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On Infinite-Width Hypernetworks

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020)

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Etai Littwin, Tomer Galanti, Lior Wolf, Greg Yang


{\em Hypernetworks} are architectures that produce the weights of a task-specific {\em primary network}. A notable application of hypernetworks in the recent literature involves learning to output functional representations. In these scenarios, the hypernetwork learns a representation corresponding to the weights of a shallow MLP, which typically encodes shape or image information. While such representations have seen considerable success in practice, they remain lacking in the theoretical guarantees in the wide regime of the standard architectures. In this work, we study wide over-parameterized hypernetworks. We show that unlike typical architectures, infinitely wide hypernetworks do not guarantee convergence to a global minima under gradient descent. We further show that convexity can be achieved by increasing the dimensionality of the hypernetwork's output, to represent wide MLPs. In the dually infinite-width regime, we identify the functional priors of these architectures by deriving their corresponding GP and NTK kernels, the latter of which we refer to as the {\em hyperkernel}. As part of this study, we make a mathematical contribution by deriving tight bounds on high order Taylor expansion terms of standard fully connected ReLU networks.