

FileOptions_OptimizeModeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\FileOptions\OptimizeMode instead.

GPBUtil::formatTimestamp() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::formatDuration() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::formatFieldMask() — Method in class GPBUtil
MessageBuilderContext::finalizeToPool() — Method in class MessageBuilderContext
TimestampBase::fromDateTime() — Method in class TimestampBase
$ SourceContext#file_nameProperty in class SourceContext

The path-qualified name of the .proto file that contained the associated protobuf element. For example: "google/protobuf/source_context.proto".


Any::getTypeUrl() — Method in class Any

A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in path/google.protobuf.Duration). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted).

Any::getValue() — Method in class Any

Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.

Api::getName() — Method in class Api

The fully qualified name of this interface, including package name followed by the interface's simple name.

Api::getMethods() — Method in class Api

The methods of this interface, in unspecified order.

Api::getOptions() — Method in class Api

Any metadata attached to the interface.

Api::getVersion() — Method in class Api

A version string for this interface. If specified, must have the form major-version.minor-version, as in 1.10. If the minor version is omitted, it defaults to zero. If the entire version field is empty, the major version is derived from the package name, as outlined below. If the field is not empty, the version in the package name will be verified to be consistent with what is provided here.

Api::getSourceContext() — Method in class Api

Source context for the protocol buffer service represented by this message.

Api::getMixins() — Method in class Api

Included interfaces. See [Mixin][].

Api::getSyntax() — Method in class Api

The source syntax of the service.

BoolValue::getValue() — Method in class BoolValue

The bool value.

BytesValue::getValue() — Method in class BytesValue

The bytes value.

Descriptor::getFullName() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getClass() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getField() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getFieldCount() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getOneofDecl() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getOneofDeclCount() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getRealOneofDeclCount() — Method in class Descriptor
DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorPool::getDescriptorByClassName() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorPool::getEnumDescriptorByClassName() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DoubleValue::getValue() — Method in class DoubleValue

The double value.

Duration::getSeconds() — Method in class Duration

Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min 60 min/hr 24 hr/day 365.25 days/year 10000 years

Duration::getNanos() — Method in class Duration

Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 seconds field and a positive or negative nanos field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the nanos field must be of the same sign as the seconds field. Must be from -999,999,999 to +999,999,999 inclusive.

Enum::getName() — Method in class Enum

Enum type name.

Enum::getEnumvalue() — Method in class Enum

Enum value definitions.

Enum::getOptions() — Method in class Enum

Protocol buffer options.

Enum::getSourceContext() — Method in class Enum

The source context.

Enum::getSyntax() — Method in class Enum

The source syntax.

EnumDescriptor::getFullName() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::getClass() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::getValue() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::getValueCount() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumValue::getName() — Method in class EnumValue

Enum value name.

EnumValue::getNumber() — Method in class EnumValue

Enum value number.

EnumValue::getOptions() — Method in class EnumValue

Protocol buffer options.

EnumValueDescriptor::getName() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptor
EnumValueDescriptor::getNumber() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptor
Field::getKind() — Method in class Field

The field type.

Field::getCardinality() — Method in class Field

The field cardinality.

Field::getNumber() — Method in class Field

The field number.

Field::getName() — Method in class Field

The field name.

Field::getTypeUrl() — Method in class Field

The field type URL, without the scheme, for message or enumeration types. Example: "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Timestamp".

Field::getOneofIndex() — Method in class Field

The index of the field type in Type.oneofs, for message or enumeration types. The first type has index 1; zero means the type is not in the list.

Field::getPacked() — Method in class Field

Whether to use alternative packed wire representation.

Field::getOptions() — Method in class Field

The protocol buffer options.

Field::getJsonName() — Method in class Field

The field JSON name.

Field::getDefaultValue() — Method in class Field

The string value of the default value of this field. Proto2 syntax only.

FieldDescriptor::getName() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getNumber() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getLabel() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getContainingOneof() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getRealContainingOneof() — Method in class FieldDescriptor

Gets the field's containing oneof, only if non-synthetic.

FieldDescriptor::getMessageType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getEnumType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldMask::getPaths() — Method in class FieldMask

The set of field mask paths.

FloatValue::getValue() — Method in class FloatValue

The float value.

GPBEmptyClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); }

Int32Value::getValue() — Method in class Int32Value

The int32 value.

Int64Value::getValue() — Method in class Int64Value

The int64 value.

CodedOutputStream::getData() — Method in class CodedOutputStream
Descriptor::getOneofDecl() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getFullName() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getField() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getNestedType() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getEnumType() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getFieldByNumber() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getFieldByJsonName() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getFieldByName() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getFieldByIndex() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getClass() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getLegacyClass() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getPreviouslyUnreservedClass() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::getOptions() — Method in class Descriptor
DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorPool::getDescriptorByClassName() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorPool::getEnumDescriptorByClassName() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorPool::getDescriptorByProtoName() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorPool::getEnumDescriptorByProtoName() — Method in class DescriptorPool
DescriptorProto::getName() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

DescriptorProto::getField() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;

DescriptorProto::getExtension() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto extension = 6;

DescriptorProto::getNestedType() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto nested_type = 3;

DescriptorProto::getEnumType() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 4;

DescriptorProto::getExtensionRange() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange extension_range = 5;

DescriptorProto::getOneofDecl() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto oneof_decl = 8;

DescriptorProto::getOptions() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.MessageOptions options = 7;

DescriptorProto::getReservedRange() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange reserved_range = 9;

DescriptorProto::getReservedName() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Reserved field names, which may not be used by fields in the same message.

ExtensionRange::getStart() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ExtensionRange::getEnd() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ExtensionRange::getOptions() — Method in class ExtensionRange

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions options = 3;

ReservedRange::getStart() — Method in class ReservedRange
ReservedRange::getEnd() — Method in class ReservedRange
EnumDescriptor::getFullName() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::getValueByNumber() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::getValueByName() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::getValueDescriptorByIndex() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::getValueCount() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::getClass() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::getLegacyClass() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptorProto::getName() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

EnumDescriptorProto::getValue() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto value = 2;

EnumDescriptorProto::getOptions() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.EnumOptions options = 3;

EnumDescriptorProto::getReservedRange() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Range of reserved numeric values. Reserved numeric values may not be used by enum values in the same enum declaration. Reserved ranges may not overlap.

EnumDescriptorProto::getReservedName() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Reserved enum value names, which may not be reused. A given name may only be reserved once.

EnumReservedRange::getStart() — Method in class EnumReservedRange
EnumReservedRange::getEnd() — Method in class EnumReservedRange
EnumOptions::getAllowAlias() — Method in class EnumOptions

Set this option to true to allow mapping different tag names to the same value.

EnumOptions::getDeprecated() — Method in class EnumOptions

Is this enum deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the enum, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating enums.

EnumOptions::getUninterpretedOption() — Method in class EnumOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

EnumValueDescriptorProto::getName() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

EnumValueDescriptorProto::getNumber() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional int32 number = 2;

EnumValueDescriptorProto::getOptions() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions options = 3;

EnumValueOptions::getDeprecated() — Method in class EnumValueOptions

Is this enum value deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the enum value, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating enum values.

EnumValueOptions::getUninterpretedOption() — Method in class EnumValueOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

ExtensionRangeOptions::getUninterpretedOption() — Method in class ExtensionRangeOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

FieldDescriptor::getOneofIndex() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getName() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getJsonName() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getSetter() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getGetter() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getNumber() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getLabel() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getMessageType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getEnumType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getPacked() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getProto3Optional() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getContainingOneof() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getRealContainingOneof() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::getFieldDescriptor() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptorProto::getName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

FieldDescriptorProto::getNumber() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional int32 number = 3;

FieldDescriptorProto::getLabel() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label label = 4;

FieldDescriptorProto::getType() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

If type_name is set, this need not be set. If both this and type_name are set, this must be one of TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_MESSAGE or TYPE_GROUP.

FieldDescriptorProto::getTypeName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

For message and enum types, this is the name of the type. If the name starts with a '.', it is fully-qualified. Otherwise, C++-like scoping rules are used to find the type (i.e. first the nested types within this message are searched, then within the parent, on up to the root namespace).

FieldDescriptorProto::getExtendee() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

For extensions, this is the name of the type being extended. It is resolved in the same manner as type_name.

FieldDescriptorProto::getDefaultValue() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

For numeric types, contains the original text representation of the value.

FieldDescriptorProto::getOneofIndex() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

If set, gives the index of a oneof in the containing type's oneof_decl list. This field is a member of that oneof.

FieldDescriptorProto::getJsonName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

JSON name of this field. The value is set by protocol compiler. If the user has set a "json_name" option on this field, that option's value will be used. Otherwise, it's deduced from the field's name by converting it to camelCase.

FieldDescriptorProto::getOptions() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FieldOptions options = 8;

FieldDescriptorProto::getProto3Optional() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

If true, this is a proto3 "optional". When a proto3 field is optional, it tracks presence regardless of field type.

FieldOptions::getCtype() — Method in class FieldOptions

The ctype option instructs the C++ code generator to use a different representation of the field than it normally would. See the specific options below. This option is not yet implemented in the open source release -- sorry, we'll try to include it in a future version!

FieldOptions::getPacked() — Method in class FieldOptions

The packed option can be enabled for repeated primitive fields to enable a more efficient representation on the wire. Rather than repeatedly writing the tag and type for each element, the entire array is encoded as a single length-delimited blob. In proto3, only explicit setting it to false will avoid using packed encoding.

FieldOptions::getJstype() — Method in class FieldOptions

The jstype option determines the JavaScript type used for values of the field. The option is permitted only for 64 bit integral and fixed types (int64, uint64, sint64, fixed64, sfixed64). A field with jstype JS_STRING is represented as JavaScript string, which avoids loss of precision that can happen when a large value is converted to a floating point JavaScript.

FieldOptions::getLazy() — Method in class FieldOptions

Should this field be parsed lazily? Lazy applies only to message-type fields. It means that when the outer message is initially parsed, the inner message's contents will not be parsed but instead stored in encoded form. The inner message will actually be parsed when it is first accessed.

FieldOptions::getUnverifiedLazy() — Method in class FieldOptions

unverified_lazy does no correctness checks on the byte stream. This should only be used where lazy with verification is prohibitive for performance reasons.

FieldOptions::getDeprecated() — Method in class FieldOptions

Is this field deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for accessors, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating fields.

FieldOptions::getWeak() — Method in class FieldOptions

For Google-internal migration only. Do not use.

FieldOptions::getUninterpretedOption() — Method in class FieldOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

FileDescriptor::getPackage() — Method in class FileDescriptor
FileDescriptor::getMessageType() — Method in class FileDescriptor
FileDescriptor::getEnumType() — Method in class FileDescriptor
FileDescriptorProto::getName() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

file name, relative to root of source tree

FileDescriptorProto::getPackage() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

e.g. "foo", "foo.bar", etc.

FileDescriptorProto::getDependency() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Names of files imported by this file.

FileDescriptorProto::getPublicDependency() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Indexes of the public imported files in the dependency list above.

FileDescriptorProto::getWeakDependency() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Indexes of the weak imported files in the dependency list.

FileDescriptorProto::getMessageType() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

All top-level definitions in this file.

FileDescriptorProto::getEnumType() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 5;

FileDescriptorProto::getService() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto service = 6;

FileDescriptorProto::getExtension() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto extension = 7;

FileDescriptorProto::getOptions() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FileOptions options = 8;

FileDescriptorProto::getSourceCodeInfo() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

This field contains optional information about the original source code.

FileDescriptorProto::getSyntax() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

The syntax of the proto file.

FileDescriptorSet::getFile() — Method in class FileDescriptorSet

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto file = 1;

$ FileOptions#go_packageProperty in class FileOptions

Sets the Go package where structs generated from this .proto will be placed. If omitted, the Go package will be derived from the following:

  • The basename of the package import path, if provided.
FileOptions::getJavaPackage() — Method in class FileOptions

Sets the Java package where classes generated from this .proto will be placed. By default, the proto package is used, but this is often inappropriate because proto packages do not normally start with backwards domain names.

FileOptions::getJavaOuterClassname() — Method in class FileOptions

Controls the name of the wrapper Java class generated for the .proto file.

FileOptions::getJavaMultipleFiles() — Method in class FileOptions

If enabled, then the Java code generator will generate a separate .java file for each top-level message, enum, and service defined in the .proto file. Thus, these types will not be nested inside the wrapper class named by java_outer_classname. However, the wrapper class will still be generated to contain the file's getDescriptor() method as well as any top-level extensions defined in the file.

FileOptions::getJavaGenerateEqualsAndHash() — Method in class FileOptions

This option does nothing.

FileOptions::getJavaStringCheckUtf8() — Method in class FileOptions

If set true, then the Java2 code generator will generate code that throws an exception whenever an attempt is made to assign a non-UTF-8 byte sequence to a string field.

FileOptions::getOptimizeFor() — Method in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FileOptions.OptimizeMode optimize_for = 9 [default = SPEED];

FileOptions::getGoPackage() — Method in class FileOptions

Sets the Go package where structs generated from this .proto will be placed. If omitted, the Go package will be derived from the following:

  • The basename of the package import path, if provided.
FileOptions::getCcGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions

Should generic services be generated in each language? "Generic" services are not specific to any particular RPC system. They are generated by the main code generators in each language (without additional plugins).

FileOptions::getJavaGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional bool java_generic_services = 17 [default = false];

FileOptions::getPyGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional bool py_generic_services = 18 [default = false];

FileOptions::getPhpGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional bool php_generic_services = 42 [default = false];

FileOptions::getDeprecated() — Method in class FileOptions

Is this file deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for everything in the file, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating files.

FileOptions::getCcEnableArenas() — Method in class FileOptions

Enables the use of arenas for the proto messages in this file. This applies only to generated classes for C++.

FileOptions::getObjcClassPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions

Sets the objective c class prefix which is prepended to all objective c generated classes from this .proto. There is no default.

FileOptions::getCsharpNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions

Namespace for generated classes; defaults to the package.

FileOptions::getSwiftPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions

By default Swift generators will take the proto package and CamelCase it replacing '.' with underscore and use that to prefix the types/symbols defined. When this options is provided, they will use this value instead to prefix the types/symbols defined.

FileOptions::getPhpClassPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions

Sets the php class prefix which is prepended to all php generated classes from this .proto. Default is empty.

FileOptions::getPhpNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions

Use this option to change the namespace of php generated classes. Default is empty. When this option is empty, the package name will be used for determining the namespace.

FileOptions::getPhpMetadataNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions

Use this option to change the namespace of php generated metadata classes.

FileOptions::getRubyPackage() — Method in class FileOptions

Use this option to change the package of ruby generated classes. Default is empty. When this option is not set, the package name will be used for determining the ruby package.

FileOptions::getUninterpretedOption() — Method in class FileOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here.

GPBDecodeExceptionClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
GPBJsonWireClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
GPBLabelClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
GPBTypeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
GPBUtilClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
GPBUtil::getClassNamePrefix() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::getLegacyClassNameWithoutPackage() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::getClassNameWithoutPackage() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::getFullClassName() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::getNanosecondsForTimestamp() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBWireClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
GPBWire::getTagFieldNumber() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::getTagWireType() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::getWireType() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWireTypeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
GeneratedCodeInfoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Describes the relationship between generated code and its original source file. A GeneratedCodeInfo message is associated with only one generated source file, but may contain references to different source .proto files.

GeneratedCodeInfo::getAnnotation() — Method in class GeneratedCodeInfo

An Annotation connects some span of text in generated code to an element of its generating .proto file.

Annotation::getPath() — Method in class Annotation

Identifies the element in the original source .proto file. This field is formatted the same as SourceCodeInfo.Location.path.

Annotation::getSourceFile() — Method in class Annotation

Identifies the filesystem path to the original source .proto.

Annotation::getBegin() — Method in class Annotation

Identifies the starting offset in bytes in the generated code that relates to the identified object.

Annotation::getEnd() — Method in class Annotation

Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that relates to the identified offset. The end offset should be one past the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin).

GeneratedCodeInfo_AnnotationClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GeneratedCodeInfo\Annotation instead.

GetPublicDescriptorTraitClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
HasPublicDescriptorTrait::getPublicDescriptor() — Method in class HasPublicDescriptorTrait
MapEntry::getKey() — Method in class MapEntry
MapEntry::getValue() — Method in class MapEntry
MapField::getKeyType() — Method in class MapField
MapField::getValueType() — Method in class MapField
MapField::getValueClass() — Method in class MapField
MapField::getLegacyValueClass() — Method in class MapField
MapField::getIterator() — Method in class MapField
MessageOptions::getMessageSetWireFormat() — Method in class MessageOptions

Set true to use the old proto1 MessageSet wire format for extensions.

MessageOptions::getNoStandardDescriptorAccessor() — Method in class MessageOptions

Disables the generation of the standard "descriptor()" accessor, which can conflict with a field of the same name. This is meant to make migration from proto1 easier; new code should avoid fields named "descriptor".

MessageOptions::getDeprecated() — Method in class MessageOptions

Is this message deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the message, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating messages.

MessageOptions::getMapEntry() — Method in class MessageOptions

Whether the message is an automatically generated map entry type for the maps field.

MessageOptions::getUninterpretedOption() — Method in class MessageOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

MethodDescriptorProto::getName() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

MethodDescriptorProto::getInputType() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Input and output type names. These are resolved in the same way as FieldDescriptorProto.type_name, but must refer to a message type.

MethodDescriptorProto::getOutputType() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string output_type = 3;

MethodDescriptorProto::getOptions() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.MethodOptions options = 4;

MethodDescriptorProto::getClientStreaming() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Identifies if client streams multiple client messages

MethodDescriptorProto::getServerStreaming() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Identifies if server streams multiple server messages

MethodOptions::getDeprecated() — Method in class MethodOptions

Is this method deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the method, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating methods.

MethodOptions::getIdempotencyLevel() — Method in class MethodOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.MethodOptions.IdempotencyLevel idempotency_level = 34 [default = IDEMPOTENCY_UNKNOWN];

MethodOptions::getUninterpretedOption() — Method in class MethodOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

OneofDescriptor::getName() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
OneofDescriptor::getFields() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
OneofDescriptorProto::getName() — Method in class OneofDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

OneofDescriptorProto::getOptions() — Method in class OneofDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.OneofOptions options = 2;

OneofField::getValue() — Method in class OneofField
OneofField::getFieldName() — Method in class OneofField
OneofField::getNumber() — Method in class OneofField
OneofOptions::getUninterpretedOption() — Method in class OneofOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

RawInputStream::getData() — Method in class RawInputStream
RepeatedField::getType() — Method in class RepeatedField
RepeatedField::getClass() — Method in class RepeatedField
RepeatedField::getLegacyClass() — Method in class RepeatedField
RepeatedField::getIterator() — Method in class RepeatedField
ServiceDescriptorProto::getName() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

ServiceDescriptorProto::getMethod() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto method = 2;

ServiceDescriptorProto::getOptions() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.ServiceOptions options = 3;

ServiceOptions::getDeprecated() — Method in class ServiceOptions

Is this service deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the service, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating services.

ServiceOptions::getUninterpretedOption() — Method in class ServiceOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

SourceCodeInfo::getLocation() — Method in class SourceCodeInfo

A Location identifies a piece of source code in a .proto file which corresponds to a particular definition. This information is intended to be useful to IDEs, code indexers, documentation generators, and similar tools.

Location::getPath() — Method in class Location

Identifies which part of the FileDescriptorProto was defined at this location.

Location::getSpan() — Method in class Location

Always has exactly three or four elements: start line, start column, end line (optional, otherwise assumed same as start line), end column.

Location::getLeadingComments() — Method in class Location

If this SourceCodeInfo represents a complete declaration, these are any comments appearing before and after the declaration which appear to be attached to the declaration.

Location::getTrailingComments() — Method in class Location

Generated from protobuf field optional string trailing_comments = 4;

Location::getLeadingDetachedComments() — Method in class Location

Generated from protobuf field repeated string leading_detached_comments = 6;

UninterpretedOption::getName() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart name = 2;

UninterpretedOption::getIdentifierValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

The value of the uninterpreted option, in whatever type the tokenizer identified it as during parsing. Exactly one of these should be set.

UninterpretedOption::getPositiveIntValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional uint64 positive_int_value = 4;

UninterpretedOption::getNegativeIntValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional int64 negative_int_value = 5;

UninterpretedOption::getDoubleValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional double double_value = 6;

UninterpretedOption::getStringValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional bytes string_value = 7;

UninterpretedOption::getAggregateValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional string aggregate_value = 8;

NamePart::getNamePart() — Method in class NamePart

Generated from protobuf field required string name_part = 1;

NamePart::getIsExtension() — Method in class NamePart

Generated from protobuf field required bool is_extension = 2;

ListValue::getValues() — Method in class ListValue

Repeated field of dynamically typed values.

Method::getName() — Method in class Method

The simple name of this method.

Method::getRequestTypeUrl() — Method in class Method

A URL of the input message type.

Method::getRequestStreaming() — Method in class Method

If true, the request is streamed.

Method::getResponseTypeUrl() — Method in class Method

The URL of the output message type.

Method::getResponseStreaming() — Method in class Method

If true, the response is streamed.

Method::getOptions() — Method in class Method

Any metadata attached to the method.

Method::getSyntax() — Method in class Method

The source syntax of this method.

Mixin::getName() — Method in class Mixin

The fully qualified name of the interface which is included.

Mixin::getRoot() — Method in class Mixin

If non-empty specifies a path under which inherited HTTP paths are rooted.

OneofDescriptor::getName() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
OneofDescriptor::getField() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
OneofDescriptor::getFieldCount() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
Option::getName() — Method in class Option

The option's name. For protobuf built-in options (options defined in descriptor.proto), this is the short name. For example, "map_entry".

Option::getValue() — Method in class Option

The option's value packed in an Any message. If the value is a primitive, the corresponding wrapper type defined in google/protobuf/wrappers.proto should be used. If the value is an enum, it should be stored as an int32 value using the google.protobuf.Int32Value type.

SourceContext::getFileName() — Method in class SourceContext

The path-qualified name of the .proto file that contained the associated protobuf element. For example: "google/protobuf/source_context.proto".

StringValue::getValue() — Method in class StringValue

The string value.

Struct::getFields() — Method in class Struct

Unordered map of dynamically typed values.

Timestamp::getSeconds() — Method in class Timestamp

Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.

Timestamp::getNanos() — Method in class Timestamp

Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.

Type::getName() — Method in class Type

The fully qualified message name.

Type::getFields() — Method in class Type

The list of fields.

Type::getOneofs() — Method in class Type

The list of types appearing in oneof definitions in this type.

Type::getOptions() — Method in class Type

The protocol buffer options.

Type::getSourceContext() — Method in class Type

The source context.

Type::getSyntax() — Method in class Type

The source syntax.

UInt32Value::getValue() — Method in class UInt32Value

The uint32 value.

UInt64Value::getValue() — Method in class UInt64Value

The uint64 value.

Value::getNullValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a null value.

Value::getNumberValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a double value.

Value::getStringValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a string value.

Value::getBoolValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a boolean value.

Value::getStructValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a structured value.

Value::getListValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a repeated Value.

Value::getKind() — Method in class Value


Api::hasSourceContext() — Method in class Api
Enum::hasSourceContext() — Method in class Enum
FieldDescriptor::hasOptionalKeyword() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
DescriptorProto::hasName() — Method in class DescriptorProto
DescriptorProto::hasOptions() — Method in class DescriptorProto
ExtensionRange::hasStart() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ExtensionRange::hasEnd() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ExtensionRange::hasOptions() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ReservedRange::hasStart() — Method in class ReservedRange
ReservedRange::hasEnd() — Method in class ReservedRange
EnumDescriptorProto::hasName() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto
EnumDescriptorProto::hasOptions() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto
EnumReservedRange::hasStart() — Method in class EnumReservedRange
EnumReservedRange::hasEnd() — Method in class EnumReservedRange
EnumOptions::hasAllowAlias() — Method in class EnumOptions
EnumOptions::hasDeprecated() — Method in class EnumOptions
EnumValueDescriptorProto::hasName() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto
EnumValueDescriptorProto::hasNumber() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto
EnumValueDescriptorProto::hasOptions() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto
EnumValueOptions::hasDeprecated() — Method in class EnumValueOptions
FieldDescriptorProto::hasName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasNumber() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasLabel() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasType() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasTypeName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasExtendee() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasDefaultValue() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasOneofIndex() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasJsonName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasOptions() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldDescriptorProto::hasProto3Optional() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldOptions::hasCtype() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::hasPacked() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::hasJstype() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::hasLazy() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::hasUnverifiedLazy() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::hasDeprecated() — Method in class FieldOptions
FieldOptions::hasWeak() — Method in class FieldOptions
FileDescriptorProto::hasName() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileDescriptorProto::hasPackage() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileDescriptorProto::hasOptions() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileDescriptorProto::hasSourceCodeInfo() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileDescriptorProto::hasSyntax() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileOptions::hasJavaPackage() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasJavaOuterClassname() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasJavaMultipleFiles() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasJavaGenerateEqualsAndHash() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasJavaStringCheckUtf8() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasOptimizeFor() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasGoPackage() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasCcGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasJavaGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasPyGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasPhpGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasDeprecated() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasCcEnableArenas() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasObjcClassPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasCsharpNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasSwiftPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasPhpClassPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasPhpNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasPhpMetadataNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions
FileOptions::hasRubyPackage() — Method in class FileOptions
GPBUtil::hasSpecialJsonMapping() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::hasJsonValue() — Method in class GPBUtil
Annotation::hasSourceFile() — Method in class Annotation
Annotation::hasBegin() — Method in class Annotation
Annotation::hasEnd() — Method in class Annotation
HasPublicDescriptorTraitClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
Message::hasOneof() — Method in class Message
MessageOptions::hasMessageSetWireFormat() — Method in class MessageOptions
MessageOptions::hasNoStandardDescriptorAccessor() — Method in class MessageOptions
MessageOptions::hasDeprecated() — Method in class MessageOptions
MessageOptions::hasMapEntry() — Method in class MessageOptions
MethodDescriptorProto::hasName() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::hasInputType() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::hasOutputType() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::hasOptions() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::hasClientStreaming() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodDescriptorProto::hasServerStreaming() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodOptions::hasDeprecated() — Method in class MethodOptions
MethodOptions::hasIdempotencyLevel() — Method in class MethodOptions
OneofDescriptorProto::hasName() — Method in class OneofDescriptorProto
OneofDescriptorProto::hasOptions() — Method in class OneofDescriptorProto
ServiceDescriptorProto::hasName() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto
ServiceDescriptorProto::hasOptions() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto
ServiceOptions::hasDeprecated() — Method in class ServiceOptions
Location::hasLeadingComments() — Method in class Location
Location::hasTrailingComments() — Method in class Location
UninterpretedOption::hasIdentifierValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::hasPositiveIntValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::hasNegativeIntValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::hasDoubleValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::hasStringValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
UninterpretedOption::hasAggregateValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
NamePart::hasNamePart() — Method in class NamePart
NamePart::hasIsExtension() — Method in class NamePart
Option::hasValue() — Method in class Option
Type::hasSourceContext() — Method in class Type
Value::hasNullValue() — Method in class Value
Value::hasNumberValue() — Method in class Value
Value::hasStringValue() — Method in class Value
Value::hasBoolValue() — Method in class Value
Value::hasStructValue() — Method in class Value
Value::hasListValue() — Method in class Value


FieldDescriptor::isMap() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
Int32ValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Wrapper message for int32.

Int64ValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Wrapper message for int64.

AnyBase::is() — Method in class AnyBase

This method returns whether the type_url in any_message is corresponded to the given class.

CodedInputStream::incrementRecursionDepthAndPushLimit() — Method in class CodedInputStream
DescriptorPool::internalAddGeneratedFile() — Method in class DescriptorPool
FieldDescriptor::isRepeated() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::isPackable() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::isMap() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::isTimestamp() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::isWrapperType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
GPBUtil::Int64() — Method in class GPBUtil
$ MethodDescriptorProto#input_typeProperty in class MethodDescriptorProto

Input and output type names. These are resolved in the same way as FieldDescriptorProto.type_name, but must refer to a message type.

$ MethodOptions#idempotency_levelProperty in class MethodOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.MethodOptions.IdempotencyLevel idempotency_level = 34 [default = IDEMPOTENCY_UNKNOWN];

IdempotencyLevelClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\MethodOptions

Is this method side-effect-free (or safe in HTTP parlance), or idempotent, or neither? HTTP based RPC implementation may choose GET verb for safe methods, and PUT verb for idempotent methods instead of the default POST.

OneofDescriptor::isSynthetic() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
$ UninterpretedOption#identifier_valueProperty in class UninterpretedOption

The value of the uninterpreted option, in whatever type the tokenizer identified it as during parsing. Exactly one of these should be set.

$ NamePart#is_extensionProperty in class NamePart

Generated from protobuf field required bool is_extension = 2;

OneofDescriptor::isSynthetic() — Method in class OneofDescriptor


$ Field#json_nameProperty in class Field

The field JSON name.

$ FieldDescriptorProto#json_nameProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

JSON name of this field. The value is set by protocol compiler. If the user has set a "json_name" option on this field, that option's value will be used. Otherwise, it's deduced from the field's name by converting it to camelCase.

$ FieldOptions#jstypeProperty in class FieldOptions

The jstype option determines the JavaScript type used for values of the field. The option is permitted only for 64 bit integral and fixed types (int64, uint64, sint64, fixed64, sfixed64). A field with jstype JS_STRING is represented as JavaScript string, which avoids loss of precision that can happen when a large value is converted to a floating point JavaScript.

JSTypeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\FieldOptions

Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldOptions.JSType

$ FileOptions#java_packageProperty in class FileOptions

Sets the Java package where classes generated from this .proto will be placed. By default, the proto package is used, but this is often inappropriate because proto packages do not normally start with backwards domain names.

$ FileOptions#java_outer_classnameProperty in class FileOptions

Controls the name of the wrapper Java class generated for the .proto file.

$ FileOptions#java_multiple_filesProperty in class FileOptions

If enabled, then the Java code generator will generate a separate .java file for each top-level message, enum, and service defined in the .proto file. Thus, these types will not be nested inside the wrapper class named by java_outer_classname. However, the wrapper class will still be generated to contain the file's getDescriptor() method as well as any top-level extensions defined in the file.

$ FileOptions#java_generate_equals_and_hashProperty in class FileOptions

This option does nothing.

$ FileOptions#java_string_check_utf8Property in class FileOptions

If set true, then the Java2 code generator will generate code that throws an exception whenever an attempt is made to assign a non-UTF-8 byte sequence to a string field.

$ FileOptions#java_generic_servicesProperty in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional bool java_generic_services = 17 [default = false];

Message::jsonByteSize() — Method in class Message


$ Field#kindProperty in class Field

The field type.

KindClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Field

Basic field types.

$ MapEntry#keyProperty in class MapEntry
MapFieldIter::key() — Method in class MapFieldIter

Return the current key.

RepeatedFieldIter::key() — Method in class RepeatedFieldIter

Return the current position.

$ Value#kindProperty in class Value


$ FieldDescriptorProto#labelProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label label = 4;

LabelClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\FieldDescriptorProto

Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label

$ FieldOptions#lazyProperty in class FieldOptions

Should this field be parsed lazily? Lazy applies only to message-type fields. It means that when the outer message is initially parsed, the inner message's contents will not be parsed but instead stored in encoded form. The inner message will actually be parsed when it is first accessed.

LocationClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\SourceCodeInfo

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location

$ Location#leading_commentsProperty in class Location

If this SourceCodeInfo represents a complete declaration, these are any comments appearing before and after the declaration which appear to be attached to the declaration.

ListValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

ListValue is a wrapper around a repeated field of values.


GPBWire::makeTag() — Method in class GPBWire
MapEntryClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
MapFieldClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

MapField is used by generated protocol message classes to manipulate map fields. It can be used like native PHP array.

MapFieldIterClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

MapFieldIter is used to iterate MapField. It is also need for the foreach syntax.

MessageClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Parent class of all proto messages. Users should not instantiate this class or extend this class or its child classes by their own. See the comment of specific functions for more details.

Message::mergeFrom() — Method in class Message

Merges the contents of the specified message into current message.

Message::mergeFromString() — Method in class Message

Parses a protocol buffer contained in a string.

Message::mergeFromJsonString() — Method in class Message

Parses a json string to protobuf message.

Message::mergeFromArray() — Method in class Message

Populates the message from a user-supplied PHP array. Array keys correspond to Message properties and nested message properties.

Message::mergeFromJsonArray() — Method in class Message
MessageBuilderContextClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
MessageOptionsClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.MessageOptions

$ MessageOptions#message_set_wire_formatProperty in class MessageOptions

Set true to use the old proto1 MessageSet wire format for extensions.

$ MessageOptions#map_entryProperty in class MessageOptions

Whether the message is an automatically generated map entry type for the maps field.

MethodDescriptorProtoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Describes a method of a service.

MethodOptionsClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.MethodOptions

MethodOptions_IdempotencyLevelClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\MethodOptions\IdempotencyLevel instead.

MethodClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Method represents a method of an API interface.

MixinClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Declares an API Interface to be included in this interface. The including interface must redeclare all the methods from the included interface, but documentation and options are inherited as follows:

  • If after comment and whitespace stripping, the documentation string of the redeclared method is empty, it will be inherited from the original method.


$ Api#nameProperty in class Api

The fully qualified name of this interface, including package name followed by the interface's simple name.

$ Duration#nanosProperty in class Duration

Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 seconds field and a positive or negative nanos field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the nanos field must be of the same sign as the seconds field. Must be from -999,999,999 to +999,999,999 inclusive.

$ Enum#nameProperty in class Enum

Enum type name.

$ EnumValue#nameProperty in class EnumValue

Enum value name.

$ EnumValue#numberProperty in class EnumValue

Enum value number.

$ Field#numberProperty in class Field

The field number.

$ Field#nameProperty in class Field

The field name.

Cardinality::name() — Method in class Cardinality
Kind::name() — Method in class Kind
$ DescriptorProto#nameProperty in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

$ EnumDescriptorProto#nameProperty in class EnumDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

$ EnumValueDescriptorProto#nameProperty in class EnumValueDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

$ EnumValueDescriptorProto#numberProperty in class EnumValueDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional int32 number = 2;

$ FieldDescriptorProto#nameProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

$ FieldDescriptorProto#numberProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional int32 number = 3;

Label::name() — Method in class Label
Type::name() — Method in class Type
CType::name() — Method in class CType
JSType::name() — Method in class JSType
$ FileDescriptorProto#nameProperty in class FileDescriptorProto

file name, relative to root of source tree

OptimizeMode::name() — Method in class OptimizeMode
MapFieldIter::next() — Method in class MapFieldIter

Move to the next position.

$ MessageOptions#no_standard_descriptor_accessorProperty in class MessageOptions

Disables the generation of the standard "descriptor()" accessor, which can conflict with a field of the same name. This is meant to make migration from proto1 easier; new code should avoid fields named "descriptor".

$ MethodDescriptorProto#nameProperty in class MethodDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

IdempotencyLevel::name() — Method in class IdempotencyLevel
$ OneofDescriptorProto#nameProperty in class OneofDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

RepeatedFieldIter::next() — Method in class RepeatedFieldIter

Move to the next position.

$ ServiceDescriptorProto#nameProperty in class ServiceDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

$ UninterpretedOption#negative_int_valueProperty in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional int64 negative_int_value = 5;

NamePartClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\UninterpretedOption

The name of the uninterpreted option. Each string represents a segment in a dot-separated name. is_extension is true iff a segment represents an extension (denoted with parentheses in options specs in .proto files).

$ NamePart#name_partProperty in class NamePart

Generated from protobuf field required string name_part = 1;

$ Method#nameProperty in class Method

The simple name of this method.

$ Mixin#nameProperty in class Mixin

The fully qualified name of the interface which is included.

NullValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

NullValue is a singleton enumeration to represent the null value for the Value type union.

NullValue::name() — Method in class NullValue
$ Option#nameProperty in class Option

The option's name. For protobuf built-in options (options defined in descriptor.proto), this is the short name. For example, "map_entry".

Syntax::name() — Method in class Syntax
$ Timestamp#nanosProperty in class Timestamp

Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.

$ Type#nameProperty in class Type

The fully qualified message name.


$ Field#oneof_indexProperty in class Field

The index of the field type in Type.oneofs, for message or enumeration types. The first type has index 1; zero means the type is not in the list.

$ DescriptorProto#optionsProperty in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.MessageOptions options = 7;

$ ExtensionRange#optionsProperty in class ExtensionRange

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions options = 3;

$ EnumDescriptorProto#optionsProperty in class EnumDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.EnumOptions options = 3;

$ EnumValueDescriptorProto#optionsProperty in class EnumValueDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions options = 3;

$ FieldDescriptorProto#oneof_indexProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

If set, gives the index of a oneof in the containing type's oneof_decl list. This field is a member of that oneof.

$ FieldDescriptorProto#optionsProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FieldOptions options = 8;

$ FileDescriptorProto#optionsProperty in class FileDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FileOptions options = 8;

$ FileOptions#optimize_forProperty in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FileOptions.OptimizeMode optimize_for = 9 [default = SPEED];

$ FileOptions#objc_class_prefixProperty in class FileOptions

Sets the objective c class prefix which is prepended to all objective c generated classes from this .proto. There is no default.

OptimizeModeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\FileOptions

Generated classes can be optimized for speed or code size.

MapField::offsetGet() — Method in class MapField

Return the element at the given key.

MapField::offsetSet() — Method in class MapField

Assign the element at the given key.

MapField::offsetUnset() — Method in class MapField

Remove the element at the given key.

MapField::offsetExists() — Method in class MapField

Check the existence of the element at the given key.

MessageBuilderContext::optional() — Method in class MessageBuilderContext
$ MethodDescriptorProto#output_typeProperty in class MethodDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string output_type = 3;

$ MethodDescriptorProto#optionsProperty in class MethodDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.MethodOptions options = 4;

OneofDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
OneofDescriptorProtoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Describes a oneof.

$ OneofDescriptorProto#optionsProperty in class OneofDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.OneofOptions options = 2;

OneofFieldClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
OneofOptionsClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.OneofOptions

RepeatedField::offsetGet() — Method in class RepeatedField

Return the element at the given index.

RepeatedField::offsetSet() — Method in class RepeatedField

Assign the element at the given index.

RepeatedField::offsetUnset() — Method in class RepeatedField

Remove the element at the given index.

RepeatedField::offsetExists() — Method in class RepeatedField

Check the existence of the element at the given index.

$ ServiceDescriptorProto#optionsProperty in class ServiceDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.ServiceOptions options = 3;

OneofDescriptorClass in namespace Google\Protobuf
OptionClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

A protocol buffer option, which can be attached to a message, field, enumeration, etc.


$ Field#packedProperty in class Field

Whether to use alternative packed wire representation.

AnyBase::pack() — Method in class AnyBase

The type_url will be created according to the given message’s type and the value is encoded data from the given message.

CodedInputStream::pushLimit() — Method in class CodedInputStream
CodedInputStream::popLimit() — Method in class CodedInputStream
$ FieldDescriptorProto#proto3_optionalProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

If true, this is a proto3 "optional". When a proto3 field is optional, it tracks presence regardless of field type.

$ FieldOptions#packedProperty in class FieldOptions

The packed option can be enabled for repeated primitive fields to enable a more efficient representation on the wire. Rather than repeatedly writing the tag and type for each element, the entire array is encoded as a single length-delimited blob. In proto3, only explicit setting it to false will avoid using packed encoding.

$ FileDescriptorProto#packageProperty in class FileDescriptorProto

e.g. "foo", "foo.bar", etc.

$ FileOptions#py_generic_servicesProperty in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional bool py_generic_services = 18 [default = false];

$ FileOptions#php_generic_servicesProperty in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional bool php_generic_services = 42 [default = false];

$ FileOptions#php_class_prefixProperty in class FileOptions

Sets the php class prefix which is prepended to all php generated classes from this .proto. Default is empty.

$ FileOptions#php_namespaceProperty in class FileOptions

Use this option to change the namespace of php generated classes. Default is empty. When this option is empty, the package name will be used for determining the namespace.

$ FileOptions#php_metadata_namespaceProperty in class FileOptions

Use this option to change the namespace of php generated metadata classes.

GPBUtil::parseTimestamp() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::parseDuration() — Method in class GPBUtil
GPBUtil::parseFieldMask() — Method in class GPBUtil
Message::parseFromStream() — Method in class Message
Message::parseFromJsonStream() — Method in class Message
$ UninterpretedOption#positive_int_valueProperty in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional uint64 positive_int_value = 4;


CodedInputStream::readVarint32() — Method in class CodedInputStream

Read uint32 into $var. Advance buffer with consumed bytes. If the contained varint is larger than 32 bits, discard the high order bits.

CodedInputStream::readVarint64() — Method in class CodedInputStream

Read Uint64 into $var. Advance buffer with consumed bytes.

CodedInputStream::readVarintSizeAsInt() — Method in class CodedInputStream

Read int into $var. If the result is larger than the largest integer, $var will be -1. Advance buffer with consumed bytes.

CodedInputStream::readLittleEndian32() — Method in class CodedInputStream

Read 32-bit unsigned integer to $var. If the buffer has less than 4 bytes, return false. Advance buffer with consumed bytes.

CodedInputStream::readLittleEndian64() — Method in class CodedInputStream

Read 64-bit unsigned integer to $var. If the buffer has less than 8 bytes, return false. Advance buffer with consumed bytes.

CodedInputStream::readTag() — Method in class CodedInputStream

Read tag into $var. Advance buffer with consumed bytes.

CodedInputStream::readRaw() — Method in class CodedInputStream
ReservedRangeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\DescriptorProto

Range of reserved tag numbers. Reserved tag numbers may not be used by fields or extension ranges in the same message. Reserved ranges may not overlap.

$ FileOptions#ruby_packageProperty in class FileOptions

Use this option to change the package of ruby generated classes. Default is empty. When this option is not set, the package name will be used for determining the ruby package.

GPBWire::readInt32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readInt64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readUint32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readUint64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readSint32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readSint64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readFixed32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readFixed64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readSfixed32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readSfixed64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readFloat() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readDouble() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readBool() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readString() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::readMessage() — Method in class GPBWire
MapFieldIter::rewind() — Method in class MapFieldIter

Reset the status of the iterator

Message::readWrapperValue() — Method in class Message
Message::readOneof() — Method in class Message
MessageBuilderContext::repeated() — Method in class MessageBuilderContext
MessageBuilderContext::required() — Method in class MessageBuilderContext
RawInputStreamClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal
RepeatedFieldClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

RepeatedField is used by generated protocol message classes to manipulate repeated fields. It can be used like native PHP array.

RepeatedFieldIterClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

RepeatedFieldIter is used to iterate RepeatedField. It is also need for the foreach syntax.

RepeatedFieldIter::rewind() — Method in class RepeatedFieldIter

Reset the status of the iterator

$ Method#request_type_urlProperty in class Method

A URL of the input message type.

$ Method#request_streamingProperty in class Method

If true, the request is streamed.

$ Method#response_type_urlProperty in class Method

The URL of the output message type.

$ Method#response_streamingProperty in class Method

If true, the response is streamed.

$ Mixin#rootProperty in class Mixin

If non-empty specifies a path under which inherited HTTP paths are rooted.


Any::setTypeUrl() — Method in class Any

A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in path/google.protobuf.Duration). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted).

Any::setValue() — Method in class Any

Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.

$ Api#source_contextProperty in class Api

Source context for the protocol buffer service represented by this message.

$ Api#syntaxProperty in class Api

The source syntax of the service.

Api::setName() — Method in class Api

The fully qualified name of this interface, including package name followed by the interface's simple name.

Api::setMethods() — Method in class Api

The methods of this interface, in unspecified order.

Api::setOptions() — Method in class Api

Any metadata attached to the interface.

Api::setVersion() — Method in class Api

A version string for this interface. If specified, must have the form major-version.minor-version, as in 1.10. If the minor version is omitted, it defaults to zero. If the entire version field is empty, the major version is derived from the package name, as outlined below. If the field is not empty, the version in the package name will be verified to be consistent with what is provided here.

Api::setSourceContext() — Method in class Api

Source context for the protocol buffer service represented by this message.

Api::setMixins() — Method in class Api

Included interfaces. See [Mixin][].

Api::setSyntax() — Method in class Api

The source syntax of the service.

BoolValue::setValue() — Method in class BoolValue

The bool value.

BytesValue::setValue() — Method in class BytesValue

The bytes value.

DoubleValue::setValue() — Method in class DoubleValue

The double value.

$ Duration#secondsProperty in class Duration

Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min 60 min/hr 24 hr/day 365.25 days/year 10000 years

Duration::setSeconds() — Method in class Duration

Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from: 60 sec/min 60 min/hr 24 hr/day 365.25 days/year 10000 years

Duration::setNanos() — Method in class Duration

Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 seconds field and a positive or negative nanos field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the nanos field must be of the same sign as the seconds field. Must be from -999,999,999 to +999,999,999 inclusive.

$ Enum#source_contextProperty in class Enum

The source context.

$ Enum#syntaxProperty in class Enum

The source syntax.

Enum::setName() — Method in class Enum

Enum type name.

Enum::setEnumvalue() — Method in class Enum

Enum value definitions.

Enum::setOptions() — Method in class Enum

Protocol buffer options.

Enum::setSourceContext() — Method in class Enum

The source context.

Enum::setSyntax() — Method in class Enum

The source syntax.

EnumValue::setName() — Method in class EnumValue

Enum value name.

EnumValue::setNumber() — Method in class EnumValue

Enum value number.

EnumValue::setOptions() — Method in class EnumValue

Protocol buffer options.

Field::setKind() — Method in class Field

The field type.

Field::setCardinality() — Method in class Field

The field cardinality.

Field::setNumber() — Method in class Field

The field number.

Field::setName() — Method in class Field

The field name.

Field::setTypeUrl() — Method in class Field

The field type URL, without the scheme, for message or enumeration types. Example: "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Timestamp".

Field::setOneofIndex() — Method in class Field

The index of the field type in Type.oneofs, for message or enumeration types. The first type has index 1; zero means the type is not in the list.

Field::setPacked() — Method in class Field

Whether to use alternative packed wire representation.

Field::setOptions() — Method in class Field

The protocol buffer options.

Field::setJsonName() — Method in class Field

The field JSON name.

Field::setDefaultValue() — Method in class Field

The string value of the default value of this field. Proto2 syntax only.

FieldMask::setPaths() — Method in class FieldMask

The set of field mask paths.

FloatValue::setValue() — Method in class FloatValue

The float value.

Int32Value::setValue() — Method in class Int32Value

The int32 value.

Int64Value::setValue() — Method in class Int64Value

The int64 value.

CodedInputStream::substr() — Method in class CodedInputStream
Descriptor::setFullName() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::setClass() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::setLegacyClass() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::setPreviouslyUnreservedClass() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::setOptions() — Method in class Descriptor
DescriptorProto::setName() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

DescriptorProto::setField() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;

DescriptorProto::setExtension() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto extension = 6;

DescriptorProto::setNestedType() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto nested_type = 3;

DescriptorProto::setEnumType() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 4;

DescriptorProto::setExtensionRange() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange extension_range = 5;

DescriptorProto::setOneofDecl() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto oneof_decl = 8;

DescriptorProto::setOptions() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.MessageOptions options = 7;

DescriptorProto::setReservedRange() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange reserved_range = 9;

DescriptorProto::setReservedName() — Method in class DescriptorProto

Reserved field names, which may not be used by fields in the same message.

$ ExtensionRange#startProperty in class ExtensionRange
ExtensionRange::setStart() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ExtensionRange::setEnd() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ExtensionRange::setOptions() — Method in class ExtensionRange

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions options = 3;

$ ReservedRange#startProperty in class ReservedRange
ReservedRange::setStart() — Method in class ReservedRange
ReservedRange::setEnd() — Method in class ReservedRange
EnumDescriptor::setFullName() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::setClass() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptor::setLegacyClass() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptorProto::setName() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

EnumDescriptorProto::setValue() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto value = 2;

EnumDescriptorProto::setOptions() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.EnumOptions options = 3;

EnumDescriptorProto::setReservedRange() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Range of reserved numeric values. Reserved numeric values may not be used by enum values in the same enum declaration. Reserved ranges may not overlap.

EnumDescriptorProto::setReservedName() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto

Reserved enum value names, which may not be reused. A given name may only be reserved once.

$ EnumReservedRange#startProperty in class EnumReservedRange
EnumReservedRange::setStart() — Method in class EnumReservedRange
EnumReservedRange::setEnd() — Method in class EnumReservedRange
EnumOptions::setAllowAlias() — Method in class EnumOptions

Set this option to true to allow mapping different tag names to the same value.

EnumOptions::setDeprecated() — Method in class EnumOptions

Is this enum deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the enum, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating enums.

EnumOptions::setUninterpretedOption() — Method in class EnumOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

EnumValueDescriptorProto::setName() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

EnumValueDescriptorProto::setNumber() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional int32 number = 2;

EnumValueDescriptorProto::setOptions() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions options = 3;

EnumValueOptions::setDeprecated() — Method in class EnumValueOptions

Is this enum value deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the enum value, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating enum values.

EnumValueOptions::setUninterpretedOption() — Method in class EnumValueOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

ExtensionRangeOptions::setUninterpretedOption() — Method in class ExtensionRangeOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

FieldDescriptor::setOneofIndex() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setName() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setJsonName() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setSetter() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setGetter() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setNumber() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setLabel() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setMessageType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setEnumType() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setPacked() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setProto3Optional() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptor::setContainingOneof() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptorProto::setName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

FieldDescriptorProto::setNumber() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional int32 number = 3;

FieldDescriptorProto::setLabel() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label label = 4;

FieldDescriptorProto::setType() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

If type_name is set, this need not be set. If both this and type_name are set, this must be one of TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_MESSAGE or TYPE_GROUP.

FieldDescriptorProto::setTypeName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

For message and enum types, this is the name of the type. If the name starts with a '.', it is fully-qualified. Otherwise, C++-like scoping rules are used to find the type (i.e. first the nested types within this message are searched, then within the parent, on up to the root namespace).

FieldDescriptorProto::setExtendee() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

For extensions, this is the name of the type being extended. It is resolved in the same manner as type_name.

FieldDescriptorProto::setDefaultValue() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

For numeric types, contains the original text representation of the value.

FieldDescriptorProto::setOneofIndex() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

If set, gives the index of a oneof in the containing type's oneof_decl list. This field is a member of that oneof.

FieldDescriptorProto::setJsonName() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

JSON name of this field. The value is set by protocol compiler. If the user has set a "json_name" option on this field, that option's value will be used. Otherwise, it's deduced from the field's name by converting it to camelCase.

FieldDescriptorProto::setOptions() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FieldOptions options = 8;

FieldDescriptorProto::setProto3Optional() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto

If true, this is a proto3 "optional". When a proto3 field is optional, it tracks presence regardless of field type.

FieldOptions::setCtype() — Method in class FieldOptions

The ctype option instructs the C++ code generator to use a different representation of the field than it normally would. See the specific options below. This option is not yet implemented in the open source release -- sorry, we'll try to include it in a future version!

FieldOptions::setPacked() — Method in class FieldOptions

The packed option can be enabled for repeated primitive fields to enable a more efficient representation on the wire. Rather than repeatedly writing the tag and type for each element, the entire array is encoded as a single length-delimited blob. In proto3, only explicit setting it to false will avoid using packed encoding.

FieldOptions::setJstype() — Method in class FieldOptions

The jstype option determines the JavaScript type used for values of the field. The option is permitted only for 64 bit integral and fixed types (int64, uint64, sint64, fixed64, sfixed64). A field with jstype JS_STRING is represented as JavaScript string, which avoids loss of precision that can happen when a large value is converted to a floating point JavaScript.

FieldOptions::setLazy() — Method in class FieldOptions

Should this field be parsed lazily? Lazy applies only to message-type fields. It means that when the outer message is initially parsed, the inner message's contents will not be parsed but instead stored in encoded form. The inner message will actually be parsed when it is first accessed.

FieldOptions::setUnverifiedLazy() — Method in class FieldOptions

unverified_lazy does no correctness checks on the byte stream. This should only be used where lazy with verification is prohibitive for performance reasons.

FieldOptions::setDeprecated() — Method in class FieldOptions

Is this field deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for accessors, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating fields.

FieldOptions::setWeak() — Method in class FieldOptions

For Google-internal migration only. Do not use.

FieldOptions::setUninterpretedOption() — Method in class FieldOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

FileDescriptor::setPackage() — Method in class FileDescriptor
$ FileDescriptorProto#source_code_infoProperty in class FileDescriptorProto

This field contains optional information about the original source code.

$ FileDescriptorProto#syntaxProperty in class FileDescriptorProto

The syntax of the proto file.

FileDescriptorProto::setName() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

file name, relative to root of source tree

FileDescriptorProto::setPackage() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

e.g. "foo", "foo.bar", etc.

FileDescriptorProto::setDependency() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Names of files imported by this file.

FileDescriptorProto::setPublicDependency() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Indexes of the public imported files in the dependency list above.

FileDescriptorProto::setWeakDependency() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Indexes of the weak imported files in the dependency list.

FileDescriptorProto::setMessageType() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

All top-level definitions in this file.

FileDescriptorProto::setEnumType() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 5;

FileDescriptorProto::setService() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto service = 6;

FileDescriptorProto::setExtension() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto extension = 7;

FileDescriptorProto::setOptions() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FileOptions options = 8;

FileDescriptorProto::setSourceCodeInfo() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

This field contains optional information about the original source code.

FileDescriptorProto::setSyntax() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto

The syntax of the proto file.

FileDescriptorSet::setFile() — Method in class FileDescriptorSet

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto file = 1;

$ FileOptions#swift_prefixProperty in class FileOptions

By default Swift generators will take the proto package and CamelCase it replacing '.' with underscore and use that to prefix the types/symbols defined. When this options is provided, they will use this value instead to prefix the types/symbols defined.

FileOptions::setJavaPackage() — Method in class FileOptions

Sets the Java package where classes generated from this .proto will be placed. By default, the proto package is used, but this is often inappropriate because proto packages do not normally start with backwards domain names.

FileOptions::setJavaOuterClassname() — Method in class FileOptions

Controls the name of the wrapper Java class generated for the .proto file.

FileOptions::setJavaMultipleFiles() — Method in class FileOptions

If enabled, then the Java code generator will generate a separate .java file for each top-level message, enum, and service defined in the .proto file. Thus, these types will not be nested inside the wrapper class named by java_outer_classname. However, the wrapper class will still be generated to contain the file's getDescriptor() method as well as any top-level extensions defined in the file.

FileOptions::setJavaGenerateEqualsAndHash() — Method in class FileOptions

This option does nothing.

FileOptions::setJavaStringCheckUtf8() — Method in class FileOptions

If set true, then the Java2 code generator will generate code that throws an exception whenever an attempt is made to assign a non-UTF-8 byte sequence to a string field.

FileOptions::setOptimizeFor() — Method in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.FileOptions.OptimizeMode optimize_for = 9 [default = SPEED];

FileOptions::setGoPackage() — Method in class FileOptions

Sets the Go package where structs generated from this .proto will be placed. If omitted, the Go package will be derived from the following:

  • The basename of the package import path, if provided.
FileOptions::setCcGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions

Should generic services be generated in each language? "Generic" services are not specific to any particular RPC system. They are generated by the main code generators in each language (without additional plugins).

FileOptions::setJavaGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional bool java_generic_services = 17 [default = false];

FileOptions::setPyGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional bool py_generic_services = 18 [default = false];

FileOptions::setPhpGenericServices() — Method in class FileOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional bool php_generic_services = 42 [default = false];

FileOptions::setDeprecated() — Method in class FileOptions

Is this file deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for everything in the file, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating files.

FileOptions::setCcEnableArenas() — Method in class FileOptions

Enables the use of arenas for the proto messages in this file. This applies only to generated classes for C++.

FileOptions::setObjcClassPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions

Sets the objective c class prefix which is prepended to all objective c generated classes from this .proto. There is no default.

FileOptions::setCsharpNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions

Namespace for generated classes; defaults to the package.

FileOptions::setSwiftPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions

By default Swift generators will take the proto package and CamelCase it replacing '.' with underscore and use that to prefix the types/symbols defined. When this options is provided, they will use this value instead to prefix the types/symbols defined.

FileOptions::setPhpClassPrefix() — Method in class FileOptions

Sets the php class prefix which is prepended to all php generated classes from this .proto. Default is empty.

FileOptions::setPhpNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions

Use this option to change the namespace of php generated classes. Default is empty. When this option is empty, the package name will be used for determining the namespace.

FileOptions::setPhpMetadataNamespace() — Method in class FileOptions

Use this option to change the namespace of php generated metadata classes.

FileOptions::setRubyPackage() — Method in class FileOptions

Use this option to change the package of ruby generated classes. Default is empty. When this option is not set, the package name will be used for determining the ruby package.

FileOptions::setUninterpretedOption() — Method in class FileOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here.

GPBJsonWire::serializeFieldToStream() — Method in class GPBJsonWire
GPBJsonWire::serializeFieldValueToStream() — Method in class GPBJsonWire
GPBWire::sint32Size() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::sint64Size() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::serializeFieldToStream() — Method in class GPBWire
GeneratedCodeInfo::setAnnotation() — Method in class GeneratedCodeInfo

An Annotation connects some span of text in generated code to an element of its generating .proto file.

$ Annotation#source_fileProperty in class Annotation

Identifies the filesystem path to the original source .proto.

Annotation::setPath() — Method in class Annotation

Identifies the element in the original source .proto file. This field is formatted the same as SourceCodeInfo.Location.path.

Annotation::setSourceFile() — Method in class Annotation

Identifies the filesystem path to the original source .proto.

Annotation::setBegin() — Method in class Annotation

Identifies the starting offset in bytes in the generated code that relates to the identified object.

Annotation::setEnd() — Method in class Annotation

Identifies the ending offset in bytes in the generated code that relates to the identified offset. The end offset should be one past the last relevant byte (so the length of the text = end - begin).

MapEntry::setKey() — Method in class MapEntry
MapEntry::setValue() — Method in class MapEntry
Message::serializeToStream() — Method in class Message
Message::serializeToJsonStream() — Method in class Message
Message::serializeToString() — Method in class Message

Serialize the message to string.

Message::serializeToJsonString() — Method in class Message

Serialize the message to json string.

MessageOptions::setMessageSetWireFormat() — Method in class MessageOptions

Set true to use the old proto1 MessageSet wire format for extensions.

MessageOptions::setNoStandardDescriptorAccessor() — Method in class MessageOptions

Disables the generation of the standard "descriptor()" accessor, which can conflict with a field of the same name. This is meant to make migration from proto1 easier; new code should avoid fields named "descriptor".

MessageOptions::setDeprecated() — Method in class MessageOptions

Is this message deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the message, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating messages.

MessageOptions::setMapEntry() — Method in class MessageOptions

Whether the message is an automatically generated map entry type for the maps field.

MessageOptions::setUninterpretedOption() — Method in class MessageOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

$ MethodDescriptorProto#server_streamingProperty in class MethodDescriptorProto

Identifies if server streams multiple server messages

MethodDescriptorProto::setName() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

MethodDescriptorProto::setInputType() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Input and output type names. These are resolved in the same way as FieldDescriptorProto.type_name, but must refer to a message type.

MethodDescriptorProto::setOutputType() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string output_type = 3;

MethodDescriptorProto::setOptions() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.MethodOptions options = 4;

MethodDescriptorProto::setClientStreaming() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Identifies if client streams multiple client messages

MethodDescriptorProto::setServerStreaming() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto

Identifies if server streams multiple server messages

MethodOptions::setDeprecated() — Method in class MethodOptions

Is this method deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the method, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating methods.

MethodOptions::setIdempotencyLevel() — Method in class MethodOptions

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.MethodOptions.IdempotencyLevel idempotency_level = 34 [default = IDEMPOTENCY_UNKNOWN];

MethodOptions::setUninterpretedOption() — Method in class MethodOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

OneofDescriptor::setName() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
OneofDescriptorProto::setName() — Method in class OneofDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

OneofDescriptorProto::setOptions() — Method in class OneofDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.OneofOptions options = 2;

OneofField::setValue() — Method in class OneofField
OneofField::setFieldName() — Method in class OneofField
OneofField::setNumber() — Method in class OneofField
OneofOptions::setUninterpretedOption() — Method in class OneofOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

ServiceDescriptorProtoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Describes a service.

ServiceDescriptorProto::setName() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional string name = 1;

ServiceDescriptorProto::setMethod() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto method = 2;

ServiceDescriptorProto::setOptions() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto

Generated from protobuf field optional .google.protobuf.ServiceOptions options = 3;

ServiceOptionsClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Generated from protobuf message google.protobuf.ServiceOptions

ServiceOptions::setDeprecated() — Method in class ServiceOptions

Is this service deprecated? Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations for the service, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this is a formalization for deprecating services.

ServiceOptions::setUninterpretedOption() — Method in class ServiceOptions

The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.

SourceCodeInfoClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Encapsulates information about the original source file from which a FileDescriptorProto was generated.

SourceCodeInfo::setLocation() — Method in class SourceCodeInfo

A Location identifies a piece of source code in a .proto file which corresponds to a particular definition. This information is intended to be useful to IDEs, code indexers, documentation generators, and similar tools.

Location::setPath() — Method in class Location

Identifies which part of the FileDescriptorProto was defined at this location.

Location::setSpan() — Method in class Location

Always has exactly three or four elements: start line, start column, end line (optional, otherwise assumed same as start line), end column.

Location::setLeadingComments() — Method in class Location

If this SourceCodeInfo represents a complete declaration, these are any comments appearing before and after the declaration which appear to be attached to the declaration.

Location::setTrailingComments() — Method in class Location

Generated from protobuf field optional string trailing_comments = 4;

Location::setLeadingDetachedComments() — Method in class Location

Generated from protobuf field repeated string leading_detached_comments = 6;

SourceCodeInfo_LocationClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\SourceCodeInfo\Location instead.

$ UninterpretedOption#string_valueProperty in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional bytes string_value = 7;

UninterpretedOption::setName() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field repeated .google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart name = 2;

UninterpretedOption::setIdentifierValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

The value of the uninterpreted option, in whatever type the tokenizer identified it as during parsing. Exactly one of these should be set.

UninterpretedOption::setPositiveIntValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional uint64 positive_int_value = 4;

UninterpretedOption::setNegativeIntValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional int64 negative_int_value = 5;

UninterpretedOption::setDoubleValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional double double_value = 6;

UninterpretedOption::setStringValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional bytes string_value = 7;

UninterpretedOption::setAggregateValue() — Method in class UninterpretedOption

Generated from protobuf field optional string aggregate_value = 8;

NamePart::setNamePart() — Method in class NamePart

Generated from protobuf field required string name_part = 1;

NamePart::setIsExtension() — Method in class NamePart

Generated from protobuf field required bool is_extension = 2;

ListValue::setValues() — Method in class ListValue

Repeated field of dynamically typed values.

$ Method#syntaxProperty in class Method

The source syntax of this method.

Method::setName() — Method in class Method

The simple name of this method.

Method::setRequestTypeUrl() — Method in class Method

A URL of the input message type.

Method::setRequestStreaming() — Method in class Method

If true, the request is streamed.

Method::setResponseTypeUrl() — Method in class Method

The URL of the output message type.

Method::setResponseStreaming() — Method in class Method

If true, the response is streamed.

Method::setOptions() — Method in class Method

Any metadata attached to the method.

Method::setSyntax() — Method in class Method

The source syntax of this method.

Mixin::setName() — Method in class Mixin

The fully qualified name of the interface which is included.

Mixin::setRoot() — Method in class Mixin

If non-empty specifies a path under which inherited HTTP paths are rooted.

Option::setName() — Method in class Option

The option's name. For protobuf built-in options (options defined in descriptor.proto), this is the short name. For example, "map_entry".

Option::setValue() — Method in class Option

The option's value packed in an Any message. If the value is a primitive, the corresponding wrapper type defined in google/protobuf/wrappers.proto should be used. If the value is an enum, it should be stored as an int32 value using the google.protobuf.Int32Value type.

SourceContextClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

SourceContext represents information about the source of a protobuf element, like the file in which it is defined.

SourceContext::setFileName() — Method in class SourceContext

The path-qualified name of the .proto file that contained the associated protobuf element. For example: "google/protobuf/source_context.proto".

StringValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Wrapper message for string.

StringValue::setValue() — Method in class StringValue

The string value.

StructClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Struct represents a structured data value, consisting of fields which map to dynamically typed values. In some languages, Struct might be supported by a native representation. For example, in scripting languages like JS a struct is represented as an object. The details of that representation are described together with the proto support for the language.

Struct::setFields() — Method in class Struct

Unordered map of dynamically typed values.

SyntaxClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

The syntax in which a protocol buffer element is defined.

$ Timestamp#secondsProperty in class Timestamp

Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.

Timestamp::setSeconds() — Method in class Timestamp

Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.

Timestamp::setNanos() — Method in class Timestamp

Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999 inclusive.

$ Type#source_contextProperty in class Type

The source context.

$ Type#syntaxProperty in class Type

The source syntax.

Type::setName() — Method in class Type

The fully qualified message name.

Type::setFields() — Method in class Type

The list of fields.

Type::setOneofs() — Method in class Type

The list of types appearing in oneof definitions in this type.

Type::setOptions() — Method in class Type

The protocol buffer options.

Type::setSourceContext() — Method in class Type

The source context.

Type::setSyntax() — Method in class Type

The source syntax.

UInt32Value::setValue() — Method in class UInt32Value

The uint32 value.

UInt64Value::setValue() — Method in class UInt64Value

The uint64 value.

Value::setNullValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a null value.

Value::setNumberValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a double value.

Value::setStringValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a string value.

Value::setBoolValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a boolean value.

Value::setStructValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a structured value.

Value::setListValue() — Method in class Value

Represents a repeated Value.


$ Any#type_urlProperty in class Any

A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in path/google.protobuf.Duration). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted).

$ Field#type_urlProperty in class Field

The field type URL, without the scheme, for message or enumeration types. Example: "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Timestamp".

$ FieldDescriptorProto#typeProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

If type_name is set, this need not be set. If both this and type_name are set, this must be one of TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_MESSAGE or TYPE_GROUP.

$ FieldDescriptorProto#type_nameProperty in class FieldDescriptorProto

For message and enum types, this is the name of the type. If the name starts with a '.', it is fully-qualified. Otherwise, C++-like scoping rules are used to find the type (i.e. first the nested types within this message are searched, then within the parent, on up to the root namespace).

TypeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal\FieldDescriptorProto

Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Type

GPBWire::tagSize() — Method in class GPBWire
$ Location#trailing_commentsProperty in class Location

Generated from protobuf field optional string trailing_comments = 4;

TimestampBaseClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

Base class for Google\Protobuf\Timestamp, this contains hand-written convenience methods.

TimestampBase::toDateTime() — Method in class TimestampBase

Converts Timestamp to PHP DateTime.

TimestampClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or local calendar, encoded as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. The count is relative to an epoch at UTC midnight on January 1, 1970, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar backwards to year one.

TypeClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

A protocol buffer message type.


AnyBase::unpack() — Method in class AnyBase

This method will try to resolve the type_url in Any message to get the targeted message type. If failed, an error will be thrown. Otherwise, the method will create a message of the targeted type and fill it with the decoded value in Any.

$ FieldOptions#unverified_lazyProperty in class FieldOptions

unverified_lazy does no correctness checks on the byte stream. This should only be used where lazy with verification is prohibitive for performance reasons.

GPBUtil::Uint64() — Method in class GPBUtil
UninterpretedOptionClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

A message representing a option the parser does not recognize. This only appears in options protos created by the compiler::Parser class.

UninterpretedOption_NamePartClass in namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal

This class is deprecated. Use Google\Protobuf\Internal\UninterpretedOption\NamePart instead.

UInt32ValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Wrapper message for uint32.

UInt64ValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Wrapper message for uint64.


$ Any#valueProperty in class Any

Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.

$ Api#versionProperty in class Api

A version string for this interface. If specified, must have the form major-version.minor-version, as in 1.10. If the minor version is omitted, it defaults to zero. If the entire version field is empty, the major version is derived from the package name, as outlined below. If the field is not empty, the version in the package name will be verified to be consistent with what is provided here.

$ BoolValue#valueProperty in class BoolValue

The bool value.

$ BytesValue#valueProperty in class BytesValue

The bytes value.

$ DoubleValue#valueProperty in class DoubleValue

The double value.

Cardinality::value() — Method in class Cardinality
Kind::value() — Method in class Kind
$ FloatValue#valueProperty in class FloatValue

The float value.

$ Int32Value#valueProperty in class Int32Value

The int32 value.

$ Int64Value#valueProperty in class Int64Value

The int64 value.

EnumBuilderContext::value() — Method in class EnumBuilderContext
Label::value() — Method in class Label
Type::value() — Method in class Type
CType::value() — Method in class CType
JSType::value() — Method in class JSType
OptimizeMode::value() — Method in class OptimizeMode
GPBWire::varint32Size() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::varint64Size() — Method in class GPBWire
$ MapEntry#valueProperty in class MapEntry
MapFieldIter::valid() — Method in class MapFieldIter

Check whether there are more elements to iterate.

IdempotencyLevel::value() — Method in class IdempotencyLevel
RepeatedFieldIter::valid() — Method in class RepeatedFieldIter

Check whether there are more elements to iterate.

NullValue::value() — Method in class NullValue
$ Option#valueProperty in class Option

The option's value packed in an Any message. If the value is a primitive, the corresponding wrapper type defined in google/protobuf/wrappers.proto should be used. If the value is an enum, it should be stored as an int32 value using the google.protobuf.Int32Value type.

$ StringValue#valueProperty in class StringValue

The string value.

Syntax::value() — Method in class Syntax
$ UInt32Value#valueProperty in class UInt32Value

The uint32 value.

$ UInt64Value#valueProperty in class UInt64Value

The uint64 value.

ValueClass in namespace Google\Protobuf

Value represents a dynamically typed value which can be either null, a number, a string, a boolean, a recursive struct value, or a list of values. A producer of value is expected to set one of these variants. Absence of any variant indicates an error.


CodedOutputStream::writeVarint32() — Method in class CodedOutputStream
CodedOutputStream::writeVarint64() — Method in class CodedOutputStream
CodedOutputStream::writeLittleEndian32() — Method in class CodedOutputStream
CodedOutputStream::writeLittleEndian64() — Method in class CodedOutputStream
CodedOutputStream::writeTag() — Method in class CodedOutputStream
CodedOutputStream::writeRaw() — Method in class CodedOutputStream
CodedOutputStream::writeVarintToArray() — Method in class CodedOutputStream
$ FieldOptions#weakProperty in class FieldOptions

For Google-internal migration only. Do not use.

GPBWire::writeTag() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeInt32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeInt64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeUint32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeUint64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeSint32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeSint64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeFixed32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeFixed64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeSfixed32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeSfixed64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeBool() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeFloat() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeDouble() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeString() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeBytes() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::writeMessage() — Method in class GPBWire
Message::writeWrapperValue() — Method in class Message
Message::writeOneof() — Method in class Message
Message::whichOneof() — Method in class Message


GPBWire::zigZagEncode32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::zigZagDecode32() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::zigZagEncode64() — Method in class GPBWire
GPBWire::zigZagDecode64() — Method in class GPBWire


Any::__construct() — Method in class Any
Api::__construct() — Method in class Api
BoolValue::__construct() — Method in class BoolValue
BytesValue::__construct() — Method in class BytesValue
Descriptor::__construct() — Method in class Descriptor
DoubleValue::__construct() — Method in class DoubleValue
Duration::__construct() — Method in class Duration
Enum::__construct() — Method in class Enum
EnumDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumValue::__construct() — Method in class EnumValue
EnumValueDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptor
Field::__construct() — Method in class Field
FieldDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldMask::__construct() — Method in class FieldMask
FloatValue::__construct() — Method in class FloatValue
GPBEmpty::__construct() — Method in class GPBEmpty
Int32Value::__construct() — Method in class Int32Value
Int64Value::__construct() — Method in class Int64Value
CodedInputStream::__construct() — Method in class CodedInputStream
CodedOutputStream::__construct() — Method in class CodedOutputStream
Descriptor::__construct() — Method in class Descriptor
DescriptorProto::__construct() — Method in class DescriptorProto
ExtensionRange::__construct() — Method in class ExtensionRange
ReservedRange::__construct() — Method in class ReservedRange
EnumBuilderContext::__construct() — Method in class EnumBuilderContext
EnumDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class EnumDescriptor
EnumDescriptorProto::__construct() — Method in class EnumDescriptorProto
EnumReservedRange::__construct() — Method in class EnumReservedRange
EnumOptions::__construct() — Method in class EnumOptions
EnumValueDescriptorProto::__construct() — Method in class EnumValueDescriptorProto
EnumValueOptions::__construct() — Method in class EnumValueOptions
ExtensionRangeOptions::__construct() — Method in class ExtensionRangeOptions
FieldDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class FieldDescriptor
FieldDescriptorProto::__construct() — Method in class FieldDescriptorProto
FieldOptions::__construct() — Method in class FieldOptions
FileDescriptorProto::__construct() — Method in class FileDescriptorProto
FileDescriptorSet::__construct() — Method in class FileDescriptorSet
FileOptions::__construct() — Method in class FileOptions
GPBDecodeException::__construct() — Method in class GPBDecodeException
GeneratedCodeInfo::__construct() — Method in class GeneratedCodeInfo
Annotation::__construct() — Method in class Annotation
MapEntry::__construct() — Method in class MapEntry
MapField::__construct() — Method in class MapField

Constructs an instance of MapField.

MapFieldIter::__construct() — Method in class MapFieldIter

Create iterator instance for MapField.

Message::__construct() — Method in class Message
MessageBuilderContext::__construct() — Method in class MessageBuilderContext
MessageOptions::__construct() — Method in class MessageOptions
MethodDescriptorProto::__construct() — Method in class MethodDescriptorProto
MethodOptions::__construct() — Method in class MethodOptions
OneofDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
OneofDescriptorProto::__construct() — Method in class OneofDescriptorProto
OneofField::__construct() — Method in class OneofField
OneofOptions::__construct() — Method in class OneofOptions
RawInputStream::__construct() — Method in class RawInputStream
RepeatedField::__construct() — Method in class RepeatedField

Constructs an instance of RepeatedField.

RepeatedFieldIter::__construct() — Method in class RepeatedFieldIter

Create iterator instance for RepeatedField.

ServiceDescriptorProto::__construct() — Method in class ServiceDescriptorProto
ServiceOptions::__construct() — Method in class ServiceOptions
SourceCodeInfo::__construct() — Method in class SourceCodeInfo
Location::__construct() — Method in class Location
UninterpretedOption::__construct() — Method in class UninterpretedOption
NamePart::__construct() — Method in class NamePart
ListValue::__construct() — Method in class ListValue
Method::__construct() — Method in class Method
Mixin::__construct() — Method in class Mixin
OneofDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class OneofDescriptor
Option::__construct() — Method in class Option
SourceContext::__construct() — Method in class SourceContext
StringValue::__construct() — Method in class StringValue
Struct::__construct() — Method in class Struct
Timestamp::__construct() — Method in class Timestamp
Type::__construct() — Method in class Type
UInt32Value::__construct() — Method in class UInt32Value
UInt64Value::__construct() — Method in class UInt64Value
Value::__construct() — Method in class Value