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1 An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU signal overlay setting Uma abordagem para descarga com cons
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Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
ISSN: 2178-9010
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Uma abordagem para descarga com considerações multi-hop em uma
configuração de sobreposição de sinal RSU
Un enfoque para descargar con consideraciones de saltos múltiples en un
ajuste de superposición de señal RSU
Efrem Eladie de Oliveira Lousada1
Fátima de Lima Procópio Duarte Figueiredo2
In recent years, significant advancements in vehicle technology have spurred growing interest
in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs). This interest is driven by concerns for road safety
and the need to alleviate network congestion, leading to the emergence of Intelligent Transport
Systems (ITS). ITS focuses on improving road traffic management and safety through the
utilization of wireless and mobile network communication technologies. VANETs play a
pivotal role within the realm of ITS, facilitating tasks such as enhancing road safety, traffic
monitoring, and ensuring passenger comfort by mitigating accidents and congestion. These
objectives rely on the timely and accurate delivery of data to vehicle agents and relevant
authorities, facilitated by reliable VANETs and Road Signal Units (RSUs). Achieving this
necessitates identifying optimal routes with minimal distance, high radio access, and quality-
awareness levels. To address these objectives, this study proposes the utilization of the
Congestion Network with Predicted K-means multi-hop RSU algorithm (CN-MHMR) to
enhance vehicular networking and communication. This algorithm facilitates efficient node
transfer from base nodes to destination nodes via the shortest and energy-efficient paths,
thereby enabling viable and reliable vehicular communications. The performance of the
proposed model was evaluated based on various metrics, including energy consumption,
1 Master in Informatics, Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais (IFMG), Ibirité, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
2 PhD in Computer Science, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG), Belo Horionte, Minas
Gerais, Brasil. E-mail:

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio, accuracy, precision, and recall values.
Keywords: Vehicular Ad hoc Networks. Road Signal Units. Discrete Packets. Energy
Efficient Routing. Vehicular Communication.
Em anos recentes, avanços significativos na tecnologia veicular têm despertado um crescente
interesse em Redes Ad hoc Veiculares (VANETs). Este interesse é impulsionado por
preocupações com a segurança nas estradas e pela necessidade de aliviar a congestão de redes,
levando ao surgimento de Sistemas de Transporte Inteligentes (ITS). ITS foca em melhorar o
gerenciamento do tráfego rodoviário e a segurança através da utilização de tecnologias de
comunicação sem fio e móveis. As VANETs desempenham um papel crucial dentro do
domínio dos ITS, facilitando tarefas como o aprimoramento da segurança rodoviária,
monitoramento do tráfego e garantia do conforto dos passageiros, mitigando acidentes e
congestionamentos. Esses objetivos dependem da entrega oportuna e precisa de dados para
agentes veiculares e autoridades relevantes, facilitada por VANETs confiáveis e Unidades de
Sinalização de Estrada (RSUs). Para alcançar isso, é necessário identificar rotas ótimas com
distância mínima, alto acesso de rádio e níveis de consciência de qualidade. Para abordar esses
objetivos, este estudo propõe a utilização do algoritmo de Rede de Congestionamento com K-
means multi-hop RSU previsto (CN-MHMR) para aprimorar a rede e comunicação veiculares.
Esse algoritmo facilita a transferência eficiente de nós de nós base para nós de destino através
de caminhos mais curtos e eficientes em energia, permitindo assim comunicações veiculares
viáveis e confiáveis. O desempenho do modelo proposto foi avaliado com base em várias
métricas, incluindo consumo de energia, throughput, atraso, taxa de entrega de pacotes,
precisão e valores de recordação.
Palavras-chave: Redes Ad hoc Veiculares. Unidades de Sinalização de Estrada. Pacotes
Discretos. Roteamento Eficiente em Energia. Comunicação Veicular.
En años recientes, los avances significativos en la tecnología vehicular han despertado un
creciente interés en las Redes Ad hoc Vehiculares (VANETs). Este interés está impulsado por
preocupaciones sobre la seguridad en las carreteras y la necesidad de aliviar la congestión de
redes, lo que ha llevado al surgimiento de los Sistemas de Transporte Inteligente (ITS). ITS
se enfoca en mejorar el manejo del tráfico rodado y la seguridad a través de la utilización de
tecnologías de comunicación inalámbrica y móvil. Las VANETs juegan un papel crucial

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
dentro del ámbito de los ITS, facilitando tareas como mejorar la seguridad vial, monitorear el
tráfico y garantizar la comodidad de los pasajeros, mitigando accidentes y
congestionamientos. Estos objetivos dependen de la entrega oportuna y precisa de datos a los
agentes vehiculares y las autoridades relevantes, facilitada por VANETs confiables y
Unidades de Señalización de Carretera (RSUs). Para lograr esto, es necesario identificar rutas
óptimas con distancia mínima, alto acceso de radio y niveles de conciencia de calidad. Para
abordar estos objetivos, este estudio propone la utilización del algoritmo de Red de
Congestión con K-means multi-hop RSU previsto (CN-MHMR) para mejorar la red y la
comunicación vehiculares. Este algoritmo facilita la transferencia eficiente de nodos desde
nodos base hasta nodos de destino a través de caminos más cortos y eficientes en energía,
permitiendo así comunicaciones vehiculares viables y confiables. El rendimiento del modelo
propuesto fue evaluado en base a varias métricas, incluyendo consumo de energía, throughput,
retardo, ratio de entrega de paquetes, precisión y valores de recordación.
Palabras clave: Redes Ad hoc Vehiculares. Unidades de Señalización de Carretera. Paquetes
Discretos. Enrutamiento Eficiente en Energía. Comunicación Vehicular.
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, known as VANET, are vital in making an Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS). Due to increased traffic levels, the topology in the network
changes results as a dynamic challenge for the sparse vehicle distribution and relies in
hindering the scalability of the network. The Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) is an
emerging technology that enables computing and storage resources to be moved closer to the
network edge. Access points or base stations are some examples that can be used to reduce
the network latency and to improve data transfer efficiency. MEC can be used in various
applications, including Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I)
communications, which allow vehicles to communicate with each other and with roadside
units (RSUs) [1].
With the increasing demand for services that utilize vehicular networks and the large
amount of data generated by the vehicles, it is necessary to develop strategies to alleviate the
overload in these networks. Offloading is a strategy used to reduce the amount of data/services
transmitted over the network. During this process, data is transmitted using Vehicle-to-Vehicle
(V2V) and Vehicle-to-Road Infrastructure (V2I) communications [2]. The V2V and V2I data

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
offloading is an important VANET problem to be solved. The use of MEC in this context can
help to reduce the network load and to improve the data offloading performance [3].
Offloading to infrastructure, using V2I communications, can utilize Cellular Base
Stations (CBS) or Roadside Side Units (RSUs). CBSs have higher cost per data transmitted
and should be avoided. RSUs have lower cost for data traffic and are therefore preferred for
V2I offloading [4]. However, while RSUs have lower data traffic costs, they are not widely
available due to deployment costs. In cases where RSUs are not accessible, the offloading
solution must utilize the cellular network [7]. During the offloading from the vehicular
network to the infrastructure, the need for multi-hop routing may arise to ensure that the
information reaches the RSU. The solution must choose the best path between the vehicle
needing to offload data and the RSU. During the selection of the optimal transmission path,
factors such as energy consumption, delivery success probability, and delivery time must be
taken into consideration [8].
In an overlapping multi-RSU environment, multiple RSUs are deployed in an area,
and vehicles can reach multiple RSUs simultaneously. This can be leveraged to improve data
offloading efficiency by allowing vehicles to communicate with the RSU that provides the
best connectivity at any given time [5]. The basic idea of MEC-based data offloading in an
overlapping multi-RSU environment is that vehicles can offload their data to an RSU that can
process the data and forward it to a MEC server located at the network edge. The MEC server
can perform various tasks on the data, such as aggregation, filtering, and data analysis After
that, the MEC can send the processed data back to the RSU for delivery to other vehicles or
to the cloud [6].
To implement MEC-based data offloading in an overlapping multi-RSU environment,
several challenges need to be addressed, such as resource allocation, mobility management,
routing and security [9]. Resource allocation involves allocating computing and storage
resources to vehicles and RSUs based on their requirements and availability. Mobility
management involves ensuring seamless handover of vehicles between RSUs and maintaining
connectivity during the handover process. Security involves ensuring the confidentiality and
integrity of data during transfer and storage. In summary, MEC-based data offloading in an
overlapping multi-RSU environment has the potential to enhance the efficiency and
performance of V2V and V2I communications. However, several challenges need to be
overcome before this technology can be widely deployed in real-world scenarios [10].
In this context, this work presents a solution for offloading considering multiple hops
for transmission and the potential overlap of RSU signals. The proposed study uses a Predicted

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
K-means Multiple Hop algorithm with the Congestion Network, for finding the efficient MEC
for the vehicular offloading. It can also prevent congestion in the vehicular networks, and also
increase the establishment of the broadcast packets and simultaneously decrease the number
of discrete packets by finding the energy efficient routes for the vehicular communication
[28]. These are done by evaluating the fitness of the RSU which are the intermediate in
providing an uninterrupted vehicular communication. These are in a continuous iteration, until
the energy efficient route is found for the efficient node transfer. These are evaluated using
the appropriate performance metrics, consisting in throughput levels, delay, packet delivery
ratios and levels of energy consumption, for evaluating the energy efficient path identified for
the node transfer from base station to the destination.
The main goal of this paper is effective V2V2I (Vehicle-to-Vehicle-to-Infrastructure)
communication. This is achieved by finding the best offloading ways, considering multiple
RSUs, energy consumption and network congestion. The specific goals were: (1) the CN-
MHMR algorithm implementation to evaluate the RSUs fitness function value ensuring the
vehicular broadcast and the routing for the node transmission using VVR-RSU method and
(2) the overall model performance evaluation through some metrics such as ratio of packet
deliveries, delay time, precision, recall and also the accuracy rates.
The remaining parts of the paper are the following: section III presents some of the
existing models and approaches in vehicle networking and communications, section IV,
explains the solution and the methodology used, section V shows the results. Finally, section
VI provides an overall conclusion and some future work.
Review on Existing Work
Some existing research has focused on improving the effectiveness of vehicular
networking and communications, as listed in this section.
The authors of [17] proposed HetCast, a collaborative data transmission mechanism
for vehicle users that utilizes both cellular LTE networks and IEEE 802.11p. The goal is to
use the IEEE 802.11p network to offload LTE data traffic through RSU-based data
transmission based on data popularity. The proposed method divides data into popular and
unpopular categories and transmits popular data from RSUs, while unpopular data is received
over LTE. The authors also proposed three schemes to establish a global transmission
schedule, including an independent RSU scheduling scheme, a collaborative RSU scheduling
scheme, and a collaborative RSU scheduling scheme with anticipation. Simulation results

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
showed that the proposed method can effectively reduce the traffic load on the LTE cellular
network and improve download efficiency.
In [18], the authors proposed a QoS-aware offloading scheme to address the problem
of data congestion in cellular networks. The solution offloads delay-tolerant data to vehicular
network components such as vehicles and RSUs. The proposed scheme involves dividing the
delay-tolerant data into equally-sized data blocks (DBs) and storing them in the current
vehicle/RSU or delivering them to the next-hop device. The decision-making process of the
next-hop device is formulated as an optimization problem using a partially observable Markov
decision process (POMDP). Experimental results demonstrate that the authors' scheme
significantly improves performance when compared to other considered schemes. The
effectiveness of the scheme in alleviating congestion in cellular networks is demonstrated by
its ability to offload delay-tolerant data to vehicular network resources. The use of POMDP
for decision-making ensures that the next-hop device makes optimal decisions based on its
partial observation of the system's state.
In [19], the authors proposed an adaptive algorithm for data offloading decision-
making in vehicular networks considering both the cost and delay of cellular base stations
(BS) and roadside Wi-Fi access points (APs). The algorithm was developed taking into
account that users prefer free networks and desire a minimum download waiting time. To
solve the decision-making problem, the proposed algorithm estimated the encounter time
between a vehicle and a Wi-Fi AP, and then the vehicle chose the best download strategy based
on the estimation. However, as the current situation may differ from the original estimate, for
example, if a vehicle encounters a Wi-Fi AP earlier than expected, the proposed algorithm
dynamically adjusted the estimated waiting time and the currently adopted offloading strategy.
Experimental results showed that the proposed method can achieve better user satisfaction
compared to other methods. In summary, the authors' adaptive algorithm considers user
preferences and Wi-Fi AP encounter opportunities, resulting in improved data download
performance in vehicular networks.
The previously mentioned works belong to the traditional V2I scenario, which means
offloading considering only one hop. Our proposed work adopts a VVR (Vehicle-to-Vehicle-
to-Roadside) multi-hop path to perform offloading.
In the traditional V2I scenario, offloading is performed through a direct
communication link between a vehicle and an infrastructure node. This approach is often
limited by the communication range of the infrastructure node and can result in network
congestion and poor performance. In contrast, a multi-hop VVR path defines that vehicles

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
relay the data to each other until they reach a roadside unit that can send the data to the internet
or other networks. By using a multi-hop approach, the limitations of the traditional V2I
scenario can be overcome, improving network performance. Vehicles can communicate with
each other over longer distances, and the workload is distributed among multiple nodes,
reducing the risk of congestion.
An innovative decision-making framework has been proposed for data offloading to
two types of servers: terrestrial MEC servers and MEC servers mounted on unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs), which have distinct characteristics and capabilities [20]. In this proposed
scheme, users have the option to partially offload their data to a complex MEC environment,
considering the latency and the energy requirements. They can use a theoretical prospective
decision-making to maximize perceived utility and reduce time and energy consumption by
terrestrial MEC servers. Numerical results showed that the proposed framework operates well
and the method outperforms other compared methods in the study.
In [21], the authors investigated how to improve MEC access capability and increase
spectrum utilization efficiency by studying the task offloading and resource allocation
problem. The main idea proposed was to maximize the MEC processing capacity as an
optimization objective in a multi-user, multitask, and multi server scenario. The proposed
approach divided the mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem into a resource
allocation problem and a task allocation problem. Furthermore, the resource allocation
problem was divided into computation resource allocation and communication resource
allocation. To deal with these problems, the authors proposed a low-complexity suboptimal
matching algorithm for subchannel allocation to maximize task offloading efficiency.
The work developed in [22] addressed the joint allocation of spectrum, computation,
and storage resources in a multi-access edge computing (MEC) based vehicular network. Two
typical MEC architectures were considered, and multidimensional resource optimization
problems were formulated. The authors of the work utilized the optimization problems with
the aim of maximizing the number of tasks offloaded while meeting quality of service (QoS)
requirements, considering the limited quantities of available spectrum, computation, and
storage resources. To achieve the ideal spectrum allocation between base stations and the
optimal allocation of spectrum, computation, and storage among vehicles, the authors
transformed the optimization problems into a Deep Reinforcement Learning problem and
proposed an algorithm based on deep deterministic policy gradients to solve them.
While the previously presented work focused on offloading through MEC servers, our
proposed work focuses on data offloading through RSUs, transferring data traffic from the

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
4G/5G cellular network to the IEEE 802.11p vehicular network with the assistance of MEC
servers. Unlike the distributed computing approach used in traditional Vehicular Ad Hoc
Network (VANET) to find the k-hop V2V path, our proposed work adopts a centralized
computing approach, which can be achieved with the help of the MEC server.
In [23], a proposed method for vehicular data offloading, called VVR offloading path
selection, based on the destination's retransmission time limit, utilizes a Mobile Edge
Computing (MEC) approach instead of the traditional V2I offloading method. The proposed
method aims to perform data offloading using RSU X, n hops away, by selecting the most
suitable VVR data offloading path. To achieve this, the MEC server receives periodic context
reports from vehicles and utilizes detection and reduction (DAS), detection and extension
(DAE), and path recovery mechanisms to construct and maintain the VVR data offloading
path. The DAS and DAE mechanisms use OA reselection to reconstruct the VVR data
offloading path when the originating vehicle enters or exits the signal range of the RSU ahead
or behind it. Additionally, the path recovery mechanism is triggered to maintain VVR data
offloading if a vehicle in the relay route deviates from the VVR data offloading path. In
summary, the proposed method aims to enhance vehicular data offloading by using an MEC-
based approach that selects the most suitable VVR data offloading path and maintains
offloading using RSU X whenever possible.
The authors of the article [24] proposed a novel method called Delay-Constrained k-
hop Limited Utility-based VVR Data Offloading Path Construction Method (DC-KUPC).
This method is based on MEC and is used to find the best VVR data offloading path between
an originating vehicle and an RSU, considering a time period with a delay constraint. To
implement this method, the MEC server receives a context report from the originating vehicle
at time point tr and then calculates all possible VVR data offloading paths between the
originating vehicle and RSU Y within a time period of tr + T. T represents the delay-
constrained time period, and during this time, the MEC server searches for all candidate VVR
data offloading paths that satisfy the delay constraint.
A utility function is then used to derive the quality of each candidate VVR data
offloading path. The utility function takes into account various factors such as path length,
bandwidth, and signal intensity. Finally, the DC-KUPC method selects the VVR data
offloading path with the highest utility value as the best VVR data offloading path. Compared
to the lifespan-based method proposed in [25], which considers only the lifespan of the path
without considering the network quality of the path, the proposed DC-KUPC method achieves

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
better data offloading performance. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed utility-
based method can significantly improve the data offloading performance in VVR systems.
Considering offloading in a multi-RSUs and n-hop environment, three works are
presented in the literature. The following three described works do not consider energy
consumption for calculating the best route, nor the time it takes for the data to be transmitted.
They also do not consider the transmission time of the VVR data offloading path, thus making
them unsuitable for real-time solutions. One of these papers presents a method called
Predicted K-hop-limited Multi-RSU-considered (PKMR) for vehicle-to-vehicle-to-roadside
unit (VVR) data offloading in a multi-access edge computing (MEC) environment. The
method utilizes a Software Defined Network (SDN) controller within the MEC server to
manage the offloading process. By considering the predicted paths and network conditions of
vehicles and roadside units (RSUs), the PKMR method selects the most suitable VVR data
offloading path. The performance evaluation shows that PKMR outperforms traditional self-
offloading methods. The proposed method addresses challenges related to multi-RSU
deployment, RSU signal overlap, and data offloading [26]. But it does not consider energy
consumption for calculating the best route, nor the time it takes for the data to be transmitted,
thus making it unsuitable for real-time solutions.
In the work presented in [27], the authors propose a multi-user and multi-RSU system
architecture based on the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) using SDN. In order to reduce the
offloading delay in IoV, a joint approach is proposed to optimize the offloading rate,
offloading decisions, and resource allocation. The solution proposes the use of RSUs for
computing vehicular network activities in order to balance the utilization of computational
resources between the vehicular network and RSUs. Although the work proposes the use of
multi-RSUs, it does not address the case when the signals from the RSUs overlap. It also does
not handle the reselection of a new path if there is a disconnection of vehicles that are part of
the offloading path.
Some of the core concerns in the existing methods are the following:
● some papers work with the traditional V2I scenario, which means offloading
considering only one hop;
● some of the metaheuristic methods can be implemented in making the resource
utilization to maximum levels and can also be distributed to other nodes [28];
● some of the previously presented work focused on offloading just through MEC

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
● alternative ways in exploring and defining the critical areas are reduced as rectangular
regions. They are not applicable in some of the scenarios. Also, an extended approach
can be made in finding other applications for enhancing the content viability and in
reducing the backhaul traffic [7];
● the presented works do not take into account energy consumption as well as the time
it takes for the data to be transmitted, thus making it impractical for real-time solutions.
Proposed Methodology
This section presents the complete work methodology. The wireless vehicular
communication uses RSU´s. These RSU´s are efficient in making short range communications
which are operated in a short spectrum range. The proposed method uses the VVR-RSU
signalling protocol. In the initial levels, the system model consists of VVR, which is the path
chosen. It is used in the offloading of the destination vehicle. This is done using the proposed
CN-MHMR, with the Vehicle to Vehicle - RSU. This combination is known to be RSU-VVR.
The data is transferred from one node to another that receives the packet via the efficient
energy routes. These data packets are transferred from the node (vehicle) using the nearest
RSU. This is done for finding the efficient route for the effective data transfer. Using the
energy efficient routes results in energy efficient data transfer. Some of the parameters
analysed comprises the bandwidth, the packet delivery ratio, the energy consumption and the
The diagrammatic representation of the proposed method is given in Figure 1. It can
be seen in the diagram that the first step in the CN-MHMR module, the first thing to do is the
agent's initialization. When a node receives a data packet, the best route is calculated based
on the external fitness evaluation of the RSU signal, energy estimation and the best link quality
between vehicles, calculated using complex network metrics. The retransmission probability
is calculated for each data packet received, forming a loop until the broadcast decision is
carried on. When the packet is broadcasted, it is discarded by the CN-MHMR. The
performance analysis is made over all the collected data: energy consumption, bandwidth,
throughput, delay and packet delivery ratio are some of the possible metrics to be presented.
All the modules and methods will be detailed explained in the next sections.

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 1
Overall flow of the proposed methodology
3.1 Proposed Method CN-MHMR
The proposed approach comprises four stages as outlined below; (a) Initialization
Phase; In this stage the vehicle Vs utilizes the network while the MEC server endeavors to
find a V2V2I VANET offloading route, for Vs. (b) Shrinking Phase; During this phase vehicle
Vs moves towards an RSU that provides signal coverage gradually reducing the length of the
V2V2I VANET offloading path. This reduction is achieved by decreasing the number of hops
in the V2V2I path. (c) Self offloading Phase; At this point vehicle Vs is within range of an
RSUs signal coverage. Can independently perform offloading without relying on vehicles. (d)
Extending Phase; Throughout this phase vehicle Vs moves from the RSUs signal coverage
area resulting in an increase in the number of hops required for V2V2I communication. In
phases 2 and 4 there may be instances where it becomes necessary to reconstruct the path. If

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
such a situation arises the algorithm returns to phase 1 to recalculate routes and establish links,
between network nodes.
3.1.1 The initialization phase
Initially, the vehicle Vs uses the 4G/5G cellular network to communicate with its peer
Vp on the infrastructure Internet side. When the MEC server receives the periodically reported
context from vehicle Vs at time point Tc, it is triggered to determine if there are one or more
V2V2I offloading paths for the vehicle Vs. If the MEC server finds a V2V2I offloading path
for Vs, it calculates all potential V2V2I paths that may exist during the interval [Tc, Tc + t]
and selects the best one as the V2V2I offloading path, generated at time point T0, where To is
within the interval [Tc, Tc + t], for Vs. Subsequently, the MEC server sends messages to the
constituent vehicles of the corresponding V2V2I offloading path to enable the V2V2I VANET
offloading session for Vs at time point T0.
The delay-constrained time length t is set to be smaller than or equal to the
corresponding vehicle's periodically reported context time period because the MEC server can
only receive the next reported context after one periodic reporting time period. During the
offloading session, all constituent vehicles of the V2V2I offloading path synchronously report
their contexts to the MEC server, which can be achieved by aligning the time with GPS time.
After receiving the reported contexts from the constituent vehicles of the V2V2I offloading
path, the MEC server calculates the time for each V2V link and the V2I link, which represents
the offloading agent's duration inside RSU's signal coverage, to update the remaining
offloading time of the corresponding V2V2I offloading path.
The initial step involves identifying the start time points and end time points for all
links. It is based on the location speed of every node pair (p,q) in the environment (NodeSet),
the geo-distance, signal range of the on-board unit and fitness function for energy. To achieve
this, Procedure 1 in Figure 2 is executed, to derive the start time point and end time point of
each link, which was proposed in [26]. Consider the position and speed of each pair of vehicles
p and q, where both p and q are part of the NodeSet at time point t0. These can be represented
as the coordinates [Posx(p),Posy(p)] and [Posx(q),Posy(q)], and the velocities
[Velx(p),Vely(p)] and [Velx(q),Vely(q)], which can be communicated in a range R of 300m
(equal to IEEE 802.11p OBU).

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 2
Procedure Find All of the Links’ Connected Time Intervals
Procedure 1: Find All of the Links’ Connected Time Intervals
1: for each Link (p, q) do
2: ([𝑝𝑥(𝑝) − 𝑃𝑥(𝑞) + 𝑡(𝑉𝑥(𝑝) − 𝑉𝑥(𝑞))]
[𝑃𝑦(𝑝) − 𝑃𝑦(𝑞) + 𝑡(𝑉𝑦(𝑝) − 𝑉𝑦(𝑞)]2) − 𝑅 ∗ 𝑅 = 0
3: End for
If there are no solutions, to the equation used in Procedure 1 it means that the shortest
distance between object p and object q is greater than R. Consequently Link (p, q) is
considered invalid and removed from the analysis. If there is one solution it indicates that Link
(p, q) breaks immediately and needs to be removed. However if there are two solutions it
implies that Link (p, q) exists for a time interval where one solution represents the starting
time point and the other solution represents the ending time point of Link (p,q). In cases where
an infinite number of solutions exist it suggests that Link (p,q) can persist indefinitely. This
means that objects p and q have the driving speed and direction while their initial distance is
not greater than R.
Once we have identified all start time points and end time points for each link we can
determine the suitable VVR data offloading path. For every link, on each path we utilize a
success probability function (SP).
𝑆𝑃 = 𝑄𝑙 ∗ 𝐹𝑓 ∗ 𝐶𝑝
Each of the components of the formula will be specified below. The quality function
takes into account several factors to determine the quality of a V2V2I offloading path. These
considerations are as follows: (i) A longer lifetime of the V2V2I path leads to a higher utility
value, indicating its desirability, (ii) If there are more vehicles within the signal coverage of a
constituent vehicle, it may result in potential transmission collisions, leading to a lower utility
value due to higher backoff values required for channel access, (iii) The total number of
vehicles within the signal coverage of each constituent vehicle influences the path's utility
value, indicating that a more congested road results in a lower utility value. A quality function
that can derive the VVR data offloading path’s quality is defined as follows, for which the
used variables are defined and explained in Table 1. Ql is based in [24].

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
𝑄𝑙 =
Table 1
Variables Used in the Quality Function
The lifetime of the V2V2I offloading path, which is the minimum link's
connected time of the constituent links in the V2V2I offloading path.
The number of vehicles that are in the signal coverage of the offloading path's
constituent vehicle V.
Max (N1, N2, ..., Nn).
Sum of (N1, N2, ..., Nn).
The hop count in the V2V2I offloading path, including the V2I link from the
offloading agent to RSU.
The fitness function (Ff), Figure 3, has been designed to evaluate the fitness value of
a vehicle's position in a 2D space relative to its counterpart. It takes two parameters as input:
energy, which represents the initial energy level of the vehicles and distance, which is a vector
containing the distances between the vehicle under consideration and other vehicles in the
environment. The function proceeds with calculating three weighted components of the fitness
value. Firstly, it calculates the average distance (x1) between the vehicle under consideration
and all other vehicles within its sensing range. Secondly, it evaluates x2, which involves
comparing the initial energy (energy) to the product of energy and the number of vehicles (Cn)
within the sensing range. As the product simplifies to the original energy value, x2 essentially
becomes 1. Finally, x3 is obtained as the inverse of the number of vehicles within the sensing
range. Using predefined constants alpha1, alpha2, and alpha3, the function combines the three
components (weighted accordingly) to generate the final fitness value. These coefficients
(alpha1, alpha2, and alpha3) allow us to adjust the importance of each factor in the fitness

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 3
Algorithm fitnessFunc
Algorithm fitnessFunc (energy, distance)
1: alpha1 ← 0.2
2: alpha2 ← 0.5
3: alpha3 ← 1 - alpha1 - alpha2
4: Cn ← sum (distance < Sensing_range)
5: x1 ← sum (distance) / Cn
6: x2 ← ((energy * Cn) / Cn) / energy
7: x3 ← 1 / Cn
8: fitness_val ← (alpha1 * x1) + (alpha2 * x2) + (alpha3 * x3)
9: end
The efficiency of a link in performing transmission is determined by a probability
function that considers factors such as vertex degree, topological overlap, and edge
persistence. This function calculates the transmission success probability (Cp), which is then
compared to a threshold value derived from an exponentially weighted moving average. If Cp
exceeds the threshold, the link is penalized and may be ranked lower. The selection of
components for calculating the retransmission probability is based on the significance of a
specific vehicle in the network's packet retransmission process. The following complex
network metrics are used [29]:
● vertex degree: Vertices with a higher degree are more active in the network and can
serve as channels for information exchange;
● topological overlap: Depicts the tendency for vertices to have shared neighbors.
Therefore, the fewer shared neighbors, the higher the possibility of reaching a larger
number of vehicles;
● edge persistence: Defines the number of times two vertices encounter each other within
the same time window. Vehicles that encounter each other in the same time window
have a higher probability of successful information exchange.
The value of p is calculated by the product of the probability associated with the Vertex
Degree (pGV), the probability associated with the Topological Overlap (pST) and the
probability associated with Edge Persistence (pPA), formulated by the Equation 3:
𝐶𝑝 = 𝑝𝐺𝑉 ∗ 𝑝𝑆𝑇 ∗ 𝑝𝑃𝐴
To compute the pGV for a particular vehicle, it requires information about the vertex
degree of all its neighboring vehicles, which is kept and updated in its neighbor table. The

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An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
vehicle then calculates the ratio between its own vertex degree (gV) and the sum of the vertex
degrees of its neighbors (gVV).
𝑝𝐺𝑉 =
While disseminating data, it is preferable to choose vehicles with the fewest common
neighbors. The calculation of pST is determined by subtracting one from the quotient of the
number of common neighbors (nVC) divided by the sum of the transmitter's neighbors (nVT)
and the receiver's neighbors (nVR).
𝑝𝑆𝑇 = 1 −
The transmitting vehicle takes into account the two seconds leading up to the receiver
selection in order to compute the pPA value. If the link was consistently active during those
two seconds, pPA is assigned a value of 1. If it was active only in the last second, it receives
a value of 0.5. If there was no link in the last second, it is assigned a value of 0, preventing
the vehicle from being selected as a receiver. After calculating Cp, it is essential to verify if
the value surpasses the threshold. If it exceeds the threshold, it undergoes a 50% penalty, and
the penalized link is moved to the last position.
The threshold calculation is based on the methodology employed by the E-probT
protocol outlined in [30]. The initial threshold value, denoted as avgThr, is derived by
computing the average Cp for the three vehicles farthest from the transmitter. To refine this
value, it undergoes a weighted exponential moving process that takes into account both past
and current values for computing new thresholds. This process aims to mitigate potential
discrepancies and errors in the ongoing estimation. Similar to TCP's timeout mechanism, it
involves a smoothing of the values curve. Using avgThr, the estimated threshold value,
referred to as estThr, is determined as shown in Equation 6, which represents the calculation
for the estimated threshold.
𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑇ℎ𝑟 = (1 − 𝛽) ∗ 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑇ℎ𝑟 + 𝛽 ∗ 𝑎𝑣𝑔𝑇ℎ

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
The value of the used β constant is the same as the work [39][30], recommended value
for TCP. Thus, β = 1/8 = 0.125 [38]. Besides the estimating, it is necessary to calculate the
threshold variation, called varThr. This calculation is performed based on the Equation 7.
𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑇ℎ𝑟 = (1 − 𝛾) ∗ 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑇ℎ𝑟 + 𝛾 ∗ |𝑎𝑣𝑔𝑇ℎ𝑟 − 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑇ℎ𝑟|
The value of the used γ constant is the same as the work [39][30], recommended value
for TCP. Thus, γ = 1/4 = 0.250 [38]. Finally, the final threshold value, called endThr, is
calculated by the sum of its estimated value (estThr) and the variance (varThr) value. Equation
8 shows the calculation for the final threshold value.
𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑇ℎ𝑟 = 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑇ℎ𝑟 + 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑇ℎ
With the defined probability of success function, the candidate paths for offloading
can be determined. The InitContenderSet, Figure 4, algorithm aims to initialize the set of
candidate paths for finding the best path from Vroot to other nodes within a node set (NodeSet)
and a time point set (TimeSet). Firstly, the set of candidate paths (ContenderSet) is initialized
as empty. Then, the algorithm iterates through each node v in the NodeSet and each time point
t in the TimeSet. During the iteration, the algorithm checks if there is an existing link between
Vroot and node v that is active at time point t. If such a link exists, a new candidate path is
created, starting at Vroot and ending at v, at time point t. The new candidate path is then
assigned with relevant information, including the start node, end node, postponed time,
lifetime, quality of the path calculated using a specific function, and hop count, which is set
as 1 since it is a one-hop path from Vroot to v. This candidate path is added to the set of
candidate paths (ContenderSet) for further consideration. After completing the iterations
through the nodes and time points, the algorithm returns the ContenderSet containing all
possible paths from Vroot to nodes in the NodeSet that are active at their respective time
points. This set will be used in subsequent processes to determine the best path from Vroot to
the final destination node or Roadside Unit (RSU).

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 4
Algorithm InitContenderSet
Algorithm InitContenderSet(Vroot, NodeSet, TimeSet)
1: ContenderSet ← ∅
2: linksToVroot ← Links from Vroot to NodeSet
3: for each v in NodeSet do
4: for each t in TimeSet do
5: for each link (p, q) in linksToVroot do
6: if tstart(link) ≤ t and tend(link) > t then
7: NewContenderPath ← Create new path from Vroot to v
starting at t
8: End(NewContenderPath) ← v
9: PostponedTime(NewContenderPath) ← t
10: Lifetime(NewContenderPath) ← tend(link) - t
11: Quality(NewContenderPath) ←
12: HopCount(NewContenderPath) ← 1
13: add NewContenderPath to ContenderSet
14: end if
15: end for
16: end for
17: end for
18: return ContenderSet
Algorithm CBOP (Constrained Best-Offloading Path), Figure 5, is designed to find the
best data offloading path in a V2V2I (Vehicle-to-Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) vehicular network.
The goal is to identify the path that offers the best communication quality while considering
the delay constraint imposed by the system. The algorithm begins by initializing a set of
candidate paths (ContenderSet) using the InitContenderSet function, which creates all
possible one-hop paths from the root vehicle Vroot. It then enters a loop (line 2) to iterate over
the ContenderSet. Within the loop, the algorithm calculates the quality of all offloading paths
in ContenderSet (line 3) and selects the path that has the maximum quality value as Pathmax
(lines 4 to 10). If the Pathmax path reaches the RSU (Infrastructure Service Unit), the loop is
interrupted as the best path has been found, and there is no need to continue the search. If
Pathmax does not reach the RSU, the ContenderSet is updated to contain only promising paths
to continue the search (line 15), and the Pathmax path is removed from the set to avoid
unnecessary repeated calculations (line 16). The algorithm continues to iterate until there are
no more candidate paths in the ContenderSet. It then returns the Pathmax path, which is
considered the best data offloading path within the constraints of delay and quality.

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 5
Algorithm Constrained Best-Offloading Path
Algorithm CBOP (Vroot, Tpred−limut, Linklimit, k)
1: ContenderSet ← InitContenderSet(Vroot, NodeSet, TimeSet)
2: Pathmax ← null
3: maxQuality ← -∞
4: while ContenderSet is not empty do
5: for each Path in ContenderSet do
6: quality ← calculateQuality(Path)
7: if quality > maxQuality then
8: maxQuality ← quality
9: Pathmax ← Path
10: end if
11: end for
12: if End(Pathmax) = RSU then
13: break
14: end if
15: ContenderSet ← RefreshContenderSet(Pathmax, ContenderSet, k)
16: ContenderSet.remove(Pathmax)
17: end while
18: return Pathmax
3.1.2 The shrinking phase
The main goal is to maintain the V2V2I offloading path for as long as possible. When
the MEC server receives the periodically reported context from the offloading agent at the
current time point Tc, it knows that the offloading agent will be out of the RSU's signal
coverage when its next periodically reported context is received, indicating that it is leaving
the RSU's signal coverage. To address this, the shrinking algorithm is triggered to find a new
offloading agent and update the V2V2I offloading path. The MEC server selects the updated
path from all the potential paths that may exist during the interval [Tc, Tc + t]. The sub-path
of the V2V2I offloading path that lies outside the RSU's signal coverage is referred to as sub-
To ensure that the delay-constrained time length t does not exceed the lifetime of sub-
pathout-RSU, the delay constraint is defined to be smaller than or equal to the lifetime of sub-
pathout-RSU. If a new offloading agent and/or an updated V2V2I offloading path cannot be
found, the MEC server will inform vehicle Vs to switch back to the cellular network, and the
offloading session will be terminated. However, if vehicle Vs remains within the RSU's signal
coverage, indicating that the offloading path is still intact, the shrinking phase is concluded,
and vehicle Vs can continue with the offloading on its own.

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
3.1.3 The self-offloading phase
When vehicle Vs is within the signal coverage of the RSU, it can directly communicate
with its Vp through the RSU. During this phase, the MEC server continuously calculates the
time duration that vehicle Vs stays within the RSU's signal coverage, based on the periodically
reported context from Vs. The MEC server receives the context from Vs at a certain time point
Tc, and it knows that vehicle Vs will leave the RSU's coverage when its next context is
received, indicating that vehicle Vs is moving out of the RSU's signal coverage. This transition
triggers the start of the extending phase.
3.1.4 The extending phase
When the source vehicle Vs or the offloading agent of the extending phase moves out
of the RSU's signal coverage, the extending algorithm is activated. At the current time point
Tc, the MEC server receives the periodically reported context of the offloading agent, and it
predicts that the source vehicle or the offloading agent will leave the RSU's signal coverage
upon receiving its next context. This event triggers the extending algorithm, which aims to
find a new offloading agent and an updated V2V2I offloading path. The MEC server evaluates
all potential candidates that may be available during the interval [Tc, Tc + t]. The current
V2V2I offloading path from vehicle Vs to the offloading agent, which is inside the RSU's
signal coverage but is leaving it, is referred to as sub-pathc-offloading. To ensure that the
delay-constrained time length t is reasonable and doesn't exceed the lifetime of sub-pathc-
offloading, t is defined to be smaller than or equal to the lifetime of sub-pathc-offloading. If
the MEC server cannot find a new offloading agent and/or an updated V2V2I offloading path,
it will notify vehicle Vs to switch back to the cellular network, and the offloading session will
be terminated.
3.1.5 Reconstruct the offloading path
When a V2V2I offloading path experiences an unexpected breakage, the path recovery
algorithm is triggered to restore the connection. Let's consider a sub-path Vb – Vy –Va within
the V2V2I offloading path for vehicle Vs. If Vb is unable to transmit data to Va, for example,
because Vy has left the road, resulting in the breakage of the V2V2I offloading path, we denote
this event as the broken time point Tc. The path recovery algorithm attempts to find a new

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
vehicle Vx that can repair the V2V2I offloading path, or it looks for an opportunity for Vb to
reconnect with Va within the interval of [Tc, Tc + t]. Here, sub-patha represents the current
offloading sub-path from Vs to Va, and sub-pathb-OA represents the current offloading sub-
path from Vb to the offloading agent. To ensure that the delay-constrained time length t is
reasonable and doesn't exceed the lifetimes of sub-patha or sub-pathb-OA, t is defined to be
smaller than or equal to the minimum lifetime between sub-patha and sub-pathb-OA. If the
path recovery algorithm fails to repair the V2V2I offloading path, the MEC server will inform
vehicle Vs to switch back to the cellular network, and the V2V2I offloading session will be
Results and Discussion
The proposed method using the VVR - with the CN-MHMR algorithm is used in
finding the energy efficient routes for effective data transfer from one node to the other. The
complete results which were obtained after the placement of the projected process is presented
in the respective section.
4.1 Simulation Results
This subsection contains the system model which is deployed in the particular study,
the graph depicting the routing path and the method of selecting the cluster head for the
effective data transfer.

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An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 6
System model for proposed methodology
Figure 7
Cluster head selection by CN-MHMR

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An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 8
Routing path by CN-MHMR
Figures 6 and 7 depict the system model, and the cluster head selection which is energy
efficient making less discrete packets and increased rates of broadcast packets. The system
model represented is deployed for the proposed study used in finding the effective route for
node transfer. Whereas cluster heads selection is found using the proposed CN-MHMR model
for effective VVR (Vehicle-to-Vehicle-to-Roadside) multi-hop path to perform offloading.
Figure 8 represents the routing path found using the proposed algorithm for the effective data
transfer from one node to the other. This is used in making easier and effective means of
communication facilitating the effective node transfer. Only after the effective selection of the
cluster head the energy effective route is selected and is optimised for effective node transfer
from the base station to the destination node. The groups inside each of the clusters represent
the individual groups, which are considered as one single group. These clusters are instructed
in following one effective route of the node transfer.
The departure time intervals for vehicles vary depending on the density of vehicles. In
high-density situations, the departure time period is 0.8 seconds, in medium-density situations
it is 1.25 seconds, and in low-density situations, it is 2 seconds. Each vehicle starts from a
fixed position and exhibits random driving behaviors. Vehicles have the option to drive away
using the available road intersections. When a vehicle is on the road, it sends a context report
to the MEC server at regular intervals. In normal situations, the report is transmitted every 2
seconds. However, if the vehicle is part of a VVR (Vehicle-to-Vehicle-to-Roadside) data
offloading path, the report is transmitted every 1 second. The data flow between an

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An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
infrastructure entity on the roadside and the source vehicle can be established through either
an RSU (Roadside Unit) using an IEEE 802.11p network or a BS (Base Station) using an LTE
cellular network. The data is then transmitted to the source vehicle. Table 2 provides an
overview of the simulation environment parameters and their respective values.
Table 2
Parameters used in the simulation environment
Simulation time length
Vehicle´s departure time period
0.8s/1.25s /2s
Vehicle´s velocity limit
Context reporting period
RSU signal range
4.2 Performance Analysis
This subsection is used in representing the overall performance exhibited by the
proposed method, for effective node transfer from one node to the other and from the base
node to the destination node. The complete section relies on depicting the fraction of data
offloading levels at different hop levels for the routing in wireless communications.
Four construction strategies for the vehicular network's data offloading path are
evaluated in this study. The first one is the proposed method, a k-hop-limited multi-RSU VVR
data offloading approach considering quality of service, energy consumption, and time-
extended prediction mechanism. The second method has the same characteristics but does not
consider energy consumption for route calculation or delivery probability. The third method
is a k-hop-limited multi-RSU VVR data offloading approach considering quality of service,
without using the time-extended prediction mechanism. The fourth comparison method does
not allow for RSU handoff if the link with the RSU is lost.
About the four strategies, four performance metrics were evaluated: (I) Data loss rate:
This metric quantifies the proportion of lost data in the VVR data offloading path, divided by
the total amount of data transmitted through RSUs. (II) Data offloading fraction: This metric
represents the proportion of offloaded data that were directed through RSUs, divided by the
total amount of data directed through both the BS and RSUs. (III) Successful data offloading
fraction: This metric indicates the proportion of data that were successfully received by the
source vehicle through the VVR data offloading path, divided by the total amount of data
transmitted through both the BS and RSUs. (IV) Number of data offloading sessions: This

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An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
metric represents the average number of data offloading sessions that existed during the
Figure 9
Data loss rate at 10 hop
Figure 10
Data loss rate at 8 hop
The graphics, in Figures 9, 10, 11 and 12 illustrate how the rate of data loss varies with
numbers of hops. Several factors contribute to the data loss rate. Firstly when there are
vehicles on the road the data loss rate tends to increase. This happens because higher vehicle
density leads to data transmission between vehicles, which can result in collisions if the data
is sent through the VVR data offloading path. This collision effect contributes to a data loss
rate. Secondly as the number of hops increases so does the data loss rate. This is because a

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An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
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Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
longer VVR data offloading path means that the transmitted data needs to pass through VV
links making it more vulnerable, to losses.
Figure 11
Data loss rate at 4 hop
Figure 12
Data loss rate at 2 hop
Thirdly, the data loss rate in methods 1 and 2 is slightly lower than in method 3. This
means that methods adopting the time-extended prediction mechanism in conjunction with
energy optimization have a lower data loss rate. This is because the time-extended prediction
mechanism helps the MEC server find more candidate paths. Additionally, a candidate path
that consumes less energy requires less effort for package delivery, increasing the probability
of successful delivery. Therefore, the selected VVR data offloading path can provide better
quality of service (QoS), resulting in a lower data loss rate. Lastly, the data loss rate in methods

Page 27
Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
1 and 2 is slightly lower than in method 3. This means that methods allowing the OA to
perform RSU handoff in regions with overlapping RSU signals, i.e., in environments with
multiple RSUs, have a lower data loss rate.
Figure 13
Data offloading fraction at 2 hop
Figure 14
Data offloading fraction at 4 hop

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 15
Data offloading fraction at 8 hop
Figure 16
Data offloading fraction 10 hop
The Figures 13, 14, 15 and 16 graphics deliberate the overall data fraction of the
proposed model in the wireless sensor, for a data transfer from one node to the other. The data
offloading fraction is the amount of offloading data that was directed through RSUs divided
by the amount of data that was directed through both the BS and RSUs. There are four factors
that affect the data offloading fraction. Firstly, a higher vehicle density leads to an increased
data offloading fraction. This is because a VVR data offloading path is more likely to be
established in situations with a higher vehicle density. Secondly, the data offloading fraction
is higher when the system has a larger hop count limit. This is because a larger hop count limit
allows the source vehicle to initiate data offloading earlier, enabling the establishment of a

Page 29
Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
data offloading session at an earlier stage. As a result, the total time for offloading data traffic
is longer, leading to a higher data offloading fraction.
Thirdly, the data offloading fraction from method 1 and 2, which employs the time-
extended prediction mechanism, is always higher than other methods. This relationship is due
to the fact that the time-extended prediction mechanism offers two advantages. The first
advantage is the potential utilization of VVR data offloading paths with shorter lifetimes.
Another advantage of the time-extended prediction mechanism is the ability to initiate a data
offloading path at an earlier time point. This advantage arises from the detection of potential
VVR data offloading paths that may not exist at the time when the MEC server receives the
source vehicle's periodic context report but will become available in the future, specifically
between two consecutive time points of context reports.
The fourth factor that affects the data offloading fraction is the deployment of multiple
RSUs and RSU handoff. In methods 1 and 2, where both the OA (Offloading Agent) and the
source vehicle can utilize RSU handoff in regions where multiple RSUs have overlapping
signals, the data offloading fraction in a multi-RSU environment is higher compared to other
methods, where the OA does not perform RSU handoff. This relationship occurs because if
the MEC server cannot find an alternative VVR data offloading path using the OA reselection
scheme, the method that incorporates RSU handoff can maintain the VVR data offloading
session by transitioning to subsequent RSUs along the original path. As a result, enabling both
the OA and the source vehicle to perform RSU handoff extends the duration of the VVR data
offloading session, resulting in a higher data offloading fraction.
Figure 17
Successful Data offloading levels at 2 hop levels

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 18
Successful Data offloading levels at 4 hop levels
Figure 19
Data offloading levels at 8 hop levels
Figure 20
Data offloading levels at 10 hop levels

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
The same successful data of lading levels using different density of the node hop are
depicted in the Figures 17, 18, 19 and 20 graphics. The successful data offloading fraction is
influenced by both the data offloading fraction and the data loss rate. Observing the evaluation
results, can be seen that the successful data offloading fraction is proportional to the vehicle
density. This relationship occurs because higher vehicle density leads to a higher data
offloading fraction, outweighing the impact of the increased data loss rate. Additionally,
increasing the hop count limit in each vehicle density situation increases the successful data
offloading fraction. This is due to the fact that the effects of enabling the OA to perform RSU
handoff in a multiple-RSU environment and utilizing the time-extended prediction mechanism
have a more significant impact than the data loss rate. As a result, the successful data
offloading fraction is greater in high vehicle density situations compared to low vehicle
density situations.
Figure 21
Number of Session at 2 hop

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Figure 22
Number of Session at 4 hop
Figure 23
Number of Session at 8 hop
Figure 24
Number of Session at 10 hop

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
The evaluation results depicted in Figures 21, 22, 23 and 24 illustrate that the number
of data offloading sessions varies based on both the hop count limit and vehicle density. When
considering a hop count limit (2 hop 4 hop limited) it is observed that the medium vehicle
density scenario exhibits the highest number of sessions compared to situations, with low and
high vehicle densities. This can be attributed to the opportunities for the MEC server to find
VVR data offloading paths in scenarios with medium vehicle density resulting in paths with
shorter lifetimes and consequently leading to a higher number of sessions. On the hand when
dealing with a hop count limit (8 hop and 10 hop limited) the number of sessions shows an
inverse relationship with vehicle density. As vehicle density increases there is a decrease in
the number of data offloading sessions. This can be explained by considering that in scenarios
with a hop count limit there are possibilities, for selecting longer lifetime VVR data offloading
paths instead of shorter ones. Consequently this prolongs the lifespan of a session while
reducing the overall number of sessions.
To summarize when we raise the hop count limit from 2, to 4 it leads to a number of
offloading sessions in scenarios with a hop count limit. On the hand increasing the hop count
limit from 8 to 10 results in a decrease in sessions for situations, with a hop count limit.
In a multi-RSU and multi-vehicle environment, it is necessary to develop solutions
that consider all possibilities to reduce packet loss and network data traffic. CN-MHMR has
demonstrated that utilizing parameters related to link quality between vehicles and the energy
factor as inputs to select the best data traffic path should be embraced by existing and future
solutions. Until this present work, these metrics were not taken into consideration. Compared
to solutions presented in the literature up to this point, CN-MHMR decreased the packet loss
rate, increased the success in offloading, and maintained a stable number of sessions, just like
previous solutions. When analyzed in comparison with well-established generic solutions
from the literature, CN-MHMR showed improvements in all the metrics analyzed. Future
work may include testing with new mobility models, as well as the adoption of other wireless
communication technologies, such as 5G cellular networks. Additionally, new methods for
calculating the probability of successful delivery could be proposed, advancing the fitness
function, link quality, and link efficiency.

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Revista Gestão e Secretariado (GeSec), São Paulo, SP, v. XX, n. X, 202X, p. XX-XX.
An approach for offloading with multi-hop considerations in an RSU
signal overlay setting
Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, V. 15, N. 4, P.01-37, 2024
São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil.
Funding Statement
The authors thank the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-Minas) and
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG - Grant APQ 04034-23) and
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES Grant
88887.340314/2019-00 and 88887.151907/2017-00 ).
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Received: 03.22.2024
Accepted: 04.12.2024