The Buncefield fire of 11 December 2005 seen from a vantage point between the Northgate and 3Com Corporation buildings, about 0.75 miles (1.2 km) away. Note the broken windscreen and rear window on the vehicle in the foreground.
Picture taken by the brother of new Wikipedia user Lvivian.
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The Buncefield fire, a major fire at an oil storage facility on 11 December 2005 at the Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal, located near the M1 motorway, Hemel Hempstead, in Hertfordshire, England
Pożar w Buncefield, pożar w składzie oleju, który wybuchł 11 grudnia 2005 r., w pobliżu autostrady M1, niedaleko Hemel Heamstead, w Wielkiej Brytanii
Picture taken by the brother of new Wikipedia user Lvivian. This a very close shot of the explosion. Notice how the closest car has had it window dented in by force of expolsion.
Ieu berkas ngandung informasi panambah, mumkin ditambahkeun tina kaméra digital atawa pamindéy nu dipaké pikeun nyieun atawa ngadigitalkeun ieu berkas.
Mun ieu berkas geus diropéa tina wangun aslina, sawatara wincikan meureun baé teu sagemblengna ngarépléksikeun informasi ti ieu berkas nu diropéa téh.