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High-Dimensional Sparse Linear Bandits

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020)

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Botao Hao, Tor Lattimore, Mengdi Wang


Stochastic linear bandits with high-dimensional sparse features are a practical model for a variety of domains, such as personalized medicine and online advertising. We derive a novel O(n^{2/3}) dimension-free minimax regret lower bound for sparse linear bandits in the data-poor regime where the horizon is larger than the ambient dimension and where the feature vectors admit a well-conditioned exploration distribution. This is complemented by a nearly matching upper bound for an explore-then-commit algorithm showing that that O(n^{2/3}) is the optimal rate in the data-poor regime. The results complement existing bounds for the data-rich regime and also provide another example where carefully balancing the trade-off between information and regret is necessary. Finally, we prove a dimension-free O(\sqrt{n}) regret upper bound under an additional assumption on the magnitude of the signal for relevant features.