[go: nahoru, domu]

Using OBS download pages

Welcome to the OBS download page. This page offers a simple way to show your users the latest builds of your packages and appliances by either embedding its output as an iframe in your project homepage, or by creating a download page for you.

Creating a download page for a package

Just create a link to:

Example: http://software.opensuse.org/download/package?package=osc&project=openSUSE%3ATools

To embed this page as an iframe in the download section of your project homepage, you can use this code:

<iframe src='https://software.opensuse.org/download/package.iframe?project=projectnamepackage=packagename'></iframe>
Which will result in an output like this:

Creating a download page for an appliance

If your OBS project is building appliances, you can also link to those with:


To embed an iframe showing the appliances of your project, use this code:

<iframe src='https://software.opensuse.org/download/appliance.iframe?project=projectname'></iframe>

Which will result in an output like this:

Advanced options

JSON output

You can also request the data in json format by using .json as output format, for example: http://software.opensuse.org/download/package.json?package=osc&project=openSUSE%3ATools


To customize the theming of the download page, you have multiple options to change the colors.

Use the parameters bcolor (background), fcolor (foreground), acolor (links) and hcolor (hover) to set the different colors.

