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Monday, 6 May, 2002, 08:37 GMT 09:37 UK
Labour's five years: Key events
Tony Blair
Tony Blair has endured ups and downs since 1997
It is the fifth anniversary of the Labour election victory which brought Tony Blair to power.

Click on the stories below to read BBC News Online's extensive coverage of the key moments of Mr Blair's time in Downing Street.

  • 2 May 1997: Labour's victory
    A landslide election win ends Labour's 18 years in the electoral wilderness

  • June 1997: Hague at the helm
    William Hague becomes the youngest Conservative leader since Pitt the Younger

  • July 1997: Opening the purse strings
    Having already made the Bank of England independent, Gordon Brown uses his first Budget to promise an extra £3bn for health and education

    Gordon Brown, Chancellor
    Brown's Budgets have proved to be key events

  • November 1997: Donation doldrums
    Labour Party promises to return a £1m donation from Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone

  • December 1997: First revolt
    The government freezes benefits paid to single parents in a move that will spark backbench revolt.

  • March 1998: Second Budget
    Gordon Brown announces changes to the tax and benefits system, heralding the start of the working families tax credit.

  • April 1998: Peace breakthrough
    Days of round-the-clock talks end with the Good Friday Agreement, paving the way for the new Northern Ireland Assembly.

  • December 1998: Resignation
    Trade Secretary Peter Mandelson resigns after details of his home loan from Treasury Minister Geoffrey Robinson are revealed.

    Peter Mandelson
    Peter Mandelson's two resignations have punctuated the five years

  • March 1999: Kosovo campaign
    Nato decides to unleash air strikes against Yugoslavia as diplomacy fails to halt violence in Kosovo.

  • May 1999: National voices
    Devolution becomes a reality as the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly hold their first sittings.

  • November 1999: End of the peer show
    Hundreds of hereditary peers bid farewell to the House of the Lords as their right to sit in Parliament is abolished.

  • May 2000: Premier delivery
    Tony Blair and his wife Cherie celebrate the birth of their son, Leo

  • June 2000: WI's jeers
    The Women's Institute heckle Tony Blair as he tries to win back the political initiative

  • September 2000: Under seige
    Petrol pumps ran dry as fuel protestors blockade Britain's refineries

  • January 2001: Goodbye again
    Having returned to government as Northern Ireland Secretary, Peter Mandelson resigns again over the Hinduja passport affair

  • February 2001: Farms in crisis
    Foot-and-mouth disease means millions of livestock are slaughtered

  • March 2001: Election Budget
    Schools and hospitals are the winners in a Budget that lays down the general election battle lines

    The wreckage of the World Trade Center
    11 September posed the biggest challenge to Tony Blair

  • June 2001: Poll positions
    Labour wins a second landslide and William Hague resigns after an election campaign that saw the deputy prime minister hit a voter

  • September 2001: America under attack
    Tony Blair condemns the "new evil" of mass terrorism in the wake of the US terror attacks, which lead to the war in Afghanistan

  • September 2001: Blue contest
    Iain Duncan Smith beats off Ken Clarke's challenge to become Conservative leader

  • October 2001: Drugs change
    Home Secretary David Blunkett says he wants to relax laws on possession of cannabis

  • February 2002: Transport departures
    Jo Moore, the spin doctor who suggested 11 September was a good day to bury bad news, resigns amid in-fighting at the Transport Department.

  • April 2002: Taxing times
    Gordon Brown raises National Insurance to pump more cash into the National Health Service

  • Key Stories




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