[go: nahoru, domu]



  • Able to spawn parallel tasks or blocking work that accesses borrowed data
  • Easily create expressive scheduler patterns that make use of borrowed data using high-level combinators and APIs
  • When data is no longer needed, able to cancel work and have it reliably and promptly terminate, including any subtasks or other bits of work it may have created
  • Cancellation does not leave work "half-finished", but reliably cleans up program state
  • Able to use DMA, io-uring, etc to write directly into output buffers, and to recover in the case of cancellation


Design notes

Async functions are commonly written with borrowed references as arguments:

fn main() {
async fn do_something(db: &Db) { ... }

but important utilities like spawn and spawn_blocking require 'static tasks. Building on non-cancelable traits, we can implement a "scope" API that allows one to introduce an async scope. This scope API should permit one to spawn tasks into a scope, but have various kinds of scopes (e.g., synchronous execution, parallel execution, and so forth). It should ultimately reside in the standard library and hook into different runtimes for scheduling. This will take some experimentation!

fn main() {
async fn foo(db: &Database) {
    let result = std::async_thread::scope(|s| {
        let job1 = s.spawn(async || {
        let job2 = s.spawn_blocking(|| {

        (job1.await, job2.await)

Side-stepping the nested await problem

One goal of scopes is to avoid the "nested await" problem, as described in Barbara battles buffered streams (BBBS). The idea is like this: the standard combinators which run work "in the background" and which give access to intermediate results from that work should schedule that work into a scope.1 This would typically be done by using an "interior iterator" pattern, but it could also be done by taking a scope parameter. Some examples from today's APIs are FuturesUnordered and Stream::buffered.


This is not a hard rule. But invoking poll manually is best regarded as a risky thing to be managed with care -- not only because of the formal safety guarantees, but because of the possibility for "nested await"-style failures.

In the case of BBBS, the problem arises because of buffered, which spawns off concurrent work to process multiple connections. Under this system, the implementation of buffered would create an internal scope for spawn its tasks into that scope, side-stepping the problem. One could imagine also offering a variant of buffered like buffered_in that takes a scope parameter, permitting the user to choose the scope of those spawned tasks:

fn main() {
async fn do_work(database: &Database) {
    std::async_thread::scope(|s| {
        let work = do_select(database, FIND_WORK_QUERY).await?;
            .map(|item| do_select(database, work_from_item(item)))
            .buffered_in(5, scope)
            .for_each(|work_item| process_work_item(database, work_item))

Concurrency without scopes: Join, select, race, and friends

It is possible to introduce concurrency in ways that both (a) do not require scopes and (b) avoid the "nested await" problem. Any combinator which takes multiple Async instances and polls them to completion (or cancels them) before it itself returns is ok. This includes:

  • join, because the join(a, b) doesn't complete until both a and b have completed;
  • select, because selecting will cancel the alternatives that are not chosen;
  • race, which is a variant of select.

This is important because embedded systems often avoid allocators, and the scope API implicitly requires allocation (one can spawn an unbounded number of tasks).


In today's Rust, any async function can be synchronously cancelled at any await point: the code simply stops executing, and destructors are run for any extant variables. This leads to a lot of bugs. (TODO: link to stories)

Under systems like Swift's proposed structured concurrency model, or with APIs like .NET's CancellationToken, cancellation is "voluntary". What this means is that when a task is cancelled, a flag is set; the task can query this flag but is not otherwise affected. Under structured concurrency systems, this flag is propagated to all chidren (and transitively to their children).

Voluntary cancellation is a requirement for scoped access. If there are parallel tasks executing within a scope, and the scope itself is canceled, those parallel tasks must be joined and halted before the memory for the scope can be freed.

One downside of such a system is that cancellation may not take effect. We can make it more likely to work by integrating the cancellation flag into the standard library methods, similar to how tokio encourages "voluntary preemption". This means that file reads and things will start to report errors (Err(TaskCanceled)) once the task has been canceled. This has the advantage that it exercises existing error paths and permits recovery.

Cancellation and select

The select macro chooses from N futures and returns the first one that matches. Today, the others are immediately canceled. This behavior doesn't play especially well with voluntary cancellation. There are a few options here:

  • We could make select signal cancellation for each of the things it is selecting over and then wait for them to finish.
  • We could also make select continue to take Future (not Async) values, which effectively makes Future a "cancel-safe" trait (or perhaps we introduce a CancelSafe marker trait that extends Async).
    • This would mean that typical async fn could not be given to select, though we might allow people to mark async fn as "cancel-safe", in which case they would implement Future. They would also not have access to ordinary async fn, though.
      • Effectively, the current Future trait becomes the "cancel-safe" form of Async. This is a bit odd, since it has other distinctions, like using Pin, so it might be preferable to use a 'marker trait'.
    • Of course, users could spawn a task that calls the function and give the handle to select.

Frequently asked questions

Could there be a convenient way to access the current scope?

If we wanted to integrate the idea of scopes more deeply, we could have some way to get access to the current scope and reference its lifetime. Lots of unknowns to work out here, though. For example, suppose you have a function that creates a scope and invokes a closure within. Do we have a way to indicate to the closure that 'scope in that closure may be different?

It starts to feel like simply passing "scope" values may be simpler, and perhaps we need a way to automate the threading of state instead. Another advantage of passing a scope explicitly is that it is clear when parallel tasks may be launched.

How does cancellation work in other settings?

Many other languages use a shard flag to observe when cancellation has been requested.

In some languages, there is also an immediate callback that is invoked when cancellation is requested which permits you to take immediate action. Swift proposal E0304, for example, includes "cancellation handlers" that are run immediately.

  • Kotlin cancellation:
    • You can invoke cancel on launched jobs (spawned tasks).
    • Cancelling sets a flag that the job can check for.
    • Builtin functions check for the flag and throw an exception if it is set.

What is the relationship between AsyncDrop and cancellation?

In async Rust today, one signals cancellation of a future by (synchronously) dropping it. This forces the future to stop executing, and drops the values that are on the stack. Experience has shown that this is someting users have a lot of trouble doing correctly, particularly at fine granularities (see e.g. Alan builds a cache or Barbara gets burned by select).

Given AsyncDrop, we could adopt a similar convention, where canceling an Async is done by (asynchronously) dropping it. This would presumably amend the unsafe contract of the Async trait so that the value must be polled to completion or async-dropped. To avoid the footguns we see today, a typical future could simply continue execution from its AsyncDrop method (but disregard the result). It might however set an internal flag to true or otherwise allow the user to find out that it has been canceled. It's not clear, though, precisely what value is being added by AsyncDrop in this scenario versus the Async simply not implementing AsyncDrop -- perhaps though it serves as an elegant way to give both an immediate "cancellation" callback and an opportunity to continue.

An alternative is to use a cancellation token of some kind, so that scopes can be canceled and that cancelation can be observed. The main reason to have that token or observation mechanism be "built-in" to some degree is so that it can be observed and used to drive "voluntary cancellation" from I/O routines and the like. Under that model, AsyncDrop would be intended more for values (like database handles) that have cleanup to be done, much like Drop today, and less as a way to signal cancellation.