[go: nahoru, domu]

🙋‍♀️ Cast of characters

Alan: the experienced "GC'd language" developer, new to Rust

Variant A: Dynamic languages

Alan has been programming for years. He has built systems in Ruby on Rails, node.js, and used Django too. Lately he's been learning Rust and he is tinkering with integrating Rust into some of his projects to get better performance and reliability. He's also building some projects entirely in Rust.

Variant B: Java

Alan works at a Java shop. They run a number of network services built in Java, along with some that use Kotlin or Scala. He's very familiar with the Java ecosystem and the tooling that the JVM offers. He's also sometimes had to tweak his code to work around garbage collector latencies or to reduce overall memory usage. He's curious to try porting some systems to Rust to see how it works.

Variant C: Kotlin

Alan is developing networking programs in Kotlin. He loves Kotlin for its expressive syntax and clean integration with Java. Still, he sometimes encounters problems running his services due to garbage collection latencies or overall memory usage. He's heard that Rust can be fun to use too, and is curious to try it out.

Variant D: Go

Alan develops a distributed database in Go, enjoying its simplicity and first-class treatment of concurrency. He's successfully built a transactional database that handles over 100K QPS. Intrigued by Rust's promise of "fearless concurrency", Alan tries Rust for more efficient use of memory and CPU. He's curious what classes of errors Rust async prevents and how Rust guarantees its safety without sacrificing the speed.

🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

What does Alan want most from Async Rust?

  • The promise of better performance and memory usage than the languages he's been using. Rust's safety guarantees are important too; he's considered using C++ in the past but always judged the maintenance burden would be too high.

What expectations does Alan bring from his current environment?

  • A focus on ease of use, a strong ecosystem, and great tooling.