[go: nahoru, domu]

Incremental A*

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14 (NIPS 2001)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


S. Koenig, M. Likhachev


Incremental search techniques find optimal solutions to series of similar search tasks much faster than is possible by solving each search task from scratch. While researchers have developed incremental versions of uninformed search methods, we develop an incremental version of A. The first search of Lifelong Planning A is the same as that of A* but all subsequent searches are much faster because it reuses those parts of the previous search tree that are identical to the new search tree. We then present experimental results that demonstrate the advantages of Lifelong Planning A* for simple route planning tasks.

1 Overview Artificial intelligence has investigated knowledge-based search techniques that allow one to solve search tasks in large domains. Most of the research on these methods has studied how to solve one-shot search problems. However, search is often a repetitive process, where one needs to solve a series of similar search tasks, for example, because the actual situation turns out to be slightly different from the one initially assumed or because the situation changes over time. An example for route planning tasks are changing traffic conditions. Thus, one needs to replan for the new situation, for example if one always wants to display the least time-consuming route from the airport to the conference center on a web page. In these situations, most search methods replan from scratch, that is, solve the search problems independently. Incremental search techniques share with case-based planning, plan adaptation, repair-based planning, and learning search-control knowledge the property that they find solutions to series of similar search tasks much faster than is possible by solving each search task from scratch. Incremental search techniques, however, differ from the other techniques in that the quality of their solutions is guaranteed to be as good as the quality of the solutions obtained by replanning from scratch.

Although incremental search methods are not widely known in artificial intelligence and control, different researchers have developed incremental search versions of uninformed search methods in the algorithms literature. An overview can be found in [FMSN00]. We, on the other hand, develop an incremental version of A, thus combining ideas from the algorithms literature and the artificial intelligence literature. We call the algorithm Lifelong Planning A (LPA*), in analogy to “lifelong learning” [Thr98], because it reuses

 We thank Anthony Stentz for his support. The Intelligent Decision-Making Group is partly supported by NSF awards under contracts IIS-

9984827, IIS-0098807, and ITR/AP-0113881. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the sponsoring organizations and agencies or the U.S. government.

information from previous searches. LPA* uses heuristics to focus the search and always finds a shortest path for the current edge costs. The first search of LPA* is the same as that of A* but all subsequent searches are much faster. LPA* produces at least the search tree that A* builds. However, it achieves a substantial speedup over A* because it reuses those parts of the previous search tree that are identical to the new search tree.