[go: nahoru, domu]

Trademark Usage Policy


The word “TYPO3” is one of the trademarks owned by the TYPO3 Association.

In this article, it is referred to as "a TYPO3 trademark". We would like to extend fair usage of our trademark as widely as possible, so we have created the following guidelines to help people understand what is (and is not) OK. *

Permission for Use

Written permission from the TYPO3 Association is required to use any of the TYPO3 trademarks as any part of your project or associated assets. Please contact us on via this form if you would like to enquire about permission for use.

The purpose of a trademark is not to prevent anyone else in the world from using it, it is to prevent confusion amongst consumers as to which brand is the "official" one. Our primary criteria for the approval or denial of trademark usage requests is whether or not people might confuse it for an official TYPO3 Association project.

Automatic Approval

In some special cases, we will grant automatic permission for a project to use a TYPO3 trademark. Explicit permission to use the trademark is not required when a project meets the following criteria:

1) Exclusively Promoting the TYPO3 Software

You use a TYPO3 trademark exclusively to extend or improve the TYPO3 software, or to encourage the use of the TYPO3 software (in short: to promote the TYPO3 software).

OK: An open access, free monthly newsletter called "TYPO3 Weekly"
OK: A freely distributed TYPO3 theme called "Gold Plated TYPO3"

Not OK: A TYPO3 fork called "A Non-Sucky Version of TYPO3"
Not OK: Selling t-shirts with the TYPO3 logo to raise money for another cause.

2) Without Giving the Appearance of Being Official

Any use of the TYPO3 trademarks in a domain name, title of a website, seminar, software package, book, magazine or video that is exclusively intended to promote the TYPO3 software and does not give the appearance of being an official TYPO3 publication.

Automatic Approval: A non-commercial website called "howtoinstalltypo3.com"
Automatic Approval: A keynote called "Getting Started with TYPO3"

Requires Permission: A book titled "The Official TYPO3 Guide"
Requires Permission: A commercial website called "typo3hosting.com".

3) For a User Group, Camp, or Meetup

All TYPO3 trademarks can be used in the title of a user groupcamp, or meetup, but not in combination with the words: conference, conf, convention, or association.

OK: TYPO3 Annual Meetup 2013

Not OK: TYPO3Conf London

4) Unmodified Use on Product Packaging

When you display the official TYPO3 logo (whether for commercial or non-commercial use) in a standalone and unaltered form.

OK: Putting the TYPO3 logo on your product packaging.

Not OK: Changing the colors or shape of the TYPO3 logo for your own purposes.
Not OK: Putting the TYPO3 logo on your product packaging without referring to the typo3.org website.

5) When Describing Your Services

When you use a TYPO3 trademarks to describe your product or services without implying any kind of official link to the TYPO3 Association or the TYPO3 open source project in general.

OK: Referring to your services as specialising in TYPO3 development.

Not OK: Referring to yourself as The TYPO3 Consultant.

Automatic Restriction

Some specific cases will always require explicit permission from the TYPO3 Association use a TYPO3 trademark. Even if you meet the criteria for automatic approval, you must always seek permission for trademark use if your project meets any of the following criteria:

1) Implying an Official Connection

The use of the TYPO3 trademarks implies an official link between your product or service and the TYPO3 Association. For example:

  • A domain called officialtypo3faq.org
  • A website titled TYPO3 Support Agency
  • A company called TYPO3 Development Ltd.

2) As a Top-Level Domain Name

When any TYPO3 trademark as a top level domain name (i.e. [trademark].tld). For example:

  • The domain name typo3.guru

3) In a Broadly Defined Domain Name

When any TYPO3 trademark is used as part of a domain name that covers an entire category of products or services that are relevant to the TYPO3 community. For example:

  • typo3-themes.com
  • typo3-extensions.org
  • typo3-tshirts.us
  • typo3mobile.co.uk
  • typo3-magazine.eu
  • typo3-hosting.net

4) In a Registered Name

When a TYPO3 trademark is used as part of the name of a company, organization, trade name, or association. For example:

  • TYPO3 Users Germany
  • TYPO3 Inc
  • TYPO3 Bloggers Association

5) In Advertising Campaigns

When you would like to use the TYPO3 trademark as a part of an advertising campaign. For example:

  • Google AdWords/AdSense
  • Facebook promoted posts
  • A television advertisement
  • Twitter account names

Not sure? Contact Us.

If you are unsure whether or not your trademark use qualifies for automatic approval, please contact us at trademark(at)typo3.org.

Applying for Permission

If you would like to apply for permission to use a TYPO3 trademark based on the guidelines above, please fill in the register trademark usage form, including full contact details and the details of your requested use.

Register Trademark Usage

Your application's approval will primarily be considered based on these criteria:

  • Does it suggest an official link or could be confused as an official project?
  • Does it promote the use of TYPO3?
  • Is it released under an open source license compatible with the TYPO3 license?
  • Is it created by significant contributors to the TYPO3 open source project?
  • Will it have a positive impact on the TYPO3 community in general?

Usage Rules

With the exception of the nominative fair use of a TYPO3 trademark, your use of the trademark is subject to the following rules (regardless of whether you received automatic or explicit permission for use):

Any use of a TYPO3 trademark implies acceptance of this policy.

A TYPO3 trademark cannot be used for illegal, defamatory, or humiliating purposes, or any other purpose that may negatively impact the TYPO3 software or the TYPO3 Association.

Wherever possible, a TYPO3 trademark should be accompanied by the following text (or an appropriate translation): “TYPO3 and its logo are trademarks of the TYPO3 Association.”

These trademark rules and guidelines are subject to change at any time. It is your responsibility to periodically check this agreement for changes.

Using the Trademarks for an Event

Are you planning a TYPO3-related event? You have the full support of the TYPO3 Association. Please note the following conditions:

  1. You agree to follow these trademark guidelines and communicate the event to the TYPO3 Association.
  2. All of the above guidelines for company names, domains, links, and other identifiers, also apply to events.
  3. The organizer must be a member of the TYPO3 Association.
  4. The event must be a public event with no participation restrictions, except any maximum number of participants.

We also ask that you consider donating a percentage of the event's total revenue to the TYPO3 Association. This donation will support the TYPO3 project.

Register an Event

We would like to thank the people at Ghost.org, whose trademark page inspired us.

*) TYPO3 Neos and TYPO3 Flow are also trademarks of the TYPO3 Association. They will possibly be transfered to a possible new legal entity in the future. For the time being, we are not accepting trademark usage registrations for these trademarks, as the rules are expected to change. Please refer to Wikipedia's page on Trademarks for additional information on trademark usage.

This page was last changed by the typo3.org team, on behalf of the TYPO3 Association Trademark Team, 13th October 2017.