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Multimodal Contrastive Learning with LIMoE: the Language-Image Mixture of Experts

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Basil Mustafa, Carlos Riquelme, Joan Puigcerver, Rodolphe Jenatton, Neil Houlsby


Large sparsely-activated models have obtained excellent performance in multiple domains.However, such models are typically trained on a single modality at a time.We present the Language-Image MoE, LIMoE, a sparse mixture of experts model capable of multimodal learning.LIMoE accepts both images and text simultaneously, while being trained using a contrastive loss.MoEs are a natural fit for a multimodal backbone, since expert layers can learn an appropriate partitioning of modalities.However, new challenges arise; in particular, training stability and balanced expert utilization, for which we propose an entropy-based regularization scheme.Across multiple scales, we demonstrate performance improvement over dense models of equivalent computational cost.LIMoE-L/16 trained comparably to CLIP-L/14 achieves 77.9% zero-shot ImageNet accuracy (vs. 76.2%), and when further scaled to H/14 (with additional data) it achieves 83.8%, approaching state-of-the-art methods which use custom per-modality backbones and pre-training schemes.We analyse the quantitative and qualitative behavior of LIMoE, and demonstrate phenomena such as differing treatment of the modalities and the emergence of modality-specific experts.