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Connectivity Analysis in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network
based on VDTN
Ahmed Ali Hussein, and Dhari Ali Mahmood
Abstract— In the last decade, user demand has been increasing
exponentially based on modern communication systems. One of
these new technologies is known as mobile ad-hoc networking
(MANET). One part of MANET is called a vehicular ad-hoc
network (VANET). It has different types such as vehicle-to-
vehicle (V2V), vehicular delay-tolerant networks, and vehicle-to-
infrastructure (V2I). To provide sufficient quality of
communication service in the Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Network
(VDTN), it is important to present a comprehensive survey that
shows the challenges and limitations of VANET. In this paper, we
focus on one type of VANET, which is known as VDTNs. To
investigate realistic communication systems based on VANET, we
considered intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) and the
possibility of replacing the roadside unit with VDTN. Many
factors can affect the message propagation delay. When road-side
units (RSUs) are present, which leads to an increase in the
message delivery efficiency since RSUs can collaborate with
vehicles on the road to increase the throughput of the network,
we propose new methods based on environment and vehicle
traffic and present a comprehensive evaluation of the newly
suggested VDTN routing method. Furthermore, challenges and
prospects are presented to stimulate interest in the scientific
Vehicle networks such as the Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
(VANET) or Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN)
offer substantially higher bandwidth. This article focuses on
traditional vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), which
connect vehicles to infrastructure such as roadside. This type
of communication aims to improve non-safety and safety
applications in vehicles on the road. The primary goal of using
VANET is to handle accidents on the road.
The VANET have a wide range of applications for human
safety including assisting to drive safely on the roads. The
accidents are becoming more frequent with an increase in
vehicle numbers; hence, it is critical for the vehicles to get the
VANET system incorporated [1]. The high mobility of
Manuscript received January 19, 2023; revised March 29, 2023. Date of
publication June 12, 2023. Date of current version June 12, 2023. The
associate editor prof. Adriana Lipovac has been coordinating the review of
this manuscript and approved it for publication.
Authors are with the Department of Computer Engineering, University of
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.24138/jcomss-2022-0166
vehicles on highways might lead to varying delays and losses
in communication and limiting the deployment of VANETs
[2]. For the problems and challenges of VANET, such as
sparse connections, irregular connectivity, high latency, longer
delay, high error rates, asymmetrical data rates, and no end-to-
end connection, , the Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs)
technology can be used, which is a type of network that allows
communication in environments with this problem [3].
The DTN routing protocols can be used in an environment
that is confident in delivering packets to their destinations
without regard for network delay. DTN does not require a high
density of nodes to complete communication. Vehicle
networks have a highly dynamic structure and inconsistent and
disruptive connectivity. Hence, a complete route usually does
not exist in such networks.
VDTN develops technology to address these connection
problems and it is based on bundle-oriented connectivity,
asynchronous forwarding, and a store-carry mechanism.
Moreover, this technology must utilize the most available
resources at network nodes to establish a multi-hop route [4].
With connections sparse and intermittent, the routing protocols
attempt to address those difficulties, which have grown from
basic to the most complex regarding message replication
strategies as well as clearing networks for duplicate messages
that the final destination has already delivered [5].
At night, fewer vehicles run on highways or even in cities,
so creating end-to-end paths may be unfeasible. In such
instances, routing in sparse networks must be considered.
Networks will typically be sparse in the early phases of
vehicular networks when a small number of vehicles are
outfitted with radio transceivers [6].
As we mentioned earlier, because of the high driving
velocities of vehicles, the fundamental problem in transmitting
safety-critical messages is that the required latency is less than
100 milliseconds. As a result, safety messages must be
broadcast as soon as possible. Otherwise, the significance of
these messages will be lost. VANET latency should be
reduced; for that reason, use an RSU may connect with cars
through V2I communication while communicating with the
leading network via a high-speed backhaul link [7].
A. RSU Deployment
RSUs come in two types: connected RSUs with a direct
communication route between them, and disconnected RSUs
that cannot communicate with one another [8]. The
deployment of RSUs throughout the city can enable the real-
1845-6421/06/2022-0166 © 2023 CCIS
Original scientific article

Page 2
time and reliable transfer of emergency traffic information
over VANET [9].
RSUs are major components in vehicle ad-hoc networks
because they send an alarm message from the accident area to
the central controller when it is available. It is impossible to
implement RSU widely because of high costs and market
demand. As a result, determining how to deploy the lowest
percentage of RSUs in a specific area becomes a difficult
challenge [10]. Therefore, many researchers have investigated
the best locations for RSU on roads. RSU placement is defined
as identifying the appropriate combination of RSUs in a
specific target region based on the criteria to meet the
specified goals, such as the best connection, coverage, and low
installation cost [11].
Due to the high installation costs, it difficult to deploy a
large number of RSUs at the early stage of VAENT. The
author in [12] analyzed the RSU deployment method for
vehicular communications in a highway environment and each
vehicle may reach an RSU in two modes: direct access and
multi-hop relaying. There was a comparison of two different
RSU distribution systems. The first is the improved Delay
Minimization Problem (DMP) instance, while the second is
the uniform distribution. This suggested model outperforms
uniform distribution in virtually all circumstances, according
to simulation findings. The DMP model recommends the
optimum RSU deployment approach while keeping the entire
deployment budget in mind, so that the network aggregate
latency is reduced. This increases in the network overall
throughput. In vehicle applications, RSUs are important for
routing, connection, and packet delay. Therefore, installing
sufficient RSUs to achieve universal coverage in a given
region is impossible.
While the author in [13] suggests a safety-based roadside
unit placement strategy to reduce message dissemination
delays in scenarios where stand-alone RSUs are deployed. The
suggested S-BRP method minimizes dissemination latency
and improves mesh policy regarding traffic flow following
accidents. RSUs are expensive and will be in short supply for
a longer period of time as VANETs are gradually deployed.
The author in [14] provides an innovative and powerful
RSU Deployment Problem Model (RDPM) comprised of a
road-network model and a business model. The road network
model in RDPM allows complex road designs while
considering major relevant elements such as lane number and
popularity. Also, the work suggested a genetic algorithm-
based technique to handle an RDPM problem a priori since the
best RSU deployment solution is challenging to find.
This paper proposes a new method to replace RSU with
VDTN and evaluate VDTN routing algorithms by giving a
performance review and a statistical comparison of the
effective VDTN routing protocol and finding the best scenario
depending on the network environment and the traffic vehicle.
We anticipate increasing the use of VDTN due to the high
cost of deploying RSU and difficulties of installing it in some
areas, as well as the high mobility of vehicles, which leads to
frequent network disconnections and the loss in packets.
However, using VDTN, the packet will store, carried, and
forwarded as soon as the connection restoration so that the
packet will reach the next recipient with a tolerant delay. In
some cases where RSUs are already on the road, our method
can be utilized these RSUs as fixed DTNs to store packets.
The fixed DTN technique provides some benefits, such as
collecting data and disseminating the information obtained
from the coverage region.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section
II shows problem statement and III gives a brief outline of the
VANET. In section IV, a detailed description of the
environment is given. It was followed by section V in which
DTN technique is showed. Section VI descripts in detail the
VDTN, while section VII shows cluster routing. Methodology
and routing schemes are shown in section VIII. Section IX
shows the results of the analysis. Finally, concluding remarks
are provided in section X.
Since RSU installation and maintenance are expensive,
deploying a limited number while ensuring outstanding
network performance is a significant difficulty. VANETs
present various obstacles for RSU installation with regards to
data distribution, packet routing, and connection to the
network, and coverage needed to provide such performance.
However, coverage is one of the primary performance
indicators used to analyze the quality of service provided on a
The primary purpose of the optimization is to establish a
balance between network coverage and pricing. RSU
distribution is represented as a restricted optimization process
with numerous goals such as enhancing network coverage,
optimizing network connections, and decreasing the costs of
RSU implementation. We can generally discover many
suitable subsets of localities for installing RSUs within a
geographic region [11].
RSUs have limitations in terms of their coverage area, and
the number of RSUs deployed may not be sufficient to provide
complete coverage over long stretches of highway. In such
cases, the VDTN approach can be useful, as it provides a way
to overcome the challenges posed by intermittent network
connectivity in sparse or disconnected networks.
VANETs are simply a group of vehicles and RSUs. It’s
identical to MANET up of vehicles and RSUs. Protocols and
tools designed for MANETs cannot be immediately linked to
field VANETs since they must be upgraded to meet the mobile
ad-hoc as well as the operational needs of vehicles.
VANET is an infrastructure-free network without a
predefined architecture via which vehicles can interact.
Because all nodes are allowed to migrate and form their own
networks, they are referred to as "wireless ad-hoc networks."
VANET employs dedicated short-range communication
(DSRC) based on IEEE 802.11p wireless technology, a multi-
hop connection technique that uses geopolitical location to
enable information sharing among network elements [15].

Page 3
A. Type of Connection in VANET
Many types of communication exist in VANET
technologies, which are:
A.1. Inter-Vehicle Communication
Direct connection between vehicles occurs in this form,
making it rapid, cost-effective, as well as accurate. Wireless
technologies have a limited range such as Wi-Fi as well as
Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment make this possible.
Vehicle is outfitted by specialized electrical devices that allow
them to receive and deliver communications [16].
A.2. Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication
In contrast to the V2V communication paradigm, which
only allows information to be sent between vehicles, the V2I
communication model allows vehicles in transit to interact
with the road system. RFID readers, traffic signals, cameras,
lane markings, street lighting, signage, and parking meters are
among the components. V2I communication is often wireless,
and bidirectional and like V2V use Dedicated Short-Range
Communication (DSRC) frequencies to convey data. This data
is transmitted from infrastructure elements to vehicles, or vice
versa, over an ad hoc network. V2I sensors in ITS may collect
infrastructure data and give real-time advice to passengers,
transmitting data on road conditions, traffic congestion, any
accidents on the road, the presence of building sites, as well as
the availability of parking [17].
A.3. Hybrid Communication
Inter-road communication often mixed both V2V and V2I
connections such as a schema, the car connects with the
roadside unit and exchanges data obtained by infrastructure
with the other cars. Because there isn’t an immediate
connection among them a specialized protocol is utilized for
passing packets through one vehicle to the next until it arrives
at its destination, establishing many hops in vehicle-to-vehicle
connection. Vehicles, in contrast, RSU use to extend
communication, forwarding and transferring data from one to
another node, or gain from RSU capacity to perform specific
applications, establishing V2I communication [18].
B. Challenges of VANET
There are many challenges in a vehicle network, which
varies from typical ad-hoc networks because of the high
degree of mobility, changeable network architecture, network
segmentation, density of nodes, non-persistent connectivity,
and so on. Variations in vehicular density are caused by
factors such as vehicle speed, driver behavior, road conditions,
and traffic congestion. As the density changes, various related
issues occur, resulting in the establishment of dynamic needs
and limits for parameters like connection, bandwidth, data
rate, and so on.
Existing vehicular network architectures are scalable
because they enable ad-hoc, cellular networks, and roadside
units. Many services are provided by these designs, including
intra- and inter-vehicular communication, vehicle-to-vehicle
communication, roadside units, and vehicle service [19].
Recent routing has additional problems and challenges in
terms of scalability, QoS, security and privacy, energy usage,
bandwidth constraints, and broadcasting [20].
If compared with other kinds of MANETs, VANET has
distinct properties that impact the architecture of the
communication network or its routing protocols. Following are
the distinctive characteristics of VANET:
1. High Dynamic of Topology: This is produced by high-
vehicle speeds, particularly on highways [21].
2. Varying network density: The traffic volume in VANET
is not uniform throughout the day and in all environments;
it could be higher during peak hours and during traffic
jams in cities, average at other times, or extremely low as
in rural transportation [21].
3. Patterns of Movement: VANET can distinguish by
possibly a large number of mobile nodes. That high
mobility may be necessary because of the type of routes
(highways, RSUs, and tiny streets). The cars do not drive
randomly; instead, they most likely go in two directions
on established roadways [22].
4. Frequent information exchange: The ad-hoc structure of
VANET encourages nodes to acquire information from
other vehicles and roadside units. As a result, information
sharing between vehicles becomes more common [23].
5. Frequent disconnected of network: In the VANET, The
rapid speed of the cars displays the dynamic topology of
networks since the connection that connects two
communicating vehicles is frequently interrupted, which
is known as intermittent connectivity [23].
C. Components of VANET
1. On-Board Unit (OBU): is a piece of hardware that is put
across every vehicle. The main purpose of an OBU is to
allow communication between RSUs and many other
OBUs inside vehicles. It also has a transceiver, which is
comparable to a radio frequency antenna [24].
2. Road Side Unit (RSUs): embody an antenna, a read/write
memory architecture, as well as a processor. RSUs are
equipped with Interfaces, both wired and wireless. These
units are typically built along roadways. They are also
seen in high-traffic places like crossroads and parking
lots. There are experiments to optimize RSU location
regarding coverage range, data aggregation, and delay
management [24].
D. Routing Protocol in VANET
In VANET, the protocols could be categorized into two
types: position-based routing protocols and topology-based
routing protocols. Fig. 1 [25] illustrates the types of protocols
in VANET. They are classified according to the region and
application for which they are most suited. Protocols based on
topology are divided into three types: proactive, reactive, and
hybrid [26].
D.1 Proactive Protocols
The routing table updates or refreshes often because the
protocols compute the route on a constant schedule; those

Page 4
protocols use the Bellman-Ford Process, nodes store
information about the next node. Protocol examples for this
type are Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV).
Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR).
Fig. 1. Routing protocol in VANET [25].
DSDV is a renowned proactive or table-driven routing
technology in MANET. The DSDV routing method is defined
by the number of hops required to reach the target node,
DSDV protocol uses routing tables maintained in each node to
send data packets throughout the network, DSDV protocol has
three key aspects: reducing the huge routing expense,
avoidance of loops and solving the count to infinity challenge.
Every mobile node has a routing information table that
contains all the routes to destinations as well as other
information [27].
OLSR would optimize the process of broadcasting control
messages to decrease bandwidth usage by utilizing multipoint-
relays (MPR). At broadcasting, each node joins a selection of
its surrounding nodes to send its packet. According to the
MPR distribution approach, every node in the network
obtained the fewest repeats. MPR prevents a subset of nodes
from retransmitting a message to remaining nodes and makes
network topology determines the size of the subgroup [28].
D.2 Reactive Protocols
This protocol does not include knowledge about most of the
nodes. It simply saves the information of nodes that pass
through it. Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV),
Dynamic Source Control Routing (DSR), and Dynamic
MANET on Demand (DYMO) protocols are examples of this
AODV uses a dynamic source routing technique for route
discovery and management, as well as Sequence numbers and
sequential hop routing. AODV constructs route by executing
“route request/route reply” queries [28].
DSR is one type of reactive routing protocol that is launched
by the originating node of the network. Every packet in this
protocol transports all routing packets and data to all
surrounding nodes, which means increased traffic that is
unsuitable for massive networks. The degree of the operating
protocol overhead grows with network size as measured by the
number of nodes, consuming extra bandwidth in high-traffic
areas with more extensive networks than that in tiny as well as
inactive networks. Although, compared with AODV, this
protocol has a significant advantage in small networks, it may
perform exceptionally well in tiny networks. One of the
benefits of this protocol is that it saves and uses the routing
data saved in the protocol route cache, which is used when
searching for the following route from the root to the last
network node because the route cache includes data on
numerous routes between both pairs of nodes [29].
The DYMO routing protocol is the replacement for AODV
and works in the same way. DYMO has no additional features,
nor is it an extended version of the AODV protocol; instead,
the DYMO routing protocol streamlines AODV by preserving
the primary operation mode necessary to achieve efficient
routing, which is enhanced because it saves each intermediary
hop route, whereas AODV produces entries at the table of
routing and nodes for the destination and following hop [30].
2020 ANN, and SVM
Clustering PDR,
2020 PSO
delay, NRL,
and packet
drop ratio
2019 GA, and K-
means clustering
2019 ABC
Clustering Delay, PDR,
packet drop
2018 SA, and Radial
Basis Function
Clustering PDR,
2018 ACO
Geography PDR,
2019 ACO
Geography PDR, control
packet rate,
and delay
2019 Artificial Spider-
Geography &
overhead, and
2018 GA
Geography Delay, and
2018 PSO
Packet loss,
and delay
2018 Taguchi
Delay, PDR,
2020 Improved Water
Clustering Cluster
PDR, packet
drop ratio,
2020 PSO
Clustering PDR,

Page 5
D.3 Hybrid Protocols
This routing strategy is a hybrid of proactive and reactive
routing techniques that decrease delays and overhead that
caused by the continuous exchange of topological. The
network efficiency and scalability have increased thanks to the
hybrid approach. The disadvantage of a hybrid strategy, on the
other side, is excessive latency while traveling new routes.
Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) is a typical protocol that uses a
hybrid method.
ZRP is designed for wide area networks and uses query-
reply to create routes. It employs Interzone and Intrazone
routing to allow elastic finding of a route with management in
various ad hoc contexts. Interzone routing is handled
worldwide via the reactive routing protocol, whereas intrazone
routing is performed locally via the proactive routing protocol
to retain up-to-date route information [31]. Table I
summarizes some protocols developed in the VANET
E. MAC Layer in VANET
The MAC layer in VANETs can be implemented through
various mechanisms. Such as the Carrier Sense Multiple
Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol,
known as the IEEE 802.11p standard. This protocol is
designed to allow multiple vehicles to share the wireless
channel, while avoiding collisions and minimizing delays.
Here are some of the ways in which the MAC layer can be
1. Beaconing is a technique used in VANETs to disseminate
information about the network and the surrounding
environment. Vehicles periodically transmit beacons
containing information such as location, speed, and
direction of travel.
2. Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning is essential for
VANETs to support different types of applications with
varying bandwidth, latency, and reliability requirements.
The MAC layer can be used to allocate resources and
prioritize traffic based on the QoS requirements of
different applications
In order to adjust to the variety in node density and
contention severity in VANET, an adaptive mobility variation
of RR-ALOHA is presented by the [45]. The suggested
schema performs better than RR-ALOHA in several ways by
including CSMA into the slot and entirely using the 3-hops
channel state. The NS-2 simulation demonstrates that the
innovative protocol enhances the quality and speed of Basic
Channel (BCH) reservations. The author in [46] Work on
increase the effectiveness of controlling packet collisions
brought on by rapid mobility in VANETs by extending the R-
ALOHA reservation scheme. Terminals have several
opportunities every frame to assess timeslot availability inside
the two-hop neighborhood because of the architecture of
frames with many brief BTSFs. Channel access is thus quicker
and more dependable, and mishaps may be recovered more
quickly. The suggested protocol's faster channel estimation
quickly recovers all reservation losses by rapid network
mobility and improves network mobility handling.
Vehicle networks work and apply in many environments;
some are high or medium density, while others low. The
density depends Poisson vehicle arrival process, with arrival
rate λ (vehicles/second) Different arrival rate values are
considered, λ ϵ {0.45, 0.65, 0.95} in this case setting the mean
arrival rate to a low value leads to very short clusters, that
mostly consist of isolated vehicles. On the other hand, by
setting it too high, almost all vehicles will be connected into a
single cluster.
Also, many other vectors affect environment classification,
such as the type of area, which is rural or urban, and the time
for measuring the density, which is during the morning peak
or during the evening when the traffic low. In this part, we
provide three categories of density, which are listed below
A. Sparse Network
Arrival rates differ during the day, and depending on the
vehicle's arrival, all are exponentially distributed when λ is
low (0 – 0.45). We call this network sparse, and in this type of
network, the connection between vehicles will be poor when
we need to propagate messages to all other vehicles on the
road, so in this environment, we need to consider some
solution to ensure some of the vehicles at least receive the
message, such as using VDTN, which means it is possible to
create connections in case (V2V). This network has a small
number of nodes and a minimal network architecture. As a
result, it is possible that not all nodes have communication
B. Semi-sparse Network
As mentioned earlier, the density depends on arrival rate λ
(vehicles/second), and when it is around (0.46 – 0.65), we call
this network semi-sparse. In this network, the connection can
apply VDTN and also use Roadside unit (V2V), (V2R).These
networks feature further nodes and connections than sparse
networks. For example, a small or developed town close to the
city has an extra significant number of mobility nodes and
base stations providing internet access. Consequently, the
possibility of contact between mobile nodes is more
significant than in a sparse network and data may be sent with
lower latency than in the sparse network.
C. Density Network
In this type of environment, when the arrival rate is high
(0.95), most of the vehicles be in one cluster, and the messages
will arrive to all vehicles, so we will not need to apply VDTN
because the link will not break and can use all connect (V2V)
(V2I) (V2R). Almost nodes in this network are linked
together; there will be a lot of traffic and strain, network nodes
have a high probability of contacting one another. A smart city
is an instance of a dense network in which numerous
heterogeneous nodes are installed and can communicate with
one another.

Page 6
Due to changes in the arrival rate and topology of the
vehicle's network, some network spares and link end to end
are not found, as mentioned in section IV, so we can apply
DTN. This architecture implements store-and-forward concept
by superimposing a protocol layer called a bundle layer. This
new layer is intended to offer internetworking on
heterogeneous networks that use various transmission
modalities. A source node creates and stores a bundle in this
network when contact is unavailable. When the source node
contacts an intermediate node considered to be closer to the
target node, the package has been delivered. After that, the
intermediate node stores the bundle and transports it until a
new contact becomes available. Such a step is repeated till the
package arrives at its receiver. Bundles have a limited lifespan
and might be dropped due to buffer overflow [48].
A. Bundle Protocol
The purpose of the DTN bundle protocol is to facilitate
communication in difficult circumstances. It is based on a new
bundle layer, which is put between the application and
transport layers as shown in fig 2. Bundled protocol
connections to lower levels are known as "convergence layer
adapters." It is critical to emphasize that the bundle protocol
does not really need to be installed across all nodes in the
network except termination points and a few selected
transitional nodes [49].
The bundle custom features an overlay network that has the
following benefits [50]:
1) Capability to tolerate intermittent connection.
2) Capability to benefit from planned, opportunistic, and
expected connections.
3) Retransmission depending on custody.
Fig. 2. DTN architecture
B. Store Carry and Forward
In contrast to the Internet technique, which is built on the
store and forward assumption, the DTN uses new design
which includes store, carry, and forward paradigms. This
approach allows intermediate nodes to keep bundles in their
buffers for a long amount of time, while waiting for the chance
to connect with the next node until the packet arrives at its
destination or its time to live ends [51]. DTN node is
accountable for the bundles it transports till they are delivered
or sent to other DTN node. Often that it’s advantageous for a
DTN node to delegate responsibility for replicating,
modifying, or deleting its transported bundles to another node.
C. Challenges in DTN
DTN has several difficulties like routing algorithms, flow
control, congestion control, and architecture. These difficulties
have a severe impact on DTN performance. These
circumstances, however, should not affect the DTN efficiency
or performance in [50] briefly explain some of them:
1) Limited buffer size: Because of frequent disconnection,
a huge number of packets are stored in the nodes
2) Very lengthy delays: Latencies can be greater and
transmission rates which be poorer at times.
3) Connection based on opportunity: Communication is
occurring in an ad hoc fashion. As a result, the quantity
of data that may be communicated is limited.
4) Disconnections occur frequently: It is challenging to
estimate once the next node would be ready for
broadcast because node debate is more frequent than
node connection due to the significant delays between
VDTN is a type of DTN that provides authoritative and
effective connections. Different routing methods which
already employed in VDTN to improve network performance
in terms of sending information in the form of packets to their
desired locations [53]. Using the VDTN technique reduces
dependence on RSU, which is high cost and low effectiveness
in some environments like a sparse network or using the
hybrid technique (VDTN and RSU) in other types of networks
such as semi-sparse, as mentioned in section IV. A and B.
A. Characteristics of VDTN
The geographic position, density of nodes, buffer size,
target utility, buffer capacity, relay functionality, meeting
prediction, and other indicators are used to make routing
decisions in VDTN [54]. It is a modern topology comprised of
three node types: terminals, relays, and node mobility.
Terminal nodes are stationary or mobile nodes that can be the
data source or destination. They will provide crucial
information regarding road and weather conditions
(entertainment and traffic jams). Relay nodes are static nodes
with store-and-forward capabilities strategically placed at
intersections. Mobile nodes are responsible for physically
transporting and forwarding packages from the origin to the
destination nodes. As a result, offering a unique routing
mechanism enhances the performance of the VDTN, conveys
messages more efficiently, and increases the life span of the
network [55].
VDTN employs nodes of vehicles to carry packets because it
provides for limited opportunistic connections and is
characterized by a low value of density, intermittent vehicular
activity, and no edge connectivity among nodes. The [56]
offers DesCom, a routing protocol for VDTNs in a highly
restricted and sparsely populated environment. This protocol
bases its choice on the transmission rate, message TTL, and
estimation time. Some of the protocols used in the VDTN are
summarized in Table II.

Page 7
Protocol Environment
Target of Protocol Performance
urban, city
The work
proposes a VDTN
Reduces lost in
resources, raises the
ratio, and minimizes
Presented a
analysis to
evaluate this
benefits of extensive
Smart city
protocol against
protocols of DTN
outperforms well-
DSO [60] Rural areas
communicate in
rural areas using
cellular network
delivery and an
increased delivery
completion rate with
packet size, the
ratio of overhead,
average delay
It has very cheap
cryptographic costs
improvements ratio
of delivery
A [62]
create intelligent
Increase network
efficiently utilizing
system resources.
reducing traffic
artificial intelligence
B. Challenges in Designing VDTN
While developing the VDTN routing scheme, we
encountered the following difficulties [64]:
1. Data transfer is incomplete when the transmitter and
receiver are within each other interface range, data
transmission occurs in any way (X2V, V2V, or V2X). As
a result, to finish the data transmission, the receiver must
remain in the connection range for the transfer duration.
2. Drop a high number of packets directly impacting the
routing protocol efficiency. Also, a few packets may be
dropped during communication due to a temporary
technical problem. With regular packet drops, unwanted
packet drops are unlikely to occur because the relay node
may drop packets unintentionally owing to route changes
or other issues.
C. Buffer Issue
DTNs method demands that the bundle be saved in the
nodes. As a result, routing protocols must understand how to
manage buffer consumption to prevent many needless bundle
copies from circulating at intermediate network nodes. This
matter occurs with the routing system, where the overhead of
bundles in the network is substantial, rendering it unscalable
Clustering is the grouping of vehicles based on correlated
geographic distribution and relative velocity, which can be
utilized to improve routing scalability and reliability in
VANET. Cluster-based systems organize nodes into virtual
groups called "clusters." Geographically adjacent nodes are
placed in the same cluster according to rules. A cluster
typically has three nodes: a cluster head (CH), cluster
members (CM), and gateway nodes. In each cluster, a node is
chosen or elected as a CH, with extra functions like access to
the medium or routing. Clustering appears to be an appealing
contender for VANETs in building scalable and durable
vehicles in the face of high movement and frequent dynamic
topology in VANETs for a variety of reasons. Furthermore,
this method of routing avoids conflicts.
This strategy also has drawbacks. Cluster stability is a
significant problem. Cluster rearrangements and cluster-head
changes are unavoidable in a dynamic environment like
VANET, compromising stability. As a result, the ability to
build stable clusters is one of the most important criteria for
any clustering technology in VANETs [66].
A. Clustering in Vehicle
The vehicles are clustered together with their neighbors.
Automobiles in the same cluster can link in multiple hops.
Vehicle clustering effectively achieves scalability and stability
in network processes and control in a VANET with a large
number of cars. Clusters are often grouped in a continuous line
alongside highways [10].
Whenever vehicles are sufficiently together, only vehicles
in the same cluster can exchange messages. However, because
of the high price, complexity, and non-cooperation between
the government and commercial sectors, RSU implementation
is slow [8]. Fig. 3 illustrates how to use the cluster with RSU
and two lanes. When there are RSUs on the road, a large
enough cluster of cars can fill the gap, moving the message
from RSU to RSU farther away from the sender. The symbols
(U1, U2, and U3) refer to the RSUs scattered along the road. R
denotes the vehicle range, and ˆR denotes the RSU range, the
ˆR ≥ R. The red circle indicates the beginning of the accident
and the start of the message Propagation.
Fig. 3. A snapshot of a road at time t with RSU and informed elements
highlighted in green
Fig. 4 shows how to use the cluster with VDTN, the road
has two lanes. The route can have a single informed cluster
with no RSUs. The system dynamics are simple: at times, only
the static message source is aware of the information. When a
vehicle enters the radio coverage of the sender, the cluster
activated by that vehicle is immediately alerted. However,
there will be no informed vehicles on the road when the last
car in the cluster leaves the message source. From the figure,
we can see a buffer store denoted by black circles inside the

Page 8
green area for the message store because the VDTN uses store
carry-forward mechanics to improve communication
efficiency. Therefore, we can replace RSU with VDTN and
get almost the same performance on the road.
Fig. 4. A snapshot of a road at time t with VDTN and informed elements
highlighted in green
A cluster is a group of vehicles formed when these vehicles
are within a specific range at a given time (t), and the cluster is
recreated with the help of the DTN Node (DTN-N) after that
time (t +). With DTN-vehicles, the cluster does not start from
R (the vehicle range), and the packet in this case is still
available because it is held by DTN vehicles, (g) represents
the cluster length. The trajectory of the message propagation
distance, D (t), is depicted in Fig. 5. And due to DNT
techniques, the packet reaches the longest possible distance,
making the message reach the drivers within an acceptable
period. When the message arrives at the right moment, it will
assist drivers in avoiding accidents by allowing them to
choose whether to enter congestion or use a side road. The
slope is equal to the velocity (v), and message dissemination
distance decreases with velocity; the speed of leaving the
cluster is equal to the velocity of the car. And when the last car
in the cluster departs the packet source, there will be no
informed cars on the road.
Fig. 5. Trajectory of the information distance D (t)
In VANETs, the spectrum of frequency is split into six
channels (SCH) and one control (CCH), all having a 10 MHz
bandwidth. According to the ETSI Research center, every
channel is assigned to a specific application type: 5.855 MHz
to 5.875 MHz is reserved for intelligent transportation
systems, 5.875 MHz to 5.905 MHz is reserved for safety in
addition to ameliorating applications while 5.905 MHz until
5.925 MHz is reserved to future intelligent transportation
systems applications [67].
Fig. 6. Multichannel operations for vehicular ad hoc networks [70].
A. Message
Two categories of applications available: safety and non-
safety as shown in fig. 6. In VANETs, the safety applications
can be used to deliver safety messages, such as warning
messages that aid vehicles on the road so that necessary steps
may be taken to avoid accidents and save persons from
dangerous circumstances, Minimal delay and great reliability
are required for these kinds of safety applications. Road
accident updates, emergency vehicle alerts, traffic jam alerts,
and road construction reports are examples of safety messages
for which it is preferred to use RSU, which gives higher
reliability and faster message transmission, but it has a
Therefore, it is possible to exploit the routing protocols for
VDTN to deliver the message through this connection, even if
additional time has passed.
Non-safety applications, on either side, provide a more
efficient and pleasurable driving experience. Two types of
non-safety applications: infotainment and traffic control. This
type of message can use the VDTN routing protocol to provide
the preferred results because it can tolerate delay.
B. Analysis Study
Node density, mobility model, and several other factors all
have a substantial impact on the performance of a routing
protocol in VANETs. As a result, creating an effective routing
system for all VANET application is exceedingly difficult
[26]. Therefor depending on the challenges and environment
that mentioned earlier, can obtain a comprehensive
understanding of the VANET structure. It can use traditional
routing protocols with RSU or DTN routing protocols without
RSU which depending on many vectors such as environment,
network type, and so on.
Our taxonomy applying VDTN or RSU depending on
various factors, which shows in Fig. 7. Vehicle networks have
a highly dynamic network structure with disruptive and
inconsistent connectivity. Therefore, VDTN technology was
developed to address these connection problems.
In general, VDTN is based on bundle-oriented connectivity
and includes asynchronous as well as store-and-forward
routing mechanisms. This technology must utilize the most
available resources at network nodes to establish a multi-hop
route [6]. protocol is used with fewer vehicles running on
rural area or even in cities at night, especially when lack of
end-to-end paths. Even in heavily populated metropolitan
areas, sparse networks might exist.

Page 9
Fig. 7. Our taxonomy
VDTN protocols could be employed in high, medium, and
low-density environments and used in the application for non-
safety messages that do not require emergency vehicle alerts
or a pre-exit connection. While RSU can be used for safety
messages because it reduces information delivery time and
loss packets, but it is costly compared to VDTN.
Moreover, based on that comparison, hybrid RSU and VDTN
will have superior performance according to environment as
mention in section IV.C.
According to our study analysis on VANET, the main
vectors that should be taken into account when designing
network topology are:
1. Environment has three types of VANET, as mentioned in
section IV. When building network infrastructure, we
should consider which type it is to know communication
use (V2V, V2R, and V2DTN).
2. Type of protocol.
From our study analysis, the VANET has many problems,
such as
1. Message propagation (end-to-end delay).
2. Context-aware navigation for driving safety and collision
3. Cooperative adaptive cruise control in an urban roadway.
4. Platooning on the highway.
5. Cooperative environment sensing.
6. Weather condition.
The proposed DTN Protocol and non-DTN Protocol have
been evaluated for the network of mobile nodes in
comprehensive simulation by utilizing the NS2 Simulators.
Table III lists the simulation parameters that were employed.
The experiments in literature review findings reveal that
DTN routing methods outperform non-DTN routing protocols
regarding throughout and delivery ratio in the spare
environment when the arrival rate λ is low. Therefore, DTN
protocols are better suited for highways due to packet
buffering until an obvious path to a target is available.
However, they cause higher average latency owing to
buffering. In conclusion, non-DTN protocols are better suited
to city environments and network structure alterations are
slower than highways.
NS2 (Network Simulation
Version 2)
TCL, OTCL and C++
Simulation Time
30. 0 Second
Discovery Routing Time
Start From: 0 sec. To
Time to Send Package
Start From 1.5sec. To 30sec
Number of Nodes
(10-250) Mobile Node
Interface Priority Queue (Ifq)
Drop Tail
Antenna Model
Transmission Range of the
Nodes in Cluster
Size of the Message getting
512 KB
Buffer Size of the Nodes in the
Maximum Packet in Ifq 50
This paper studies the significant technologies, RSU and
VDTN in VANET to achieve the best connectivity for vehicle
networks. Specified problems and limitations of both VDTN
and RSU. VDTN technology can maintain a continuous end-
to-end connection because of the constant movement of nodes.
In contrast, RSUs are expensive and challenging to install
along a road. This study indicates that a specific system
performance depends on the resources and environment in
which it operates. Use RSU for the alert message to ensure
timely packet delivery, while for non-safety messages, use
VDTN, which employs store-and-forward technology. In
Future work, we will implement a scenario on the highway
with a length of 10 km and design a protocol dealing with
high-speed vehicles.
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Ahmed Ali Hussein received his B.Sc. Degree in
Computer Engineering from the University of
Technology, Iraq, in 2013. He is a member of the
Iraqi Engineers Association. He is currently a
M.Sc. student at the University of Technology,
Department of Computer Engineering, Iraq. His
research interests are computer engineering,
Wireless networks, ad-hoc wireless networks and
Dr. Dhari Ali Mahmood is currently a Lecturer at
the Department of Computer Engineering,
University of Technology, Iraq. Received a B.Sc.
degree in computer engineering from University of
Technology, Baghdad, Iraq, in 2005 and M.Sc.
degree in computer engineering from GGSIP
University, India in 2014. He obtained his Ph.D. in
Computer Engineering from Budapest University
of Technology and Economics, Hungary in 2021.
Research interests mainly focus on Mobile Ad-hoc
Network (MANET), Vehicular Ad-hoc Network
(VANET), Queueing performance and Computer Networks.