women working in an office building


When world-class institutions work collaboratively to take on big challenges, society benefits.

At UL Research Institutes, we’re driven to engineer a safer and more sustainable world through independent safety science research. We also know that the most impactful research is built on innovative partnerships. From collaborating with leading researchers on basic and applied science, to partnering with organizations that amplify safety science breakthroughs, UL Research Institutes actively aligns with partners to accomplish our safety science mission.
people sitting at tables watching a presentation

How we partner to advance safety science

  • Research Partnerships
    UL Research Institutes partners with leading researchers across diverse disciplines to broaden the scope and impact of its safety and sustainability research. These partnerships are integral to ensuring diverse and novel approaches to safety science’s biggest challenges.
  • Amplification Partnerships
    Our safety science mission necessitates that we bring discoveries and innovations out of the laboratory and share them broadly with the public. To accomplish this, UL Research Institutes creates partnerships that expand the reach and impact of its discoveries in safety.
  • Convenings
    As an international leader in safety and sustainability science, UL Research Institutes frequently convenes subject matter experts across disciplines to advance collaboration in safety-related fields.

We aim to ensure our research and work reflects the perspectives and needs of the diverse cultures on the front lines of the world’s urgent safety challenges.

Safety science must embody the perspectives of everyone it’s supposed to protect — no matter who they are, what they look like, or where they live. In practice, our commitment to inclusivity means encouraging a wide range of voices. It means doing more to ensure our efforts incorporate the full diversity of our world.

Our commitment to inclusivity underscores the importance of collaboration and partnerships. When we work with people of different races, genders, economic backgrounds, and more, we can examine existing safety challenges from new angles, solve problems more quickly, and build a more resilient society.

Partnerships enable us to call upon our deep reservoir of trust and credibility to collaborate with leaders and address shared challenges.

When more people make a breakthrough discovery or build a coalition for progress, it helps advance a vision of the world in which we all want to live. In short, an inclusive world is a safer world.
