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Cluster-level Logging of Containers with Containers

Logging Challenges of Container-Based Cloud Deployments

Satnam Singh

This article shows how cluster-level logging infrastructure can be implemented using open source tools and deployed using the very same abstractions that are used to compose and manage the software systems being logged. Collecting and analyzing log information is an essential aspect of running production systems to ensure their reliability and to provide important auditing information. Many tools have been developed to help with the aggregation and collection of logs for specific software components (e.g., an Apache web server) running on specific servers (e.g., Fluentd4 and Logstash.9) They are accompanied by tools such as Elasticsearch3 for ingesting log information into persistent storage and tools such as Kibana7 for querying log information.

Collecting the logs of components realized using containers such as those from Docker2 and orchestrated by systems such as Kubernetes,8 however, is more challenging because there is no longer a specific program and a specific sever. This is because a component consists of many anonymous instances (replicas) that are scaled up and down in number depending on the system load. Furthermore, there is no specific server because each replica is run on a server chosen by the orchestrator.

This article looks at how to overcome these challenges by describing how cluster-level log aggregation and inspection can be implemented on the Kubernetes orchestration framework. A key aspect of the approach described here is its exploitation of the same abstractions that are used to compose and manage the system to be logged to also build the logging infrastructure itself. This approach makes use of using existing open source tools such as Fluentd, Elasticsearch, and Kibana, which are deployed inside containers and orchestrated to collect the logs of the other containers running in a cluster.

A Brief Introduction to Kubernetes

This article describes just enough of the Kubernetes system to help motivate a log collection and aggregation scenario for a simple application. A comprehensive description of the Kubernetes container orchestrator can be found on its website,8 and an overview article on Borg, Omega and Kubernetes is available on acmqueue.1

The Kubernetes system can orchestrate components of applications on a variety of public clouds as well as private clusters. In this article an application is deployed on a Kubernetes cluster created on a collection of VMs (virtual machines) running on the public cloud Google Compute Engine.5 A cluster could have been created using Google Container Engine (GKE),6 which automates many aspects of cluster creation and management. To emphasize the provider-agnostic nature of the approach, we illustrate the explicit creation of a Kubernetes cluster that performs log collection and aggregation with open-source tools. Either explicit cluster creation or creation using a cluster management system like GKE allows us to perform log collection and aggregation with open-source tools, although GKE allows for tighter integration with Google's proprietary cloud logging system.

Figure 1 shows the deployment of a four-node Kubernetes cluster that is used for the example application described in this article. This cluster has four worker VMs called kubernetes-minion-08on, kubernetes-minion-7i2t, kubernetes-minion-9l7k, and kubernetes-minion-ei9f. A fifth Kubernetes master VM orchestrates work onto the other VMs. For work scheduled on this cluster by Kubernetes, however, you should remain oblivious to the name or IP address of the particular node that is used to run the applications since this is one of the details that is abstracted by Kubernetes. You don't know the name of the machine running our program. Furthermore, the components of the application will scale up and down in size as the system evolves and deals with failure, so one logical component may execute across many different machines. The name of the machine(s) running your program may change.

Cluster-level Logging of Containers with Containers

Consequently, in the Kubernetes model it does not make sense to think of a specific program P running on a specific machine M. It is far more idiomatic to identify parts of the system by making queries over labels that are attached to anonymous entities created by the Kubernetes orchestrator, which will return the currently running entities that match the query. This allows us to talk about a dynamically evolving infrastructure without mentioning the names of specific resources.

A Music Store Application

A Kubernetes deployment of a hypothetical music store application is used to help describe how cluster-level container logs can be collected. The application has several front-end microservices that accept HTTP requests to a web interface for browsing and buying music. These front-end services work by communicating with a back-end MySQL instance and a Redis cluster that provide the persistent storage needed by the application. A persistent disk hosted on Google Compute Engine also provides the storage needed by the MySQL database.

Logging Pods

The basic unit of deployment in Kubernetes is a pod. A pod is the specification of resources that should always be allocated together as an atomic unit onto the same node along with other information that a cluster orchestrator can use to manage the pod's behavior. The music store application uses one pod to describe the deployment of the MySQL instance as shown in the YAML file (albums-db-pod.yaml):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: albums-db
   app: music1983
   role: db
   tier: backend
 - name: mysql
   image: mysql:5.6
     value: REDACTED
   - containerPort: 3306
   - name: mysql-persistent-storage
     mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
 - name: mysql-persistent-storage
     pdName: albums-disk
     fsType: ext4

This specification can be used to create a deployment of the music store database:

$ kubectl create -f albums-db-pod.yaml

Figure 2 illustrates a deployment of this pod, which has the name albums-db and a pod IP address of It runs on the Google Compute Engine VM called kubernetes-minion-917k, contains a Docker image of a MySQL instance, and uses a persistent disk on Google Compute Engine called albums-disk. Three labels identify the application music1983, the role db, and the tier backend. The pod exposes the port 3306 serviced by the MySQL Docker instance for use by other components in the same cluster through the address

Cluster-level Logging of Containers with Containers

Inside the Kubernetes cluster, you can connect to this database, populate it, and make queries. For example:

$ mysql --host= --user=NAME --password=REDACTED albums
mysql> select * from pop where artist = 'Pink Floyd';
| artist     | album                 | inventory | released |
| Pink Floyd | Dark Side of the Moon |        57 |     1973 |
| Pink Floyd | The Wall              |       103 |     1983 |
2 rows in set (0.08 sec)

The logs for a pod can be extracted using the Kubernetes command-line tool:

$ kubectl logs albums-db
2016-03-01 00:43:20 1 [Note] InnoDB: 5.6.29 started; log sequence number 1710893
2016-03-01 00:43:20 1 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): '*'; port: 3306
2016-03-01 00:43:20 1 [Note] IPv6 is available.

This command fetches the logs for the currently running MySQL Docker image. You can ask Kubernetes to report the Docker container ID for the running MySQL instance:

$ kubectl describe pod albums-db | grep "Container ID"
   Container ID: docker://38ab5c9e9aa8004e9b61f19885...

Does this solve the problem of collecting logs from an application deployed on a Kubernetes cluster? One problem is that during the lifetime of a pod the underlying Docker container (or containers) that is deployed may terminate and new replacement containers created (e.g., to deal with a container that has failed in some way). The following induces a failure by sabotaging the MySQL container and seeing how Kubernetes responds. This is done by SSH'ing to the Google Compute Engine VM that is running the container in order to kill the MySQL Docker container.

$ gcloud compute --project "kubernetes-6502" ssh --zone "us-central1-b" "kubernetes-minion-9l7k"
$ sudo -s
# docker ps
38ab5c9e9aa8    mysql:5.6
# docker kill 38ab5c9e9aa8
# docker ps
abdfca342daa    mysql:5.6

Soon after, an agent running on the node that is part of the Kubernetes system noticed the container was no longer running. In order to drive the current state of the system to the desired state, a new Docker instance of MySQL is created with a container ID that starts with abdfca342daa. Checking the logs of albums-db now reveals:

$ kubectl logs albums-db
2016-03-01 01:33:25 0 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 5.6.29) starting as process 1 ...
2016-03-01 01:33:25 1 [Note] InnoDB: The log sequence numbers 1710893 and 1710893 in ibdata files do not match the log sequence number 1710903 in the ib_logfiles!
2016-03-01 01:33:25 1 [Note] InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally!
2016-03-01 01:33:25 1 [Note] InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
2016-03-01 01:33:25 1 [Note] InnoDB: 5.6.29 started; log sequence number 1710903
2016-03-01 01:33:25 1 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): '*'; port: 3306

The logs are now for the currently running container (abdfca342daa), and the logs for the previous instance of the MySQL container (38ab5c9e9aa8) have been lost. The lifetime of these logs is determined from the lifetime of the underlying Docker container rather than the lifetime of the pod. What is really needed is a mechanism for collecting and storing all the log information that was generated by every container instance that runs as part of this pod's execution lifecycle.

Logging Pods Managed by Replication Controllers

Although a single pod in a Kubernetes cluster can be specified and deployed, it is far more idiomatic to specify a replication controller that creates many replicas of a pod. Here is an example of a replication controller that specifies the deployment of two Redis slave pods (redis-slave-controller.yaml):

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
 name: redis-slave
   app: music1983
   role: slave
   tier: backend
 replicas: 2
       app: music1983
       role: slave
       tier: backend
     - name: slave
       image: redis
           cpu: 300m
           memory: 250Mi
       - containerPort: 6379

This specification declares a replication controller called redis-slave, which has three user-defined labels of metadata that are attached to each pod it creates. The labels identify the name of the overall application music1983, the role of the Redis instance slave, and this pod as being a member of the backend tier. The initial number of replica pods is set to two, although this number may be dialed up or down later. Each pod to be replicated consists of a Redis Docker container, an exposed port 6379 over which the Redis protocol operates, and some resource requests for CPU and memory utilization that are communicated to the scheduler. This specification can be given to the Kubernetes command-line tool to bring the Redis slave pods to life:

$ kubectl create -f redis-slave-controller.yaml

Figure 3 shows a sample deployment of such a Redis slave controller with two pods running on two different Google Compute Engine VMs. The pods have automatically generated names: redis-slave-tic4b and redis-slave-yazzp. Do not get too attached to the name of any specific pod, since pods may come and go as a result of failure or changes in the cardinality of the replication controller.

Cluster-level Logging of Containers with Containers

Logging Pods Captured by a Service Specification

Each pod has its own IP address, and the IP address of the host VM is also shown, although this address is never of any interest to the Kubernetes application running on the cluster. If you can't utter the name of a specific pod, then how can you interact with it? Label selectors can define an entity called a service, which introduces a stable name for a collection of resources. Requests sent to the stable name provided by the service are automatically routed to a pod that matches the net cast by the service label selectors. Here is the definition of a service identifying pods that provide the Redis slave functionality (redis-slave-service.yaml):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
 name: redis-slave
   app: music1983
   role: slave
   tier: backend
 - port: 6379
   app: music1983
   role: slave
   tier: backend

The deployment of this service is illustrated in figure 4. The service defines a DNS (Domain Name System)-resolvable name within the cluster redis-slave, which accepts requests on port 6379 and then forwards them to any pod that matches its label selectors (i.e., any pod that has the app label set to music1983, the role label set to slave, and the tier label set to backend). Now consumers of the redis-slave-read-replicated pods are insulated from the names of the specific pods that are used to service their requests as well as the names of the specific nodes on which these pods are running.

Cluster-level Logging of Containers with Containers

Figure 5 shows the deployment of a music store website made up of several front-end microservices that accept external requests and render a web user interface. These front-end services store information in a key/value store implemented by several instances of the Redis key/value store. The system is designed to make it easy to independently scale up the capacity for (a) serving web traffic; (b) reading from the key/value storage system; (c) writing to the key/value storage system. As more users connect to the music store website, the number of front-end microservices can be dialed up. Typically, you expect many more relatively cheap read operations than expensive write operations to the key/value store. To process read operations as quickly as possible, reads from Redis slave instances (two in this case) are serviced and a separate pool of Redis microservices deployed as masters that perform write operations (initially just one in this case).

Cluster-level Logging of Containers with Containers

Collecting the logs of the front-end service pods brings up another lifecycle issue. It is not enough to jusr collect the logs from each of the three currently running pods (even when collecting the logs of multiple invocations of the front-end Docker image), because pods themselves may be terminated and then reborn (possibly on a different host machine). In certain situations, there may briefly be more than three front-end pods or perhaps fewer than three. If this occurs, the Kubernetes orchestration system will notice and create or kill pods to drive the system to the declared state of having just three front-end pods. As front-end pods come and go, you want to collect all of their logs, so the log-collection activity has a lifetime that is associated with the front-end replication controller rather than the lifetime of a specific pod.

Using Fluentd to collect node-level logs

The open-source log aggregator Fluentd is used to collect the logs of the Docker containers running on a given node. Trying to run an instance of a Fluentd collector process directly on each node (i.e., GCE VM) generates the same deployment problems that pods were created to solve (e.g., dealing with failure and performing updates). Consequently, node-level log aggregation of Docker containers is actually implemented from a Docker container that runs as part of a pod specification. This meta-approach allows the logging layer to benefit from the same advantages afforded to the application layers by the Kubernetes model for managing deployment and lifecycle events. For example, the rolling update mechanism of Kubernetes can update the pods running on each node so they use an updated version of the log-aggregation software while the cluster is still running.

The Fluentd collectors do not store the logs themselves. Instead they send their logs to an Elasticsearch cluster that stores the log information in a replicated set of nodes. Again, rather than running this Elasticsearch cluster directly "on the metal," you can define pods that specify the behavior of a single Elasticsearch replica, then define a replication controller to specify a collection of Elasticsearch nodes that contain the replicated log information and provide a query interface, and finally define a service that provides a stable name for balancing queries to the Elasticsearch cluster.

The complete specification of the Fluentd node-level collector pods is shown here (fluentd-es.yaml):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: fluentd-elasticsearch
 namespace: kube-system
 - name: fluentd-elasticsearch
   image: gcr.io/google_containers/fluentd-elasticsearch:1.11
       cpu: 100m
   - -q
   - name: varlog
     mountPath: /var/log
   - name: varlibdockercontainers
     mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers
     readOnly: true
 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
 - name: varlog
     path: /var/log
 - name: varlibdockercontainers
     path: /var/lib/docker/containers

This specifies a node-level collector that runs a specially built Fluentd image configured to send logs to an Elasticsearch cluster using the DNS name and port elasticsearch-logging:9200 (which is itself implemented as a Kubernetes service). The specification also describes how the location of the Docker logs on the node-level file system are mapped to the file system inside the Docker container run by the pod. This allows the logs of all the Docker containers on the node to be collected by this Fluentd instance running inside this container.

When a Kubernetes cluster is configured to use logging with Elasticsearch as the data store, the cluster creation process instantiates a log-collector pod on each node. These pods can be observed in the kube-system namespace:

$ kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system
NAME                                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
fluentd-elasticsearch-kubernetes-minion-08on 1/1       Running   0          16d
fluentd-elasticsearch-kubernetes-minion-7i2t 1/1       Running   0          16d
fluentd-elasticsearch-kubernetes-minion-9l7k 1/1       Running   0          16d
fluentd-elasticsearch-kubernetes-minion-ei9f 1/1       Running   0          16d

A special process on each node makes sure that one of these log-collection pods is running on each node. If a log-collector pod fails for any reason, a new one is created in its place. These pods collect the logs of the locally running Docker containers and ingest them into an Elasticsearch Kubernetes service running in the kube-system namespace.

Using Elasticsearch to Store and Query Cluster Logs

A cluster created using Elasticsearch for the storage of logs will by default instantiate two Elasticsearch instances. The specification for these Elasticsearch logging pods can be found at es-controller.yaml, which describes a replication controller for the Elasicsearch instances as well as the actual configuration of the Elasticsearch logging pods. These can be observed in the kube-system namespace:

$ kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system
NAME                           READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
elasticsearch-logging-v1-7rmo3 1/1       Running   0          16d
elasticsearch-logging-v1-v7lmv 1/1       Running   0          16d

The node-level log-collection Fluentd pods do not speak directly to these Elasticsearch pods. Instead, they connect to the DNS name and elasticsearch-logging:9200, which is implemented by an Elasticsearch Kubernetes service es-service.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
 name: elasticsearch-logging
 namespace: kube-system
   k8s-app: elasticsearch-logging
kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true"
   kubernetes.io/name: "Elasticsearch"
 - port: 9200
   protocol: TCP
   targetPort: db
   k8s-app: elasticsearch-logging

You can observe this service running in the kube-system namespace:

$ kubectl get services --namespace=kube-system
NAME                  CLUSTER_IP     EXTERNAL_IP   PORT(S)
elasticsearch-logging     <none>        9200/TCP

Elasticsearch can be queried for the logs of all pods that are captured by the label selectors for the front-end service. A local proxy allows you to connect to the cluster with administrator privileges, which are required to retrieve the logs of running containers. You query for just the logs of containers that are marked with a container_name field of frontend-server.

$ kubectl proxy
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/elasticsearch-logging/_search?q=container_name:frontend-server&_source=false&fields=log&pretty=true"
   }, {
     "_index" : "logstash-2016.02.26",
     "_type" : "fluentd",
     "_id" : "AVMa-C0pcuStSsThK0M4",
     "_score" : 2.8861463,
     "fields" : {
       "log" : [ "Slow read for key k103: 192 ms" ]
   }, {
     "_index" : "logstash-2016.02.26",
     "_type" : "fluentd",
     "_id" : "AVMa-C0pcuStSsThK0NE",
     "_score" : 2.8861463,
     "fields" : {
       "log" : [ "[negroni] Started GET /lrange/k336" ]
   }, {
     "_index" : "logstash-2016.02.26",
     "_type" : "fluentd",
     "_id" : "AVMa-C_fcuStSsThK0Op",
     "_score" : 2.8861463,
     "fields" : {
       "log" : [ "Slow write for key k970: 187 ms" ]
   }, {

Since the Elasticsearch cluster is a collection of pods managed by a replication controller, it can deal with an increased query load to the logging system by simply increasing the number of replica nodes for the Elasticsearch logging instances. Each pod contains a replica of the ingested logs so if one pod dies for some reason (e.g., the machine it is running on fails), then a new pod will be created to replace it, and it will synchronize with the running pods to replicate the ingested logs.

Viewing Logs with Kibana

The aggregated logs in the Elasticsearch cluster can be viewed using Kibana. This presents a web interface, which provides a more convenient interactive method for querying the ingested logs, as illustrated in figure 6.

Cluster-level Logging of Containers with Containers

The Kibana pods are also monitored by the Kubernetes system to ensure they are running healthily and the expected number of replicas are present. The lifecycle of these pods is controlled by a replication-controller specification similar in nature to how the Elasticsearch cluster was configured. The following output shows the cluster configured to maintain two Elasticsearch instances and one Kibana instance. If system load increases, a simple command can be issued to dial up the number of Elasticsearch and Kibana replicas. Furthermore, the number of Elasticsearch replicas can be scaled up independently of the number of Kibana instances, allowing you to respond to increases in different kinds of loads by scaling up only the subcomponents needed to meet that demand.


Collecting the logs of containers running in an orchestrated cluster presents some challenges that are not faced by manually deployed software components. In particular, we cannot explicitly identify by name a particular container (or the name of the pod in which it is contained), nor the node that container is running on, because both of these may change during the lifetime of the deployed application. As application components (microservices) come and go, we need to gather and aggregate all the logs of the containers that work as part of the application during its lifecycle. This challenge is addressed by the use of label-selector queries to identify which running activities belong to the application of interest at any given moment. Then these queries can be used (by way of a Kubernetes service) to query the logs of a dynamically evolving application.

The basic infrastructure needed to implement log aggregation and collection can itself be implemented using the same abstractions used to compose and manage the applications which need to be logged: pods, replication controllers, and services. This allows for adapting the capacity of the logging system and updating it while it is running as well as robustly dealing with failure. This also provides a model for developing other cloud computing system infrastructure components in a modular, flexible, reliable, and scalable manner.


1. Burns, B., Grant, B., Oppenheimer, D., Brewer, E., Wilkes, J. 2016. Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes. acmqueue 14(1); http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2898444.

2. Docker; www.docker.com.

3. Elasticsearch. Elastic; https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch.

4. Fluentd; http://www.fluentd.org/.

5. Google Compute Engine; https://cloud.google.com/compute/.

6. Google Container Engine; https://cloud.google.com/container-engine/.

7. Kibana. Elastic; https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana.

8. Kubernetes; http://kubernetes.io/.

9. Logstash. Elastic; https://www.elastic.co/products/logstash.

Satnam Singh ([email protected]) is a software engineer at Facebook working on bytecode optimization for mobile applications. Previously he worked at Google on the Kubernetes project.

Copyright © 2016 held by owner/author. Publication rights licensed to ACM.

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