[go: nahoru, domu]

Unifying Non-Maximum Likelihood Learning Objectives with Minimum KL Contraction

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24 (NIPS 2011)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Siwei Lyu


When used to learn high dimensional parametric probabilistic models, the clas- sical maximum likelihood (ML) learning often suffers from computational in- tractability, which motivates the active developments of non-ML learning meth- ods. Yet, because of their divergent motivations and forms, the objective func- tions of many non-ML learning methods are seemingly unrelated, and there lacks a unified framework to understand them. In this work, based on an information geometric view of parametric learning, we introduce a general non-ML learning principle termed as minimum KL contraction, where we seek optimal parameters that minimizes the contraction of the KL divergence between the two distributions after they are transformed with a KL contraction operator. We then show that the objective functions of several important or recently developed non-ML learn- ing methods, including contrastive divergence [12], noise-contrastive estimation [11], partial likelihood [7], non-local contrastive objectives [31], score match- ing [14], pseudo-likelihood [3], maximum conditional likelihood [17], maximum mutual information [2], maximum marginal likelihood [9], and conditional and marginal composite likelihood [24], can be unified under the minimum KL con- traction framework with different choices of the KL contraction operators.