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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Great news: 31-year-old woman who was approved for euthanasia based on MCS has found a clean place to live.

Alex Schadenberg
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

I have great news.

A 31-year-old woman who was approved for (MAiD) euthanasia based on her condition that (MCS) that causes her to have strong allergic sensitivities to chemicals, has been helped by individual donors who have enabled her to move to a location that does not trigger her allergic sensitivities.

On April 30th, Avis Favaro, the CTV National News Medical Correspondent, reported that a 31-year-old Ontario woman was approved for (MAiD) euthanasia for chemical sensitivities

Favaro reported that Denise (not her real name) is diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), which triggers rashes, difficulty breathing, and blinding headaches called hemiplegic migraines that cause her temporary paralysis. Favaro reported:

She desperately wants to move to an apartment that’s wheelchair accessible and has cleaner air. But her only income is from Ontario’s Disability Support Program (ODSP). She receives a total of $1,169 a month plus $50 for a special diet. "I've applied for MAiD essentially...because of abject poverty," she said.

Favaro followed-up on this story and reported on May 28 that: 

She told CTV News at the time that she had spent months trying to secure housing with cleaner air and essentially gave up and was cleared by two doctors as qualifying for an assisted death.

But now she's found a temporary home, is no longer struggling for every breath and her extreme suffering has lessened, her application for MAID is on pause. However, Denise says she has not cancelled the MAID application outright as she still has several other pain-causing chronic health issues that haven't been properly addressed.

Favaro reported that:

After the story garnered worldwide attention, supporters set up a GoFundMe campaign that has now has amassed over $65,000 in donations from nearly 1,000 people along with countless emails of encouragement.

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition promoted the GoFundMe campaign and helped to raise the $65,000. But we recognize that "Denise" has not yet decided to live, she has only temporarily put her death on hold. The problem remains, death is considered an answer to human problems.

We believe in a society that cares for people like "Denise" and does not abandon her to death.


Voice of Gone Ballistic said...

I still think the Salvation Army is responsible for her.
The Salvation Army was her landlord, not a greedy corporation.
The Salvation Army has $billions in assets.
Why is it that no one attacks the churches for not doing enough.

Deacon Bill Gallerizzo said...

The real issue always seems to be availability of resources over actual medical conditions. Even in a country with National Health, any patient shouldn't have to choose between dying to save money, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Praying she finds relief from her ongoing problems and finds hope in continued living. Euthanasia is NEVER the answer!