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😱 Status quo stories: Barbara bridges sync and async in perf.rust-lang.org

🚧 Warning: Draft status 🚧

This is a draft "status quo" story submitted as part of the brainstorming period. It is derived from real-life experiences of actual Rust users and is meant to reflect some of the challenges that Async Rust programmers face today.

If you would like to expand on this story, or adjust the answers to the FAQ, feel free to open a PR making edits (but keep in mind that, as they reflect peoples' experiences, status quo stories cannot be wrong, only inaccurate). Alternatively, you may wish to add your own status quo story!

The story

Barbara is working on the code for perf.rust-lang.org and she wants to do a web request to load various intermediate results. She has heard that the reqwest crate is quite nice, so she decides to give it a try. She writes up an async function that does her web request:

fn main() {
async fn do_web_request(url: &Url) -> Data {

She needs to apply this async function to a number of urls. She wants to use the iterator map function, like so:

async fn do_web_request(url: &Url) -> Data {...}

fn aggregate(urls: &[Url]) -> Vec<Data> {
        .map(|url| do_web_request(url))

fn main() {
    /* do stuff */
    let data = aggregate();
    /* do more stuff */

Of course, since do_web_request is an async fn, she gets a type error from the compiler:

error[E0277]: a value of type `Vec<Data>` cannot be built from an iterator over elements of type `impl Future`
  --> src/main.rs:11:14
11 |             .collect();
   |              ^^^^^^^ value of type `Vec<Data>` cannot be built from `std::iter::Iterator<Item=impl Future>`
   = help: the trait `FromIterator<impl Future>` is not implemented for `Vec<Data>`

"Of course," she thinks, "I can't call an async function from a closure."

Introducing block_on

She decides that since she is not overly concerned about performance, so she decides she'll just use a call to block_on from the futures crate and execute the function synchronously:

async fn do_web_request(url: &Url) -> Data {...}

fn aggregate(urls: &[Url]) -> Vec<Data> {
        .map(|url| futures::executor::block_on(do_web_request(url)))

fn main() {
    /* do stuff */
    let data = aggregate();
    /* do more stuff */

The code compiles, and it seems to work.

Switching to async main

As Barbara works on perf.rust-lang.org, she realizes that she needs to do more and more async operations. She decides to convert her synchronous main function into an async main. She's using tokio, so she is able to do this very conveniently with the #[tokio::main] decorator:

async fn main() {
    /* do stuff */
    let data = aggregate();
    /* do more stuff */

Everything seems to work ok on her laptop, but when she pushes the code to production, it deadlocks immediately. "What's this?" she says. Confused, she runs the code on her laptop a few more times, but it seems to work fine. (There's a faq explaining what's going on. -ed.)

She decides to try debugging. She fires up a debugger but finds it is isn't really giving her useful information about what is stuck (she has basically the same problems that Alan has). She wishes she could get insight into tokio's state.

Frustrated, she starts reading the tokio docs more closely and she realizes that tokio runtimes offer their own block_on method. "Maybe using tokio's block_on will help?" she thinks, "Worth a try, anyway." She changes the aggregate function to use tokio's block_on:

fn main() {
fn block_on<O>(f: impl Future<Output = O>) -> O {
    let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();

fn aggregate(urls: &[Url]) -> Vec<Data> {
        .map(|url| block_on(do_web_request(url)))

The good news is that the deadlock is gone. The bad news is that now she is getting a panic:

thread 'main' panicked at 'Cannot start a runtime from within a runtime. This happens because a function (like block_on) attempted to block the current thread while the thread is being used to drive asynchronous tasks.'

"Well," she thinks, "I could use the Handle API to get the current runtime instead of creating a new one? Maybe that's the problem."

fn main() {
fn aggregate(urls: &[&str]) -> Vec<String> {
    let handle = tokio::runtime::Handle::current();
        .map(|url| handle.block_on(do_web_request(url)))

But this also seems to panic in the same way.

Trying out spawn_blocking

Reading more into this problem, she realizes she is supposed to be using spawn_blocking. She tries replacing block_on with tokio::task::spawn_blocking:

fn main() {
fn aggregate(urls: &[Url]) -> Vec<Data> {
        .map(|url| tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || do_web_request(url)))

but now she gets a type error again:

error[E0277]: a value of type `Vec<Data>` cannot be built from an iterator over elements of type `tokio::task::JoinHandle<impl futures::Future>`
  --> src/main.rs:22:14
22 |             .collect();
   |              ^^^^^^^ value of type `Vec<Data>` cannot be built from `std::iter::Iterator<Item=tokio::task::JoinHandle<impl futures::Future>>`
   = help: the trait `FromIterator<tokio::task::JoinHandle<impl futures::Future>>` is not implemented for `Vec<Data>`

Of course! spawn_blocking, like map, just takes a regular closure, not an async closure; it's purpose is to embed some sync code within an async task, so a sync closure makes sense -- and moreover async closures aren't stable -- but it's all rather frustrating nonetheless. "Well," she thinks, "I can use spawn to get back into an async context!" So she adds a call to spawn inside the spawn_blocking closure:

fn main() {
fn aggregate(urls: &[Url]) -> Vec<Data> {
        .map(|url| tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
            tokio::task::spawn(async move {

But this isn't really helping, as spawn still yields a future. She's getting the same errors.

Trying out join_all

She remembers now that this whole drama started because she was converting her main function to be async. Maybe she doesn't have to bridge between sync and async? She starts digging around in the docs and finds futures::join_all. Using that, she can change aggregate to be an async function too:

fn main() {
async fn aggregate(urls: &[Url]) -> Vec<Data> {
            .map(|url| do_web_request(url))

Things are working again now, so she is happy, although she notes that join_all has quadratic time complexity. That's not great.


Later on, she would like to apply a filter to the aggregation operation. She realizes that if she wants to use the fetched data when doing the filtering, she has to filter the vector after the join has completed. She wants to write something like

fn main() {
async fn aggregate(urls: &[Url]) -> Vec<Data> {
            .map(|url| do_web_request(url))
            .filter(|data| test(data))

but she can't, because data is a future and not the Data itself. Instead she has to build the vector first and then post-process it:

fn main() {
async fn aggregate(urls: &[Url]) -> Vec<Data> {
    let mut data: Vec<Data> = futures::join_all(
            .map(|url| do_web_request(url))

This is annoying, but performance isn't critical, so it's ok.

And the cycle begins again

Later on, she wants to call aggregate from another binary. This one doesn't have an async main. This context is deep inside of an iterator chain and was previously entirely synchronous. She realizes it would be a lot of work to change all the intervening stack frames to be async fn, rewrite the iterators into streams, etc. She decides to just call block_on again, even though it make her nervous.

🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

What are the morals of the story?

  • Some projects don't care about max performance and just want things to work once the program compiles.
    • They would probably be happy with sync but as the most popular libraries for web requests, databases, etc, offer async interfaces, they may still be using async code.
  • There are contexts where you can't easily add an await.
    • For example, inside of an iterator chain.
    • Big block of existing code.
  • Mixing sync and async code can cause deadlocks that are really painful to diagnose, particularly when you have an async-sync-async sandwich.

Why did you choose Barbara to tell this story?

  • Because Mark (who experienced most of it) is a very experienced Rust developer.
  • Because you could experience this story regardless of language background or being new to Rust.

How would this story have played out differently for the other characters?

I would expect it would work out fairly similarly, except that the type errors and things might well have been more challenging for people to figure out, assuming they aren't already familiar with Rust.

Why did Barbara only get deadlocks in production, and not on her laptop?

This is because the production instance she was using had only a single core, but her laptop is a multicore machine. The actual cause of the deadlocks is that block_on basically "takes over" the tokio worker thread, and hence the tokio scheduler cannot run. If that block_on is blocked on another future that will have to execute, then some other thread must take over of completing that future. On Barbara's multicore machine, there were more threads available, so the system did not deadlock. But on the production instance, there was only a single thread. Barbara could have encountered deadlocks on her local machine as well if she had enough instances of block_on running at once.

Could the runtime have prevented the deadlock?

One way to resolve this problem would be to have a runtime that creates more threads as needed. This is what was proposed in this blog post, for example.

Adapting the number of worker threads has downsides. It requires knowing the right threshold for creating new threads (which is fundamentally unknowable). The result is that the runtime will sometimes observe that some thread seems to be taking a long time and create new threads just before that thread was about to finish. These new threads generate overhead and lower the overall performance. It also requires work stealing and other techniques that can lead to work running on mulitple cores and having less locality. Systems tuned for maximal performance tend to prefer a single thread per core for this reason.

If some runtimes are adaptive, that may also lead to people writing libraries which block without caring. These libraries would then be a performance or deadlock hazard when used on a runtime that is not adaptive.

Is there any way to have kept aggregate as a synchronous function?

Yes, Barbara could have written something like this:

fn aggregate(urls: &[Url]) -> Vec<Data> {
    let handle = Handle::current();

        .map(|url| handle.block_on(do_web_request(url)))

async fn main() {
    let data = task::spawn_blocking(move || aggregate(&[Url, Url]))

This aggregate function can only safely be invoked from inside a tokio spawn_blocking call, however, since Handle::current will only work in that context. She could also have used the original futures variant of block_on, in that case, and things would also work.

Why didn't Barbara just use the sync API for reqwest?

reqwest does offer a synchronous API, but it's not enabled by default, you have to use an optional feature. Further, not all crates offer synchronous APIs. Finally, Barbara has had some vague poor experience when using synchronous APIs, such as panics, and so she's learned the heuristic of "use the async API unless you're doing something really, really simple".

Regardless, the synchronous reqwest API is actually itself implemented using block_on: so Barbara would have ultimately hit the same issues. Further, not all crates offer synchronous APIs -- some offer only async APIs. In fact, these same issues are probably the sources of those panics that Barbara encountered in the past.

In general, though, embedded sync within async or vice versa works "ok", once you know the right tricks. Where things become challenging is when you have a "sandwich", with async-sync-async.

Do people mix spawn_blocking and spawn successfully in real code?

Yes! Here is some code from perf.rust-lang.org doing exactly that. The catch is that it winds up giving you a future in the end, which didn't work for Barbara because her code is embedded within an iterator (and hence she can't make things async "all the way down").

What are other ways people could experience similar problems mixing sync and async?

  • Using std::Mutex in async code.
  • Calling the blocking version of an asynchronous API.
    • For example, reqwest::blocking, the synchronous zbus and rumqtt APIs.
    • These are commonly implemented by using some variant of block_on internally.
    • Therefore they can lead to panics or deadlocks depending on what async runtime they are built from and used with.

Why wouldn't Barbara just make everything async from the start?

There are times when converting synchronous code to async is difficult or even impossible. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Asynchronous functions cannot appear in trait impls.
  • Asynchronous functions cannot be called from APIs that take closures for callbacks, like Iterator::map in this example.
  • Sometimes the synchronous functions come from other crates and are not fully under their control.
  • It's just a lot of work!

How many variants of block_on are there?

  • the futures crate offers a runtime-independent block-on (which can lead to deadlocks, as in this story)
  • the tokio crate offers a block_on method (which will panic if used inside of another tokio runtime, as in this story)
  • the pollster crate exists just to offer block_on
  • the futures-lite crate offers a block_on
  • the aysnc-std crate offers block_on
  • the async-io crate offers block_on
  • ...there are probably more, but I think you get the point.