Attila A Yavuz, Jorge Guajardo
Publication date
Selected Areas in Cryptography–SAC 2015: 22nd International Conference, Sackville, NB, Canada, August 12–14, 2015, Revised Selected Papers 22
Springer International Publishing
Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption (DSSE) enables a client to perform keyword queries and update operations on the encrypted file collections. DSSE has several important applications such as privacy-preserving data outsourcing for computing clouds. In this paper, we developed a new DSSE scheme that achieves the highest privacy among all compared alternatives with low information leakage, efficient updates, compact client storage, low server storage for large file-keyword pairs with an easy design and implementation. Our scheme achieves these desirable properties with a very simple data structure (i.e., a bit matrix supported with two hash tables) that enables efficient yet secure search/update operations on it. We prove that our scheme is secure and showed that it is practical with large number of file-keyword pairs even with an implementation on simple hardware configurations.
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