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Re: oka...let's try something else ...

From: Nicolas Gregoire <ngregoire () exaprobe com>
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 15:49:56 +0100

but one of those 5 open ports they don't mentioned
about open ssh port..all that nmap said to me is one
port 6666 is used by ircserv
and when i tried : telnet ip 6666...
it told me that it is his rootkit ssh port !!!!
that maked me very confuse...

Nmap use a file called nmap-services to map a port number to a service.
On my box :

grep 6666 /usr/share/nmap/nmap-services
irc-serv                6666/tcp                # internet relay chat server

But Nmap doesn't try to check if the service listenning on TCP/6666 is ssh ou ircd.

BTW, there's a patch available at ftp://ftp.saurik.com/pub/nmap/ which adds an option to
Nmap and allows service guessing.


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